Hello everyone,
This will be an informative webinar discussing working as a doctor in Australia with opportunity for questions.
Many doctors make the move to find a career in Australia every year. This is not only due to the amazing weather but great work life balance and excellent career opportunities also.
Many UK graduates decide to take an F3 year in Australia. This webinar will be hosted by doctors currently working in Australia.
We will discuss the process of finding, applying to and starting a new job. Run over some key information, things we wish we knew during the process and give you some insight into our experience so far.
The webinar will be joined by the team from Skilled Medical, an international medical recruitment team. They will be giving some information about their recruitment process and answering some questions.
There will be plenty of time for questions at the end and we hope you can join us on this webinar.
Please attach any questions you think should be covered in the attendance sign up link,