This online session for GPs covers defining and treating Adult ADHD, addressing diagnostic challenges and misdiagnosis. It will also cover the relationship between substance use and ADHD, increased risk and how to recognize the signs of substance misuse in ADHD adults. Participants will learn about ADHD's diagnostic criteria and how to better explain the treatment options to patients.
20 Feb 2024
Q&A for Primary Care Updates 2024: ADHD in Adults
Q&A for Primary Care Updates 2024: ADHD in Adults
Will this be available as a recording to watch?
Will this be available as a recording to watch?
How are adjustment disorders correlated to ADHD and how can they impact symptoms, diagnosis and treatment?
How are adjustment disorders correlated to ADHD and how can they impact symptoms, diagnosis and treatment?
If a Dr gets diagnosed with ADHD do they have to inform the GMC, I have a colleague who is reluctant to be assessed if so?
If a Dr gets diagnosed with ADHD do they have to inform the GMC, I have a colleague who is reluctant to be assessed if so?
Is there a reliable asessment form which we can use for children like ASRS form when school is not proactive in helping with the process?
Is there a reliable asessment form which we can use for children like ASRS form when school is not proactive in helping with the process?
As adhd is started with a specialist, then medication managed with shared care agreements… how do we treat co morbidities such as anxiety? NHS services seem to be lacking in care for multiple diagnosises. Therapies are often recommended with medication, however, I have not seen therapy services specialised in adhd avaliable
As adhd is started with a specialist, then medication managed with shared care agreements… how do we treat co morbidities such as anxiety? NHS services seem to be lacking in care for multiple diagnosises. Therapies are often recommended with medication, however, I have not seen therapy services specialised in adhd avaliable
How is relevant and accurate the differential diagnostic adult ADHD with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder?
How is relevant and accurate the differential diagnostic adult ADHD with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder?
what is the theory of the causation of ADHD
what is the theory of the causation of ADHD
Due to lisdexamfetamine shortage, if pt is on 20mg is it alright to prescribe 30mg and Vice versa?
Due to lisdexamfetamine shortage, if pt is on 20mg is it alright to prescribe 30mg and Vice versa?
How to differentiate chronic procrastination with ADHD?
How to differentiate chronic procrastination with ADHD?
Can you recommend any websites or charities which GPs can signpost patients to
Can you recommend any websites or charities which GPs can signpost patients to
Is there familial links between ADHD and autism. Ie if sibling or parent has ADHD or ASD is the patient more likely to have it
Is there familial links between ADHD and autism. Ie if sibling or parent has ADHD or ASD is the patient more likely to have it
do other addictions which also produce high dopamine and abuse the neurological dopamine system such porn addictions effect adhd, if yes in what way?
do other addictions which also produce high dopamine and abuse the neurological dopamine system such porn addictions effect adhd, if yes in what way?
If a hyper intelligent individual is given treatment will this positively or negatively affect their academic potential, if already learned coping mechanisms?
If a hyper intelligent individual is given treatment will this positively or negatively affect their academic potential, if already learned coping mechanisms?
If childhood was good and good achievement and now struggling, can they have ADHD?
If childhood was good and good achievement and now struggling, can they have ADHD?
Why do you think ADHD appears to be more prevalent nowadays?
Why do you think ADHD appears to be more prevalent nowadays?
Is it true if someone has ODD in childhood; in adult they will have at some point ADHD?
Is it true if someone has ODD in childhood; in adult they will have at some point ADHD?
Why people want to be diagnosed with ADHD age 50- how relevant/important it is
Why people want to be diagnosed with ADHD age 50- how relevant/important it is
If a patient is diagnosed with personality disorder, do they get automatically get assessed for ADHD?
If a patient is diagnosed with personality disorder, do they get automatically get assessed for ADHD?
The issue with “shared care” is that care is shared ongoing. Most clinics discharged once diagnosis made and gp is not funded for the monitoring nor have capacity for nursing time for ecg, blood pressure monitoring outside of qof. This is outside our contract and remit. And medication is specialist initiated on APC guidance there we can’t/don’t initiate. Patients should remain under consultant care and have annual review if shared care and this isnt happening in most areas.
The issue with “shared care” is that care is shared ongoing. Most clinics discharged once diagnosis made and gp is not funded for the monitoring nor have capacity for nursing time for ecg, blood pressure monitoring outside of qof. This is outside our contract and remit. And medication is specialist initiated on APC guidance there we can’t/don’t initiate. Patients should remain under consultant care and have annual review if shared care and this isnt happening in most areas.
Does early and excessive mobile phone use in children contribute and/or exacerbate adhd?
Does early and excessive mobile phone use in children contribute and/or exacerbate adhd?
In adhd with substance misuse history patients, I guess you would only use non-stimulants medication?
In adhd with substance misuse history patients, I guess you would only use non-stimulants medication?
In pregnancy/breastfeeding, what do we do in terms of patient on medication for ADH?
In pregnancy/breastfeeding, what do we do in terms of patient on medication for ADH?
Can atomoxetine be used along with antidepressant?
Can atomoxetine be used along with antidepressant?
If adult patient is already referred to mental health team for severe anxiety and depression (Forward Thinking Birmingham) . I mentioned about high asrs score on referral. Do i need to do separate referral for assessment for possible ADHD or
If adult patient is already referred to mental health team for severe anxiety and depression (Forward Thinking Birmingham) . I mentioned about high asrs score on referral. Do i need to do separate referral for assessment for possible ADHD or
Recently struggling with large numbers of adult patients requesting ADHD assessments. Due to wait time on NHS of a year or so (at least in my area), many are seeking private diagnoses (some are questionable clinics) and then becoming unhappy when us as GPs do not agree to shared care agreements for the medication so they have to pay for on private prescription. Do you have any thoughts on this and how we can support patients?
Recently struggling with large numbers of adult patients requesting ADHD assessments. Due to wait time on NHS of a year or so (at least in my area), many are seeking private diagnoses (some are questionable clinics) and then becoming unhappy when us as GPs do not agree to shared care agreements for the medication so they have to pay for on private prescription. Do you have any thoughts on this and how we can support patients?