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6th Feb 2025
7:00 - 9:00pm (GMT)
Hosted on MedAll
Attendance certificate available
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Unlock the potential to ace your Core Surgical Training Interview with this special session. The comprehensive guide on the Northern Ireland Core Surgical Training Interview will help medical professionals to prepare, perform, and succeed. Participants will gain insights into the interview format, types of questions, key areas of focus, and the grading system. This session will ensure that candidates walk away with the confidence and knowledge required in this challenging step towards their surgical career. Don't miss this chance to accelerate your professional journey.

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Learning objectives

  1. Understand the structure and format of the Northern Ireland Core Surgical Training Interview.
  2. Learn about the different components of the interview, including the clinical scenario, portfolio station, and management/leadership station.
  3. Gain knowledge on how to prepare effectively for each section of the interview.
  4. Develop strategies for handling challenging situation and questions during the interview.
  5. Understand the scoring criteria for the interview and explore ways to maximize performance.
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6th Feb 2025
7:00 - 9:00pm (GMT)
Hosted on MedAll
Attendance certificate available
This event has ended. Similar events