BOARDROUND teaching 2.5.23: Best practice reviews: Right patient, Right blood. External advice records. Nosocomial infections and foreign travel IPC advice: C. Auris. NO2 RCEM safety alert and environmental impacts
This Boardround teaching session for medical professionals is packed with useful advice to help ensure the right patient gets the right blood and how to navigate external advice records in addition to other important topics such as nosocomial infections, foreign travel IPC advice, C. Auris, the RCEM safety alert, and environmental impacts. Come learn the latest knowledge and best practices in the field to stay up-to-date and be better equipped to protect your patients in this informative webinar.
Learning objectives
Understand the importance of best practice reviews in providing the right patient with the right blood via external advice records.
Discuss strategies to reduce the risk of nosocomial infections within the medical practice.
Identify methods to provide advice to patients on Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) concerning the pathogen C. Auris.
Analyze the RCEM safety alert on the environmental impacts of NOâ‚‚.
Create a plan of action to reduce the risk of nosocomial infections in the future based on the content discussed in the session.