Date & Time: Friday 20th December 2024 at 9:00 pm Cairo time.
Venue: Online
Chair/Moderator: Prof. Mohamed Elashhab- Dean of Benha faculty of medicine
Mr. Mohamed Hashem- Consultant Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery- UK
9:00 PM – 9:20 PM :
UK Foot and Ankle Thrombo-Embolism Audit (UK-FATE): A Multicentre Prospective Study of Venous Thromboembolism in Foot and Ankle Surgery
Jitendra Mangwani, Lyndon W Mason, Karan Malhotra, Linzy Houchen-Wolloff
Presenter: Mr. Mohamed El-Shial, Orthopedic Registrar, Swansea, UK
9:20 PM – 9:30 PM
9:30 PM – 9:50 PM
Vitamin C prevention of complex regional pain syndrome after foot and ankle surgery: a prospective randomized study of three hundred and twenty-nine patients
Jacques Hernigou, Adeline Labadens, Barbara Ghistelinck, Emilie Bui Quoc, Renaud Maes, Harkirat Bhogal, Antoine Callewier, Olivier Bath, Esfandiar Chahidi, Adonis Safar
Presenter: Dr. Hatem Hussain, Senior Clinical Fellow (SCF), Southend Hospital, UK
9:50 PM – 10:00 PM
10:00 PM