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Your First Medical Clerking - Tips, Trips, and Trips for the New Foundation Doctor - Part 10



This medical teaching session is focused on the importance and need to document relevant medical information in order to ensure patient safety. Attendees will learn strategies to make sure they document efficiently, getting the right information quickly to make sure tasks are not overlooked, and to ask the right questions in order to gain a more comprehensive view of the patient's condition. Additionally, attendees will discuss challenging cases that may arise and useful learning tools they can use in their medical practice. With insights and tips from attending clinicians, attend this session to hone your medical documentation skills.

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Learning objectives

Learning Objectives:

  1. Discuss the importance of documenting and prescribing relevant medications to ensure patient safety.
  2. Describe strategies to take a thorough patient history.
  3. Identify the importance of making no assumptions when assessing a patient's condition.
  4. Explain techniques for developing a systematic approach to medical practice.
  5. Describe the benefits of using a form or emailing a mentor to gain additional support.
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Computer generated transcript

The following transcript was generated automatically from the content and has not been checked or corrected manually.

someone, Someone tell me where in my ramblings, Up to you. And then I can continue nearly. They're not getting getting minutes about. Someone let me know. Yeah, I guess when I get to my family's. So it was still speaking about cheese. I'll go a couple, then ashamed. So we spoke about hopefully you heard about the importance of writing your relevant negatives is when it's positive. So why haven't we done things? Because if you don't prescribe it and you don't document it for a lot of people, if they don't review the pharmacy advice or they don't look at the GP record, it might have never been prescribed. It can easily be lost, and especially if that's really key information that's important for a patient. My consulting will take a for a history of leave. I'll leave it to them. You know, I'll just do a quick job. Actually, you'll see a huge standard deviation. Consultants that approach post take patients somewhat taken really for a history and get themselves, and some will just glance over Jack, your working well, just assume that you've done right, so it's important that we didn't really get a job to reassure them that he's on the right things in order to make sure the patient's safe. I think it's also really good opportunity for us to ask questions, Consultant one from our own learning. But just again to line up these those pieces of question to make sure that we don't miss anything because everyone's human and it's very easy to make a mistake. Early on, in someone's admission that the E S H o s P R saw them, I won't be able to have anything. I'll go with that. And, like I said, there are eating. Have a really hard job. I've got so much respectfully docket Doctors don't like that one. They often make decisions based upon limited information and sick patients. Assuming that someone has made the right decision in that, that situation, just because they are more senior today is a deadly medical era. In my opinion, often you will see patients that come in with one seemingly, you know, benign complaint or something. But the idea dealt with, and actually, two hours later it's something very different and very serious. Like I said earlier with the patient that was referred with abdominal pain that ended up with acute esteem. It come in so we really need to make no assumptions in this area. Okay, for one of the things we talked about tonight, but I think that's pretty much everything I have to say before I refer you on. And speaking of things, does anyone have any questions about medical take or what was taken about or anything? Otherwise, I really hope that was useful because it's not your standard election. But I think it's something that I wish I had had before starting my medical take shifts when I really have no idea what what was going on anybody is or any of the doctors there in the audience from earlier house with any different opinion is worth getting close to anyone. Don't worry, it's not. If you want something just right now so I can talk about no good. It just gets it or to make it so awful thing. So that's the that form. And that's my email address, which you're more than welcome to email me any questions out. One thing I will say this is kind of a preceding lecture for something that cash in on the people working on in terms of, like, an F one prep course. So if you're interested in that, watch out for that. And also less know if there's any areas that you think might be useful to cover or anything you're particularly anxious about starting F one often this place I was all right. Ease that we can help you with, Uh, you go. Can you recommend a prince outperformer? I'm studying. This is Gary to get used to systematic way of Clark. It systems very different, you know, they know because I can't find any mind. I'll send you the kind of things that we use, if that's okay. Good on saying that is for anyone else. So yeah. And also, you know me. If you have any ideas about force, please didn't feel that form, but otherwise, thank you all for coming. Sorry about the technical glitch that didn't ruin it on personal things. That this on in the future. I'll leave this up up for a minute, just in case you have any questions