Welcome to the PALS Sofia Community!📚🎓🩺
PALS is a programme designed to support medical students through peer-led learning. Our mentors offer support across all year groups, whether you need help with first-year Cytology, third-year Pharmacology, or guidance on NHS work after sixth year.
We also have networks with qualified doctors and healthcare professionals from varied specialties who can provide valuable insights into what’s expected once you graduate.
Here, we’ll keep you updated on events, mock exams, and small group study sessions to help boost your academic performance and confidence.
Feel free to reach out if you have questions or need support.
Instagram profile = https://www.instagram.com/palssofia/
LinkedIn page = https://www.linkedin.com/company/pals-sofia-peer-assisted-learning-scheme-sofia/about/?viewAsMember=true
Contact us: palssofia24@gmail.com