17.05.23 - Wednesday teaching - Ms Armstrong & Dr Rafferty - Theatre etiquette - 1hr
Catch-up content
Discover key theatre etiquette principles necessary for successful team operations during medical surgeries. On the 23rd of May, Dr Rafferty and Ms Armstrong are offering a one-hour teaching session to help medical professionals understand the importance of appropriate behavior in the operating theatre. Attendees will gain insight into communication protocols, cleanliness standards and other best practices essential for successful outcomes. Don't miss this invaluable learning opportunity!
Learning objectives
Understand the importance of theatre etiquette and why it is essential for a safe and successful operating theatre.
Identify the various rules that should be observed in the operating theatre by all parties.
Recognise the different roles of the medical practitioner coordinators and other staff members present in the theatre and how to work effectively with them.
Demonstrate the proper use of PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) during the procedure by following the correct process for gowning and gloving.
Gain the knowledge of the hygiene standards to be upheld in the theatre in order to avoid the risk of cross infection.