Elective Shoulder Term (3): The Failing TSR
Catch-up content
This elective shoulder rotator session is designed to equip medical professionals with the knowledge and skills necessary to manage a TSR failure, addressing imaging, indications, techniques, and management of complications. There will also be practical demonstrations of shoulder repairs and a review of international evidence-based practice guidelines. Participants will gain the necessary knowledge to confidently treat a failing TSR, while discussions regarding the prevention and management of a failed rotator cuff repair will be also encouraged.
Learning objectives
Identify the key indications and contraindications of a Total Shoulder Replacement (TSR).
Analyze the patient’s condition with a multifactorial approach.
Investigate the pathomechanics of shoulder instability in failed TSRs.
Establish an algorithm for evaluation and management of failed TSRs.
Describe current techniques and the outcome measures used to diagnose a failing TSR.