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Critically ill surgical patient

22nd Feb 2024
6:30 - 7:30pm (GMT)
22nd Feb 2024
6:30 - 7:30pm (GMT)
Hosted on MedAll
Attendance certificate available
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Session is 1 hour long with time at the end for Q&A. This educational session is focused on the identification of critically ill surgical patients and interventions for managing common postoperative issues and complications. It appeals to FY doctors to understand the dynamics of critical patient care. Don't miss this opportunity to strengthen your knowledge and skills in this essential area!


Boost your proficiency in identifying and managing critically ill surgical patients at our one-hour educational session. This intensive session is ideal for FY doctors aiming to enrich their understanding of critical patient care dynamics and postoperative complications management. Hone your skills, ask questions, and keep abreast with essential care practices. Don't miss out!

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Learning objectives

  1. To understand and identify the signs and symptoms of critical illness in surgical patients.
  2. To enhance knowledge on the various factors precipitating critical illness postoperatively and the typical postoperative complications that can lead to a critically ill patient.
  3. To develop proficiency in managing common postoperative issues and complications in critically ill surgical patients.
  4. To understand the principles of communication and decision-making in the context of managing critically ill surgical patients.
  5. To enhance skills in applying evidence-based practice when providing care for critically ill surgical patients, using case scenarios and treatment protocols.
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22nd Feb 2024
6:30 - 7:30pm (GMT)
Hosted on MedAll
Attendance certificate available
This event has ended. Similar events