We are always looking for ideas about how we can help our community to develop in their professional careers while advancing the quality of patient care we can provide collectively. Please take a moment to let us know what topics you think we should cover.
hello, can we please post the sessions done on 10/2/25. Norwich orthopaedics is already doing a lot for the candidates. extremely thankful for that. i believe as a suggestion Organizing mocks would be of good help
hello, can we please post the sessions done on 10/2/25. Norwich orthopaedics is already doing a lot for the candidates. extremely thankful for that. i believe as a suggestion Organizing mocks would be of good help
More Elective and longer sessions of grilling candidates. Can the sessions be recorded. Would love to re visit them . Missed the poly trauma session as I was oncall
More Elective and longer sessions of grilling candidates. Can the sessions be recorded. Would love to re visit them . Missed the poly trauma session as I was oncall
think the recent trend in the interviews is bringing cases from clinics like osteoarthritis, carpal tunnel syndrome and chronic diabetic foot infection. will be grateful if you can cover that as I think all of us will struggle with these topics. Thanks
think the recent trend in the interviews is bringing cases from clinics like osteoarthritis, carpal tunnel syndrome and chronic diabetic foot infection. will be grateful if you can cover that as I think all of us will struggle with these topics. Thanks