✨Interested in oncology, surgery or Interventional radiology?
Want to be involved in a simulated MDT?
Want to raise money for Cancer Research UK and eat domino’s pizza?✨📣
Cutting edge, OncSoc and X-posure have come together yo create an interactive case based discussion MDT event!
Domino’s pizza will be provided with a reccomend donation, with all money raised going to cancer research UK!
When: 18th January at 7pm (finishing at around 8:30pm)
Where: Room 4 LUU
What: An interactive discussion between consultant surgeons, oncologists and interventional radiologists surrounding 3 clinical cases, with associated imaging, to see how each speciality would approach the management of an oncology case. The speakers value any input from all attendees with the opportunity to put forward your thoughts on how to approach each case! This will be followed by a Q&A and opportunity to talk and network with our speakers! This event is targeted at medical students in all years.
Please indicate if you wish to attend on this Google form (so we can order enough pizza!):
If you can't come in person don't worry, join online via MedAll!
We look forward to seeing you there! 📣✨