Your First Medical Clerking - Tips, Trips, and Trips for the New Foundation Doctor - Part 2
This educational session will give medical professionals an insight into the realities of a medical take shift. Doctors of all levels of seniority will share tips and tricks to make life easier on the job, with a focus on first-time shifts. There will also be discussion around what makes a good doctor, as well as an interactive element including access to supplementary resources. Join us to learn more and gain the reassurance and confidence necessary to take on a medical take shift.
Learning objectives
Learning objectives:
- Understand the role of the medical take care
- Recognize common anxiety about first shifts and learn how to manage nerves
- Appreciate the importance of advice from more senior doctors
- Develop strategies to make shifts easier and more manageable
- Engage in an interactive discussion to explore tips and resources related to medical take care
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Computer generated transcript
The following transcript was generated automatically from the content and has not been checked or corrected manually.
Okay, Hopefully you can see me back now. So you've got some, um, very good. And got some doctors here is well, and some of which are more senior than May. So we might rely on you for a little bit and get some interaction going. Let me just share my screen here. So what we're gonna do tonight for everyone I talk for the object is what I'm doing. This is we're going to give you a bit of an insight into what medical tape car in shift is like. I know a lot of medical students were seeing the medical students we have done one on. Then we're going to kind of go for your typical day on shift, Gibson getting tips that have been shared with me. Ah, of varying seniority. And then we're gonna have a bit of discussion about how to make your life easier. Um, and hopefully I wanted to quite an interactive session, So I'm gonna constantly looking down to my right side, and I encourage you to interrupt me frequently for our session. We can just have a discussion. Can you see my screen now? Very much like this is working so Yes, in there. And then we can get started. You know, you can see my screen. Yes, from test it gives? Yes. Yes, I guess so. Yeah. So I'm Jack. I'm a doctor from North London on Diffuse it to be. Then I'll put up with my details up at the end. Um, like I said, we're gonna go through What a difficult cracking shift. Looks like your tax on your first ever take shift. We're gonna kind of hopefully for our provide some reassurance and a late some of your anxiety take shifts on, then hopefully at the end, you feel a lot more comfortable about about going into your first you ships, if that's good. And then there are more seen people that I suppose it's going quite useful for you because we've collected a lot of data from if one's right for you to a number of consultants about what they think makes a good clocking doctor or a good clocking f one or after that, doing your first efforts. Medical take shifts for anyone that wants it that you are code on the in the middle of the screen. Take you to remind me particle that made a few years ago, which has some of the information that I'm going to speak about, but we'll speak about quite a bit more tonight. Good, eh? So what is the medical tape? Does anyone have an idea about what the medical take is because it's kind of a weird worse? Um, I'm not going to be honest going into F one. I had very little idea of what it even men. So if anyone's going on D is post that in the chance, Um