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Acute and Chronic Graft Rejection - Clinical Presentation and Management

24th Apr 2024
6:30 - 7:30pm (GMT)
24th Apr 2024
6:30 - 7:30pm (GMT)
Hosted on MedAll
Attendance certificate available
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BTPT is a group of UK physician trainees, researchers and fellows passionate about solid organ transplantation across a range of medical specialties. The society was founded in April 2023 and seeks to promote engagement amongst like-minded physician trainees and provide educational, training and academic opportunities to help further their careers.

​This is the second event in our ongoing education series.

We have two fantastic speakers who will discuss the management of common presentations in transplant patients presenting to hospital acutely unwell.

Dr Caroline Dudreuilh (Consultant Nephrologist, Guy's Hospital, London) will discuss the approach to rejection in patients with a renal transplant.

Prof Alberto Sanchez Fueyo (Consultant Hepatologist, King's College London) will discuss rejection in patients with a liver transplant.

The webinar is open to trainees of all grades and specialties. We hope you can join us as we start our journey into the world of transplant medicine!


Join the British Transplantation Trainees and Professionals group for an insightful session on Acute and Chronic Graft Rejection. This session will provide invaluable knowledge on managing transplant patients who present unwell at hospitals. Learn from acclaimed speakers like Dr. Caroline Dudreuilh, a Consultant Nephrologist at Kings College London, on dealing with rejection in renal transplant patients, and another speaker who will delve into rejection in liver transplant cases. This educational experience is open to medical trainees across all specialties and levels, providing an excellent opportunity to further careers in transplant medicine.
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Learning objectives

1. Identify and comprehend the differences between acute and chronic graft rejection in the context of solid organ transplantation. 2. Understand the common clinical presentations of patients experiencing acute and chronic graft rejection, and how to effectively diagnose these conditions. 3. Learn the optimal approaches to the management of graft rejection in patients with renal transplants, informed by the expertise of Dr. Caroline Dudreuilh. 4. Evaluate the appropriate management options for rejection in patients with a liver transplant from the perspective of a specialist speaker to be confirmed. 5. Enhance discussion and networking opportunities in the field of transplant medicine, with the aim to increase the sharing of expertise, patient management strategies, and advancements in the field.
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24th Apr 2024
6:30 - 7:30pm (GMT)
Hosted on MedAll
Attendance certificate available
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