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29th Feb 2024
7:00 - 8:00pm (GMT)
Hosted on MedAll
Attendance certificate available
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Would you like to be at the forefront of new GUM discoveries? Do you want to push the boundaries of sexual health knowledge?

If you have ever thought about getting involved in academia and research as a student, trainee or during a career in GUM, this is the talk for you!

We will be hearing from Professor Jaime Vera (Professor of HIV medicine, Consultant Physician) and Dr Manik Kohli (Clinical Research Fellow & GUM SpR) as they share their experiences as GUM doctors and researchers.

Meet the speakers:

Professor Vera

Jaime Vera is a chair in HIV medicine at Brighton and Sussex Medical School. He obtained his medical degree from the Columbian School of Medicine followed by training in general internal medicine in London. In 2008, he was granted a National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Academic Clinical Fellowship in HIV Medicine at St Mary’s Hospital, Imperial College London, where he subsequently completed his specialist training in HIV and Genitourinary Medicine. In 2011, he was awarded Wellcome Trust Translational Medicine and Therapeutics Fellowship. During his PhD, he investigated the pathogenic mechanisms associated with neuroinflammation in HIV using novel brain imaging and immunological approaches.

Jaime is also a Consultant Physician for the Lawson Unit at University Hospitals Sussex NHS Foundation Trust where he is the clinical lead for the combined HIV and geriatrics, neurology and memory clinics. Jaime is also an investigator for the Clinical Research Facility based at the Royal Sussex County Hospital, and the research lead for the Department of Global Health and Infection.

Dr Kohli

Dr Manik Kohli is a Specialty Registrar in GUM and Clinical Research Fellow at UCL. He studied Medicine at the University of Edinburgh, and later completed an MSc in Reproductive and Sexual Health Research at London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. Dr Kohli started higher specialty training in GUM in 2019 and was appointed an NIHR Academic Clinical Fellow at UCL. Dr Kohli’s clinical and research interests include HIV treatment, LGBTQ+ health, and STI epidemiology, treatment, and prevention. He is undertaking a PhD focused on antimicrobial resistance and microbiome impacts of antibiotic STI prophylaxis.

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29th Feb 2024
7:00 - 8:00pm (GMT)
Hosted on MedAll
Attendance certificate available
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