This site is intended for healthcare professionals
 Dundee University Surgical Society (DUSS)
Dundee University Surgical Society (DUSS)
Dundee University Surgical Society (DUSS) is one of the largest and longest running societies present within Dundee medical school. As your undergraduate teaching in Dundee consist of limited surgical content, joining DUSS could provide you with learning opportunities that not only complement teaching at medical school, but also experiences that you would otherwise never get. Membership will allow you to attend a whole series of our events free of charge or at discounted prices. These include suturing workshops, case-based teaching, career talks and practical surgical workshops. If you have the slightest inclination to surgery as a career choice, or simply want to bolster your repertoire of skills such as suturing or other procedural skills, DUSS is the society for you! Instagram: @dundeesurgsoc Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/dundeesurgsoc/
Contact us: duss@dundee.ac.uk