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Core Surgical Training Interview Course

19th Jan 2025
10:00am - 3:00pm (GMT)
19th Jan 2025
10:00am - 3:00pm (GMT)
Hosted on MedAll
Attendance certificate available
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Mind the Bleep is excited to announce the CST interview course!

This comprehensive 1 day course will provide helpful tips on how to approach each station and realistic mock exams with personalised feedback, this will be run by successful core surgical trainees.


Join the exciting Core Surgical Training Interview Course by Mind the Bleep, a one-day comprehensive workshop aimed at helping medical professionals succeed in their interviews. The course offers useful insights on tackling each interview station, plus realistic mock exams conducted and evaluated by successful core surgical trainees. Personalised feedback ensures that all attendees stand an impressive chance of success. Gear up for a day of extremely valuable learning.

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Learning objectives

  1. To understand the structure and expectations of a Core Surgical Training interview. Participants should gain an in-depth understanding of what to expect, how to prepare, and what the interview panel will be looking for.

  2. To develop effective interview skills specific to the Core Surgical Training process. These will include answering high-pressure questions, demonstrating decision-making capabilities, and showcasing your ability to manage complex surgical scenarios.

  3. To familiarize with common interview questions and answers. Attendees should walk away with knowledge of commonly asked questions during the interview and strategies on how to effectively respond.

  4. To gain feedback on personal performance through mock interviews. By the end of the day, participants should have received personalized feedback on their interview skills, identifying their strengths and areas for improvement.

  5. To encourage networking and peer interaction among aspiring core surgical trainees. Attendees should aim to foster connections, exchange ideas, and learn from the experiences of their peers to further improve their own surgical training journey.

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19th Jan 2025
10:00am - 3:00pm (GMT)
Hosted on MedAll
Attendance certificate available
This event has ended. Similar events