Assessment of the Acutely Unwell Patient - MSMP
Catch-up content
This session is designed for medical professionals who are interested in learning more about assessing and managing the acutely unwell patient. This interactive teaching session will focus on the MSMP approach – a methodical approach to understanding symptoms and making the right diagnosis. There will be a panel of experts discussing real-world cases and illustrating the MSMP approach. Attendees will also have the opportunity to discuss cases and practice the MSMP approach.
Learning objectives
Develop a comprehensive assessment of acutely unwell patients among medical professionals.
Identify critical laboratory abnormalities and other indicators of the severity of an acute illness.
Apply advanced medical-surgical management principles to the acutely unwell patient.
Utilize strategies to minimize the risk of complications related to acutely unwell patients.
Utilize communication skills effectively to document, coordinate, and communicate with multi-disciplinary teams in the treatment of acutely unwell patients.