Aalaa AbduljalilAnaesthetics and intensive care medicine
Abdelrahman AbdulleMedical Student
Abdulmouain ZrekTrauma and orthopaedic surgery
abeer KamilGeneral Surgeon
Abhinav SoniGeneral surgery
Abigail BesufekadBiomedical Sciences Student
Abubakr HumidanAcute internal medicine
Academy of Surgical EducationHealthcare Professional
Adekunle AdeoyeObstetrics and gynaecology
Adel Abu Al RubMedical Student
Adeogo AdedejiHealthcare Professional
Adewale AyeniColorectal surgery
Adham Saad Mahmoud Abdou DeabesOrthoptist
ADITYA GOENKAEmergency medicine
Ahmed AshourTrauma and orthopaedic surgery
Ahmed Assem AbdelfattahMedical Student
Ahmed EbrahimGeneral surgery
AHMED ELKHATIBEmergency medicine
Ahmed ElmansourMedical Student
Ahmed SobhyGeneral surgery
Ahmed Almostfa Balla Dafalha MohamedTrauma and orthopaedic surgery
Ahmed M. EmadEmergency medicine
Aishat YekeenGeneral Practice