The summary provided does not contain enough information to generate a relevant summary for a teaching session targeted at medical professionals. Kindly provide more details about the teaching session's topic, content, and goals.
Learning objectives
Understand the basics of the particular medical topic: The first learning objective is to ensure that all attendees understand the basics of the medical topic that is being taught in the session, regardless of their previous experience or knowledge levels.
Learn advanced concepts related to the medical topic: After establishing a basic understanding, the teaching session should delve into more advanced concepts. Attendees should be able to comprehend these concepts, and understand how they correlate to the broader medical field.
Understanding of practical applications: The attendees should also understand how the medical topic being taught is applied in the real-world. They should be able to comprehend how and why certain medical procedures are carried out, or how certain medical phenomena occur.
Develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills: By the end of the teaching session, attendees should have developed their critical thinking and problem-solving skills, being able to apply the learned concepts in diagnosing, curing, or managing diseases.
Evaluation and learning: Lastly, the attendees should be able to evaluate their learning by answering questions about the topic and demonstrating their understanding through practical application. They should also be able to understand where they need improvements and what steps they can take to increase their knowledge further.