BOARDROUND teaching 28.4.23: External advice records. MCCD issuing, Right patient, Right blood, Ambulatory clinic protocols and housekeeping
This on-demand teaching session is designed for medical professionals and will explore the key topics of MCCD issuing, Right patient, Right blood, Ambulatory clinic protocols and housekeeping. Attendees will benefit from being able to engage with experts to gain a better understanding of how to optimise their external advice records and ensure the best possible patient outcomes in their ambulatory clinics. Don't miss out – join us for this important and informative session.
Learning objectives
Identify and explain the purpose of external advice records.
Describe the process for issuing a Medical Certificate of Cause of Death (MCCD).
Explain the concept of "Right patient, Right blood" and explain its importance in the medical setting.
Outline the protocols in place for Ambulatory clinic operations.
Describe the importance of housekeeping in maintaining a safe and effective medical environment.