This site is intended for healthcare professionals
UoL Orthopaedic Society
UoL Orthopaedic Society
Mohamed Sherif Ali Ahmed
Ahmed Zainalabden Ibrahim Mohammed
Yan Chang Saw
Amer Badran
Jeremy Martin Sudjaka
Abigail Easterbrook
Farrukh Munir
Syed Abdullah Haider
Dr.Magd Nabil AL-Hammadi
Donya Zidan
Dr. Saud Khan
Welcome to the University of Leicester Orthopaedic Society. We are a student group aiming to build our knowledge in the field of Trauma and Orthopaedics. Interested in Orthopaedics? The University of Leicester Orthopaedic society aims to build a platform for all students to discuss, study and share their knowledge surrounding orthopaedics. We would love to create a collaborative environment for students studying courses such as Medicine, Physiotherapy, Nursing and Operating Department Studies to network with one another, understand orthopaedic practice and promote the need for multi-disciplinary care. Our aims for this year include: • Providing members with an insight into working in an orthopaedic field prior to graduating • Completing both student and consultant-led teaching sessions to understand current and prospective research in orthopaedic practice • Carrying out practical OSCE skills sessions in orthopaedic examinations • Completing orthopaedic tailored practical skills sessions • Conducting holistic case led teaching of anatomy, physiology and pathology in orthopaedic care and post-operative orthopaedic rehabilitation Stay connected with us on Instagram @uolorthosoc for event information and updates. We look forward to seeing you soon at our next event!