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Sue Gibson
Sue Gibson

Major Depressive Disorder Question Bank added to spotlight bar!!

Posted by Sue Gibson, 4 Sep 2024, 0 comments

Major Depressive Disorder Question Bank added to spotlight bar!!


A social worker in a predominantly low-income, multi-ethnic urban area is developing a workshop to educate residents about MDD. What is a key element to include to ensure the workshop is effective for this community?

Answer: How did you do? Find out here or post below

1 - Use complex medical terminology to ensure the content is taken seriously

2 - Provide materials in multiple languages and use simple, relatable examples

3 - Focus only on the most severe cases to scare the residents into compliance

4 - Offer the workshop at a high cost to cover expenses

5 - Limit questions to prevent confusion and keep the session on track

Posted by Sue Gibson, 4 Sep 2024, 0 comments

MedAll Editor
MedAll Editor
MedAll Editor

Case Discussion: Patient Engagement and Education in MDD

Posted by MedAll Editor, 3 Jul 2024, 8 comments

Case Discussion: Patient Engagement and Education in MDD

Can you answer the questions about this case? Join Prof Gordon who will be chairing a session on this topic in our Major Depressive Disorder series?

Mr. K is a 45-year-old construction worker presenting with a two-month history of depressed mood, anhedonia, fatigue, and difficulty sleeping. He was recently laid off from his job, which he reports as a significant stressor. He has no prior history of depression but admits to a history of alcohol misuse, although he claims to have been sober for the past six months.

Initial assessment confirms a diagnosis of Major Depressive Disorder (MDD). Mr. K is started on pharmacotherapy daily. He is hesitant about taking medication and expresses concern about potential side effects. He also feels overwhelmed by his diagnosis and is unsure how to actively manage his condition.

This program is funded by an independent grant from Takeda. This online education program has been designed solely for healthcare professionals in the USA. The content is not available for healthcare professionals in any other country.

Posted by MedAll Editor, 3 Jul 2024, 8 comments

MedAll Editor
MedAll Editor
MedAll Editor
Diana Courson
Diana Courson
Diana Courson
Diana Courson
Diana Courson
Diana Courson
Diana Courson
Diana Courson
Diana Courson
Diana Courson
Diana Courson
Diana Courson
Diana Courson
Diana Courson
Diana Courson

Case Discussion: Health Equity in MDD

Posted by MedAll Editor, 3 Jul 2024, 19 comments

Case Discussion: Health Equity in MDD

Can you answer the questions about this case? Join Prof Gordon who will be chairing a session on this topic in our Major Depressive Disorder series?

Pamela is a 51-year-old African American woman who presents to her primary care physician for an annual check-up. During the visit, the physician notes that her diabetes is poorly controlled, and Pamela attributes this to stress following the murder of her son eight months ago. Her Patient Health Questionnaire-9 (PHQ-9) score is 19, indicating moderate depression. The physician offers a referral to the Integrated Behavioral Health Clinic.

Initially, Pamela is reluctant, expressing concerns about being labeled "crazy" and emphasizing that she is simply grieving. However, she is pleased to learn about the possibility of receiving prompt assistance. The physician explains the PHQ-9 results and recommends that she start taking a Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor (SSRI) medication and follow up with a behavioral health care manager within the next 48 hours. Additionally, Pamela is referred to a faith-based grief support group and encouraged to bring her daughter to the next appointment for additional support and information.

This program is funded by an independent grant from Takeda. This online education program has been designed solely for healthcare professionals in the USA. The content is not available for healthcare professionals in any other country.

Posted by MedAll Editor, 3 Jul 2024, 19 comments

MedAll Editor
MedAll Editor
MedAll Editor

Case Discussion: Identifying and managing MDD

Posted by MedAll Editor, 3 Jul 2024, 8 comments

Case Discussion: Identifying and managing MDD

Can you answer the questions about this case? Join Prof Parikh who will be chairing a session on this topic in our Major Depressive Disorder series?

Ms. L, a 35-year-old accountant, presents with persistent feelings of sadness, loss of interest in activities she once enjoyed, fatigue, difficulty concentrating, and sleep disturbances. These symptoms have been present for over two months and significantly impact her daily life, both personally and professionally. Ms. L has no prior history of mental health issues and denies any recent stressors or significant life changes. She reports a healthy lifestyle with regular exercise and a balanced diet.

This program is funded by an independent grant from Takeda. This online education program has been designed solely for healthcare professionals in the USA. The content is not available for healthcare professionals in any other country.

Posted by MedAll Editor, 3 Jul 2024, 8 comments

MedAll Editor
MedAll Editor
MedAll Editor

Case Discussion: optimize treatment outcomes for MDD patients

Posted by MedAll Editor, 3 Jul 2024, 7 comments

Case Discussion: optimize treatment outcomes for MDD patients

Can you answer the questions about this case that Prof Parikh will be chairing in our Major Depressive Disorder series?

Mr. P is a 48-year-old plumber with a history of recurrent major depressive episodes. He is currently being treated with escitalopram 20 mg/day, and although his mood has shown some improvement, he still reports feeling depressed. Despite adequate dosing and duration of escitalopram, Mr. P's symptoms haven't fully resolved, indicating the need for further assessment and potential treatment optimization.

This program is funded by an independent grant from Takeda. This online education program has been designed solely for healthcare professionals in the USA. The content is not available for healthcare professionals in any other country.

Posted by MedAll Editor, 3 Jul 2024, 7 comments

MedAll Editor
MedAll Editor
MedAll Editor

Case Discussion: Residual symptoms in MDD

Posted by MedAll Editor, 3 Jul 2024, 7 comments

Case Discussion: Residual symptoms in MDD

Can you answer the questions about this case written by Dr Meadows as part our Major Depressive Disorder series?

Mary is a 27-year-old female Google employee currently on disability leave. She recently ended a long-term relationship and has been diagnosed with Major Depressive Disorder (MDD), Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD), Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), and Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD). She has a history of chronic suicidal ideation (SI) and self-harm, along with severe emotional dysregulation and cognitive rigidity. Previous treatment attempts have included multiple medication trials and electroconvulsive therapy (ECT).

Mary's current treatment plan involves medication adjustments, psychological testing (which confirmed traits of Autism Spectrum Disorder), transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS), family therapy, a wellness plan (including a behavioral contract), vocational counseling, and collaboration with her disability attorney. As a result, she has experienced improvement in depressive symptoms, more effective communication with her parents, completed the sale of her home with her ex-fiancé, moved from supportive housing to an independent apartment, returned to work with accommodations, and actively participates in an alumni program.

This program is funded by an independent grant from Takeda. This online education program has been designed solely for healthcare professionals in the USA. The content is not available for healthcare professionals in any other country.

Posted by MedAll Editor, 3 Jul 2024, 7 comments