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EUPS Year 5 Paediatrics Mock OSCE 2

16th Feb 2024
5:35 - 7:15pm (GMT)
16th Feb 2024
5:35 - 7:15pm (GMT)
Not an online event
Attendance certificate available
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"EUPS Year 5 Paediatrics Mock OSCE 2" is a comprehensive teaching session specifically designed for Year 5 medical professionals. This informative course aims to prepare participants for the Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) with a focus on pediatric care. The mock examination environment offers students the opportunity to practice their skills in a safe space, build confidence, and receive immediate feedback on their performance. This experience will be invaluable for those looking to excel in their clinical assessment and paediatric care. Definitely a must-attend for everyone making strides towards a successful medical career in paediatrics.

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Learning objectives

  1. By the end of the session, participants should be able to demonstrate proficient clinical examination skills suitable for a paediatric population, such as communicating effectively with child patients and parents, and using appropriate examination techniques.

  2. Attendees should be able to identify and diagnose common paediatric medical conditions by integrating clinical findings, patient history, and diagnostic test results effectively.

  3. Participants should be able to develop appropriate management plans for various paediatric conditions, taking into account the age, comorbidities, and the psychosocial context of the child.

  4. Attendees should adequately demonstrate the ability to log, review and communicate critical findings during an OSCE examination, following appropriate protocols.

  5. By the end of the session, participants should have enhanced their skills in handling ethically challenging situations in paediatric settings, such as dealing with informed consent, confidentiality, and decision making in minors.

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16th Feb 2024
5:35 - 7:15pm (GMT)
Not an online event
Attendance certificate available
This event has ended. Similar events