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AIM Year 1 Tutorial: Revision Session

26th Nov 2024
7:00 - 9:00pm (GMT)
26th Nov 2024
7:00 - 9:00pm (GMT)
Not an online event
Attendance certificate available
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This event will be an in-person revision session. Bring your friends and join the fun! We will have questions from all topics across the term to help you prepare for your first medical exams. What better way than to do it all together?

Location: Room 4.1, Lister Learning and Teaching Centre

*Due to limited availability, please only turn up if you have signed up on MedAll. If you can no longer make the session, please remove your registration or let us know so that other people can join our revision session. *


Join the AIM Year 1 Tutorial: Revision Session, a comprehensive in-person study session where you can revisit all topics from the term to prepare for your first medical exams. With questions covering every topic and a communal spirit of learning, enhance your knowledge and skills while preparing with your peers.

Learning objectives

  1. To review and consolidate knowledge from all topics covered during the first year of medical school.
  2. To enhance understanding of complex medical topics through group discussions and question-answer sessions.
  3. To gain the ability to identify gaps in personal knowledge and devise strategies for independent learning.
  4. To apply theoretical knowledge to practical purpose for preparing for medical exams.
  5. To encourage peer-to-peer learning and promote a collaborative approach in addressing gaps in knowledge and understanding of medical topics.
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26th Nov 2024
7:00 - 9:00pm (GMT)
Not an online event
Attendance certificate available
This event has ended. Similar events