F1 CLASS - Local Anaesthetic Infiltration & Toxicity Simulation
This F1 Class focuses on the crucial skills of Local Anaesthetic Infiltration & Toxicity Simulation. Ideal for medical professionals, this session offers in-depth knowledge on how to administer local anaesthetics, manage potential complications, and effectively handle cases of toxicity. Through simulation, you'll gain hands-on experience and acquire invaluable skills for real-world applications. Don't miss out on this opportunity to enhance your expertise and provide better, safer care to your patients.
Learning objectives
By the end of the session, participants will be able to accurately identify the indications, contraindications, and potential complications associated with local anaesthetic infiltration.
Learners will gain knowledge on how to prepare an accurate concentration and volume of local anaesthetic, understanding key safety protocols and sterile techniques.
Throughout the session, participants will learn to demonstrate proficient skills in infiltrating local anaesthetics, specifically focusing on techniques that minimize patient discomfort and potential complications.
Participants will develop the ability to recognize and manage local anaesthetic systemic toxicity, including early symptoms and emergency treatment approaches.
Attendees will get equipped to effectively communicate with patients about the process, benefits, and potential risks of local anaesthetic infiltration. This should further develop their empathy and patient education skills.