Prepare for your future medical career with our 4th Year Mock OSCES teaching session. This event will provide a simulated environment for medical professionals to experience realistic clinical exams or Objective Structured Clinical Examinations (OSCEs). It's designed to equip participants with the essential knowledge and skills to confidently handle similar real-world scenarios. Don't miss out on this invaluable opportunity to learn, assess your competency, and boost your future medical career!
Learning objectives
To understand and effectively employ clinical reasoning skills in a high-stakes testing environment through structured, scenario-based assessments.
To identify and address gaps in clinical knowledge and technical ability, improving the ability to confidently manage a variety of patient presentations during the OSCES.
To sharpen communication skills during patient consultations and interactions, focusing on clear and effective information delivery, empathetic patient engagement, and active listening.
To enhance the ability to perform under pressure, fostering adaptability and quick decision-making skills necessary in real-time clinical situations.
To reflect on performance feedback and integrate the constructive criticism into clinical practice, advancing both personal growth and clinical proficiency.