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AIM Year 4 Tutorial: Interpretation of test results - Blood tests, x-rays, ECGs (online)

20th Mar 2024
7:00 - 9:00pm (GMT)
20th Mar 2024
7:00 - 9:00pm (GMT)
Online event
Attendance certificate available
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Consolidate your practice in interpreting test results (bloods, x-rays, ECGs) in our Year 4 tutorial, designed specifically for medical professionals. This interactive session offers critical insights and top tips for end of year 4 OSCEs and written exams, making it an indispensable resource in your medical journey. Don't miss out on this opportunity to refine your skills and broaden your understanding.

Zoom link: https://ed-ac-uk.zoom.us/j/82069210409

Meeting ID: 820 6921 0409

Passcode: wBG3xhve


Enhance your ability to interpret medical test results in 'AIM Year 4 Tutorial: Interpretation of Test Results - Blood tests, X-rays, ECGs'. This online workshop, designed especially for medical professionals, offers invaluable insights and expert advice for Year 4 OSCEs and written exams. Join us online to refine your skills, deepen your understanding, and ace your exams. Secure your spot on Zoom for this interactive and vital session. Don't let this golden learning opportunity slip away!

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Learning objectives

  1. To enhance understanding of interpreting various blood tests, including full blood counts and biochemistry panels, to assist in the diagnosis of patient conditions.
  2. To develop the ability to analyze radiographic images, such as X-rays, and identify abnormalities, contributing factors and potential causa of the condition in the process of making accurate diagnoses.
  3. To become proficient in reading and interpreting Electrocardiograms (ECGs) in a variety of patient conditions, particularly in suspected cardiac pathologies.
  4. To improve familiarity with common abnormalities and clinical correlations in blood tests, X-rays, and ECGs, with the intent of using this knowledge to guide treatment decisions.
  5. To gain confidence and expertise in presenting the interpretations of test results in a clear and logical manner, in preparation for Year 4 OSCEs and written exams.
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20th Mar 2024
7:00 - 9:00pm (GMT)
Online event
Attendance certificate available
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