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Facial reanimation in the paediatric population

8th Jul 2024
3:30 - 4:30pm (GMT)
8th Jul 2024
3:30 - 4:30pm (GMT)
Online event
Attendance certificate available
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This webinar series is aimed at foundation doctors and core surgical trainees who are aspiring to pursue a career in plastic surgery. It will consist of 14, one hour sessions that focus on the ISCP plastic surgery curriculum. We aim to improve basic knowledge of the different sub-specialties within the field of plastic surgery. By covering these topics in greater detail we hope to better prepare applicants for plastic surgery ST3 posts.


The general aim of this series is to improve plastic surgery teaching for junior doctors below ST3 level. This will enable easy and free access to good quality teaching delivered by consultants and senior registrars. The nature in which it is delivered will allow access to trainees from a wide variety of backgrounds both within the UK and internationally.

The 14 sessions will each explore a specific sub-specialty within the field of plastic surgery in order to give trainees a better prespective of what a career in plastic surgery entails. This will allow them to make a more informed decision when applying for ST3 posts.

We aim to cover the basic management of each of the core learning objectives set out within the national ISCP plastic surgery curriculum so trainees are better prepared when taking up an ST3 post.

Learning Objectives

By the end of this webinar, attendees should be able to:

  • Know the clinical anatomy of the face.
  • Know the pathophysiology of facial nerve palsy and its secondary sequele including hyperkinesis and synkinesis.
  • Understand the non-invasive (botulinium toxin) and invasive (cross facial nerve grafting) options available for facial reanimation.
  • Recognise the limits of surgical intervention.


Our panellists include:

  • Mr. Ramesh Vidyadharan - Consultant Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon, Birmingham Children's Hospital.
  • Ms Natalia Makhdoom - CT2 working in the West Midlands.
  • Dr Sivasri Krishna Yellamraju - Junior Clinical Fellow Birmingham Women's and Children's Hospital.


1 Hour


This essential webinar focuses on the advanced procedure of facial reanimation in the paediatric population. Designed specifically for medical professionals, the session offers valuable insights into the latest techniques, challenges, case studies, and best practices associated with facial paralysis treatment in children. It will prove incredibly beneficial for medical practitioners aiming to enhance their skills and understanding of an intricate area of paediatric healthcare. Don't miss out on this opportunity to learn directly from leading experts in the field.

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8th Jul 2024
3:30 - 4:30pm (GMT)
Online event
Attendance certificate available
This event has ended. Similar events