This online session for GPs will help hone your skills in dynamic risk assessment for mental health triage. It will give you hands on techniques to increase your confidence in in-depth questioning, recognizing triggers and thresholds for escalation and crisis support referral.
15 Feb 2024
Q&A for Primary Care Updates 2024: Mental Health Risk Assessment
Q&A for Primary Care Updates 2024: Mental Health Risk Assessment
How to assess the risk in a 10min GP consultation of a 35 yr patient without any p/h of self harm on antidepressants but stating he has plans to take his life
How to assess the risk in a 10min GP consultation of a 35 yr patient without any p/h of self harm on antidepressants but stating he has plans to take his life
What should a psychologist/psychiatrist do if a patient calls them up and tells them that the latter is going to commit suicide that very instant?
What should a psychologist/psychiatrist do if a patient calls them up and tells them that the latter is going to commit suicide that very instant?
how should we provide advice to patient who are preferred to be isolated and under stress? Her physical appearance seems not
how should we provide advice to patient who are preferred to be isolated and under stress? Her physical appearance seems not
If a patient says to the GP over the telephone that they would go ahead with their suicidal thoughts, who should the GP contact? Crisis team or police?
If a patient says to the GP over the telephone that they would go ahead with their suicidal thoughts, who should the GP contact? Crisis team or police?
how is the absonism,property breaking and fire setting assessed? would these questions not upset patient?
how is the absonism,property breaking and fire setting assessed? would these questions not upset patient?
what is the best approach for patient with suicidal thought, therapy session or therapeutic approach?
what is the best approach for patient with suicidal thought, therapy session or therapeutic approach?
If you had a patient with current suicidal thoughts and had a plan how do you de escalate the situation?
If you had a patient with current suicidal thoughts and had a plan how do you de escalate the situation?
in the situation where patient has schizoaffective disorder and presents with agitation and is detached from reality, must you still provide findings and feedback to the patient?
in the situation where patient has schizoaffective disorder and presents with agitation and is detached from reality, must you still provide findings and feedback to the patient?
how can we best manage in primary care a patient who stops meds and has capacity but you, family and other professionals can see they are deteriorating? I had a paranoid szhizophrenic who stopped meds. she had capacity. over a year she became more paranoid, losing weight and eventually sectioned. but up until sectioning she had capacity and insight to stop meds. was very difficult to manage. any tips?
how can we best manage in primary care a patient who stops meds and has capacity but you, family and other professionals can see they are deteriorating? I had a paranoid szhizophrenic who stopped meds. she had capacity. over a year she became more paranoid, losing weight and eventually sectioned. but up until sectioning she had capacity and insight to stop meds. was very difficult to manage. any tips?
Main concerns w risk are those who act impulsively eg no active suicidal planning but you know they’ve acted impulsively before like going to bridges etc
Main concerns w risk are those who act impulsively eg no active suicidal planning but you know they’ve acted impulsively before like going to bridges etc