Your First Medical Clerking - Tips, Trips, and Trips for the New Foundation Doctor - Part 3
This one-hour on-demand teaching session is tailored to medical professionals. The session will enable participants to gain insight into what they can expect to do on their medical F1 take shifts. Participants will have the opportunity to assess the extent to which their medical school training has prepared them for their roles in the take shifts, and provide their own insight about the thought processes and roles that they will need to focus on. The session promises to be informative, interactive and a great learning experience for all involved.
Learning objectives
Learning Objectives:
- Recognize and understand the different roles on an F-1 take shift.
- Construct a mental note regarding the medical take shift.
- Analyze the accuracy of medical school preparation for the duties involved on the F-1 take shift.
- Demonstrate how to troubleshoot if a technical issue arises during a teaching session.
- Articulate a plan of action for discharging patients coming in for treatment.
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Computer generated transcript
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hear me again. I saw you know, this happens a few times. Last week is Well, there is a fix. It just takes me a minute or two each time. So I do that with me. Let me know if you can hear what I'm saying now, but we will. We will persist, gauge, say, And hopefully you can see my screen as well. Can you Antonio? Good. Suddenly, if it does happen, it will just take me a minute or two to get it back up. So So do bear with me. Like I said, I imagine it's an F one budget match. That's good. That's causing this. Okay, so we've spoken about what the medical take is Now what? I'd like you today if you have any idea about what you're on the medical. If one take shift is, can you please just have and we'll give a little metal, not meddle mental, neater pole and see what you will think you'll be doing and see how accurate if this and see how well our medical schools have prepared. Uh, so what? What name? Some of the roles that you will be performing next year on your F one take shifts or even this year for those of us that the doctors that have joined us tonight discharged letters. So potentially it for patients coming in for mainly. And you're getting rid of them straight way. They're well, that's a good clocking. Yeah, you might be.