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Critical Appraisal for SFP Interviews - Introduction

16th Oct 2023
5:30 - 6:30pm (GMT)
16th Oct 2023
5:30 - 6:30pm (GMT)
Hosted on MedAll
Attendance certificate available
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We are excited to launch our first series of the year!

Title: Interactive Critical Appraisal for the SFP – Course

Target audience: Final year medical students

Description: A 6-session interactive course on critical appraisal of abstracts for the SFP interviews. Registered attendees will be sent a paper in advance followed by a session where the tutor goes through the appraisal with the attendees.

Delivered by: Dr. Leila Motedayen Aval, a Foundation 1 SFP doctor at the NMGH and a recent Imperial graduate. She is interested in setting up sessions on critical appraisal as it is often required in the London and Oxbridge deaneries.


This interactive 6-session course is perfect for medical professionals who are looking to help their students excel in SFP interviews. Attendees will be sent papers to review in advance, with tutors going through the appraisal process to ensure concepts are clearly understood. Led by Dr. Leila Motedayen Aval, a Foundation 1 SFP doctor with experience in the London and Oxbridge deaneries, this course will provide powerful skills and knowledge to help attendees and their students get the best results.
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Learning objectives

1. Understand the key components of critical appraisal. 2. Develop the skills to identify and analyse Strengths and Weaknesses in a research paper. 3. Gain confidence discussing papers in a group setting. 4. Learn strategies for effectively articulating critical appraisal of research in job and fellowship interviews. 5. Become familiar with different types of research studies and evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of each.
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16th Oct 2023
5:30 - 6:30pm (GMT)
Hosted on MedAll
Attendance certificate available
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