Brainbook - Gross Neuroanatomy
Catch-up content
This engaging session, named "Brainbook - Gross Neuroanatomy", dives deeply into the intricate details and structure of human neuroanatomy. Medical professionals will find this extremely beneficial as it provides an interactive and comprehensive overview of the brain's gross anatomy. This session is perfect for expanding your understanding, broadening your knowledge base, and keeping up-to-date with the latest insights in neuroanatomy. Don't miss out this opportunity to learn more about the complexities of the brain.
Learning objectives
Understand and identify the key components of gross neuroanatomy, including major structures of the brain, spinal cord and peripheral nervous system.
Describe the functions of different areas of the brain and the effects of damage or disease on these areas.
Interpret and analyze different methods of studying gross neuroanatomy, such as MRI scans, CT scans, and autopsies.
Apply this knowledge of gross neuroanatomy to identify potential symptoms and diagnoses of neurological disorders or injuries.
Critically analyze and discuss recent research and contemporary issues related to gross neuroanatomy in relation to medical practice.