Y2 Intercalation Evening recording
This on-demand teaching session is tailored for medical professionals and provides an insight into the academic path of surgery. It covers ethical topics and perioperative care information, with advice on current projects and research designs. Attendees will get insight into the career of surgeons, learn about physical Krayzelburg, statistics, and lectures from experts. The assessment for the course is discussed in detail, along with key courses, project topics, exams, presentations, portfolios, and research skills. There is an opportunity to participate in research projects and the potential to network with medical professionals. This is a well-balanced session that is sure to inform and inspire.
Learning objectives
Learning Objectives:
- Become familiar with the academic and practical components of perioperative care.
- Understand the structure of the surgical science program and its assessments.
- Comprehend both the positive and negative aspects of the program.
- Develop an understanding of the research process and strategies for choosing a project. 5.Explore the concepts of critical appraisal, statistics, and ethical considerations in surgery.
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ethics and perioperative care a swell and it was all really interesting Thought Oh, sorry. I think someone just pops off between Oh, it's a way. And in addition, you also get a good insight into life on and the career for surgeon. Uh, it's great. Great opportunity to Teo. See a bit more about what the cure is actually like, and so into the academic surgical course. So this is focused around the academics of surgery and kind of publishing research on hold it design projects, and you're going through all the different types of study designs, and you also get some teaching on how to do physical Krayzelburg and and then the subsequent weeks where you get teaching for academic surgery is, and basically presentations from from some of the other. Some of the people on your course will present a critical appraisal in the form of an oral presentation s. So you get to choose any article that you find the interest and perform a critical appraisal on it, and then gets percent not to your peers, and you also get some some statistics teaching as well on this course. So and next lately's so hopefully they say this table sort of great stone and the assessment for the course. I've tried to do it so that it's a simple as it can. And so these are the four courses that I talked about left the the dust irritation and the owners project folks, and I'll discuss. Discuss that at the next light. Um, so this is a surgical science exam is an S E based exam that counts for 70% of course. So you'll be given to to see questions um, sent to the road and some of the teaching that you get within the course. So it could, you know, quite a wide range of things you could be asked about. And it can range from, you know, going into the technicalities of certain procedures. Or it could be something about some of the sort of non technical skills and human factor stuff that you learn about. Uh, yeah, it's it's definitely having to do an air sea bass exam because, of course, were various the M C Q style and off exams. On top of that, you also the presentation. So in our year, we were each Devin, a specific surgical technology to research and then make off Ah, short presentation on. And that's worth 30% of course. So for academic surgery there is no exam, and it's all in course assessment. So you produce three critical appraisals to the Retin A on one that's presented. Oh, really? Like I was just talking about. And then you also submit a reflective portfolio in semester to 40% for the research skills course. There's a statistics exam that's in January, and that's quite helpful because it means where it really forces you to revise some of the start stuff before you start your projects and which is quite useful when you come to try to analyze data on use and some of the statistical s off, where packages like S. P. S s. And then you also have a resting exam in May was worth 70%. And for the elective course, the, uh the assessment, obviously various from course, the course. I just put down how the anatomy elective was assessed. When I did, it s so we had a research project to do on a mission and region or anatomical structure in the body. So it could be something like a a ligament in the shoulder. Then you have to go on research. The the electric chair that's been published around looking at the anatomy, the biomechanical function, clinical significance. Sorry stuff. Then you just, ah, research on it, and that's worth 60%. And then there was an anatomy sport test as well. As I said, Very, uh, I'm not sure some of the other what the other electives are assessed. You maybe have a next go around. So she if you know anyone who's to chose different electives. So moving on to the owners project. And basically there's There's 2 to 1 decision to eat to make it start. It's whether you're going to go with that in the sort of portal route or if you're gonna organize your own project and terms off forth. All and so. Basically, the project portal was a big bank of I think there's a couple 100 projects there being put forth by, and some researchers and doctors are looking to get some research on uh or a project on a specific area on their looking for students to get involved and and that's open to all the old students were studying in the skill of biomedical science is so it's not just the surgical sciences or even health sciences shouldn't there's quite a lot of people in there. And what that means is that certain projects become really popular on over subscribed, so you were able to see which ones are the most 12 year. There's sometimes like fourth year effects. The shouldn't interested in one project on off on the one of them can get it. And so that's least 22 application runs. So you apply for your you know, the project that you want to do for round one, and then if you're unsuccessful, you pass into a second round of applications. But alternatively, you can organize your own project off for school, and it is quite a good good thing to do if you have a specific area of medicine or research that you really want to get into. If you maybe thought about that before and you've already got some ideas for it around, it's a good opportunity to yeah, choose something that you're interested in, and you basically just after find the supervisor is willing to do you look over the project, submit a proposal for the projects, and then you're pretty much set set to go. And I'll also say maybe keep an eye on under emails around the time when you're choosing projects because quite a lot of researchers will be looking for for students, maybe sent anemia and on hotel fly to their projects. And that's actually I I got involved in what turned out to be my my project. So next, like, please, All right, that's not cooperating. Uh, yeah, right. Yeah, a little bit more about the actual project. So I put some some of the important dates, and this is obviously subject to change, because this is what it was. When when we did it last year. I I don't think much. They radically changed the course. I don't think they should have shift the rent too much. So you actually have to submit your project Cialis fairly early on. And this was actually the end of September. Or start off it for over when you start the year three. So it's quite early on that you have to make this decision then by late January, have to Philly, uh, research and produce the literature review on the sort of background off your study, and that takes quite a lot of time on. But then you've got a good few months after that to focus just on your project. You'll have some teaching from the other courses alongside that. But basically semester, too, is so let you be. It's focused as you as you can on this project, and so you have to produce a presentation of your projects sometime in April and then submit your dissertation, usually around the middle of May. And so in terms of how the projects is actually assessed. So, as I said earlier, it's kind of split into the project and dissertation itself and then this electrical review. So the less your views about 2000 words reports. And, yeah, just summarizing the existing literature around the area of medicine that your projects focused on. And you also have to, um, in your research, washing your hypothesis on how your eyes that your studies aimed now the actual project itself varies, and one's depending on whether you're doing a lot based one or electric you math analysis. So the lower based ones, I think that what they're 5000 units and I'm not too sure about the word limits for the other ones because my project was allowed based on, I think it goes up to about 8000 words. So your your project presentation accounts for 12.5% off your project, and then the actual dissertation itself is gets the rest of the the mark. And so I just put in what what My project was on, and it's, you know, I'm not too sure how helpful Well, it will be for you guys, but it may be just steal to give an example of some of the things that you can do. So when we when we did it and we were applying for projects in the poor, so there was a limited number off surgically focus projects, and but I quite lovely just applied for an external one and then did not getting it. So I looked at a says They're the impact of novel nontechnical stressors on simulated laproscopic past performance among surgeon students. So I basically got a group of students together, a group off training surgeons on then a group of consultant surgeons and got them to perform a lack atopic task on one of these like risk optic. Similarly Thurs. And then I compared to the task on the normal conditions to performance under stressed and stress conditions, causing pressure and then destruction conditions as well. On then, can I use it? As you would expect? Students who aren't used to work in a high pressure scenarios perform significantly worse under the pressure on distraction conditions. Where is most of the consultants where we're able to just like Zona and, uh, and stay focused? Yeah, that's just an example of some some of the types of things you can get involved with with your project. So next lately's yeah, just to wrap up. And I've just less that some some of the pros and cons off the degree that I could think off. So, yeah, as I was saying, I'm getting the chance to learn a bit more in depth about some of the surgical specialties, and it's something that you don't really get to do in years one and two so much they can't gloss over quite a lot of the kind of the surgical side of things and but see a definite, definitely, very interesting. It also gives you and insight into the life is a surgeon surgeon, which, um, you know, if you're I'm sure if you're choosing to the surgical science is most people be interested in a least considering career is a surgeon, so it's great to get get some insight into that. It's a good opportunity to pursue any research and dress that you have on opportunities to the network with some of the surgeons to try and get some practical experience. So unfortunately, when we return, it was kind of peek over it so we can get into any of the any theater sessions. But it's a good, good way to get it on some of the surgeons, and, you know, it was just contact him later and and see if they're they're well, until that young. And also I think there's good balance across all of the courses, and you thought some good, Uh, but what we do is your electives. That's hopefully some of your interest then. Then you go get sort of academic base and a lot of the courses that help with your your project as well. So it covers quite a long think. It is quite well balanced, and although having just said that you do focus a lot on this sort of research academic side of things, but I think this is true for for more Spiegel's and 20 degrees. Because at the end of the day, you will have to be just quite a substantial research project in semester to revivals of what you do. So it is quite get t get get the teaching around the methods and stuff as part of the degree on. Also, if you really, really don't like s e based assessment, um, then that's maybe one thing to consider. Although I'm not the biggest find a fax, the writing. And I thought that it was It was okay. So yeah, that's pretty much it. I hope that was interesting. And you've you've learned something from it. And if you go to an X laid, I've got my email address there. So, uh, if you have any questions, please feel free. T Give me, uh, give me an email and ask them. Unfortunately, I'm gonna have to leave the session. No, I can't take any quick questions now or otherwise. And Violet also did. Surgical science is with me. So if you got any questions I'm sure she'll be able to toe answer them the end as well. Yep. Thanks very much for your time, guys. Well, so I carry much fluids for the presentation. It was really, really fantastic, Really. End up presentation. And as a person who's done two degree as well, I can say it was a really excellent overview off off the whole degree. And you've covered all the important bits. So thank you very much again. And if you have to run off, please do. I will. Um, as it was said, I will be able to answer any surgical science is related questions at the end. And I were questioning as recession and I will also send the slides to call that in these after the event. So if you want to email Louis afterwards, you will find his email in the slides, and Yeah, I guess we can move on to our next speaker. And this is going to be easy. Some worse is he is a 50 or medical student as well as the current senior vice president for SSS. And, uh, yeah, over to easy. Thank you for the introduction. Can you hear me? Okay. Yeah, we can hear you perfectly. Yeah, As I said, I'm 1/5 year. Um, I indicated in asking development two years ago. Now back Precose it so hopefully I can get a bit of an overview Avoid will be like post coital. Well, because I know the course changed quite a lot for a minute. Um, I'll stop by saying overall, I loved and asked me, Um, I think it's a really, really good integrated degree to take. I would really recommend it on. My email will also be inside at the end. So if you have any questions, please get in touch. So the structure of the course, um, is you've got your main and ask me development course, and then you get the option off to electors. So they asked me in The development course course is teaching once a week. It's one morning a week on your basically covering scientific principle. So that's molecular techniques, experimental design, critical appraisal, things like that. Um and then you also have research highlights so that smoking a current anatomical research So a researcher will come in, give a presentation, and then you'll have had some reading and you will discuss that as a group, I'm not a really good way to sort of get up to speed what's actually going on in research on interests you to the world of research as well. And then the assessment for that you've got two pieces off coursework. So in semester one, you have a press release, which is a 500 word so kind of a lace. Uh, Marie, something that you put out to the press If you're if you developed If you don't brought out publication and it's basically summarizes your research on, then in semester do what you have is a 3000 word growing basal. Um, and that is for any research project you can pick on you, right? As if you were applying for funding in for that, Um, and that's a really good practices, wealthy or dissertation. I base my nephew asleep on my dissertation. So it was actually quite useful when it came to my owners project. I'm writing up. I could take quite a lot of it from my Grandpop. Ozel on also breaks it down into the session into all the sections that you have four dissertations. Well, that's pretty good practice and then you've got to example, this is well, both shot in the second semester. We didn't actually sit. Uh, so don't take essay on that issue, but it hasn't turned on. And then you've also got people analysis people, which is you go in blind, you get given a paper, and then you have to sort of critically appraiser. Also give suggestions off how they could further sort of investigate whatever they're investigating on. But when I first came in to and asked me, I looked at that paper and I thought, There's no way that I'm ever gonna be Actually, that's just beyond me. But they probably really well for it. They're really keep taking feedback as well. And I'll put in extra sessions if you ask for um so I'd say that it's already you all really well, let into a then you've got your two electives is well, so you've got your head and neck. And after me or your limit that to me, I chose have neck. I'd say it doesn't really matter which one you choose. They're very, very similar course is obviously just different parts of the body. I really liked her neck. I was quite interested in sort of, Well, I hadn't. I can ask me, I guess. And now I want to be in the ent surgeon because a lot of what we did. Um, I guess you've just got to bear in mind that there's a lot of and asked me in the head and neck. So it is quite in that, and it's quite hard core, Um, but you get to three hour practical sessions a week, so that's a pretty practical lecture, which is very similar to how you would have haven't asked me in 1st and 2nd year. And then you follow that with the dissection on the same topic on what you do is you split into. It's a very small course. Sorry, one second. So it's a very small, small course. There's 15 people on your anatomy dissection. Um, Andi, you're given one body between four and then over the course of this, the I think it's 12 weeks you So you detect that body. Um, and it's a really, really good way to learn about me. I think it really consolidated my learning, and I found out really, really useful, and you're really lead in slowly as well. And they teach you in the first week how to hold a scalpel, house load and things like that. So you're not really going in the deep end and it's really good on. And then you get your assessment, you get 2000 would report, which is pretty much in many dissertation based in and, uh, see me. So ours was looking at variances in the C one vertebra on. We had some see one vertebra. Town lives and measure on. It gets you quite a good opportunity to sort of get the structure of the distention down and first semester on. Also have an opportunity to try outs and stacks, um, which I think is quite useful on then you also have a spot exam on that is very, very similar to what you have medicine as well, except it's a bit more in depth, but it's a longer, but again, your prepped really well for it on something that's quite good to say as well is it? It happens before the exam diet officially begins, so it's counted this course work effectively so some people might class. They had this spot examine the 30th November and then they didn't have any more assessments for the other electives, so they could just go and enjoy the Christmas. So when you're picking your electives a swell, just make sure that you have a look at the assessment and you can try and work it out because I had an assessment on the 22nd of December or something. It was horrible. Um, and then, yeah, for your elective, your other elective, you have a wide range of choices. Um, I am not. Point was interested in your Oh, so I did, Ah, development to in clinical neuroscience. Elective on actually complimented it quite well because, um, I was doing a lot of, like, hardcore science in the elective, um, on government, some of the same stuff as we were doing in the anatomy development core s. So that's also something to consider as well. So we'll just show you my typical week is well, so Monday and Tuesday for me were reserved for my development on clinical neuro science. Selective. So that was the other elective on then. My Wednesday to Friday mornings were just reserved in semester one for an asthma call on then my head and neck and asked me on the same Friday and you can just see for the next week or that we have the research highlight on. Then we'd have, like a workshop on how free to think, for example, so they really do lead you in nicely. It's not. It's not too bad then, in terms of your own is project you take now on in smelter tube. So I think like Louis is saying is Well, it's very early on application. You get the opportunity to do on off quarter or quarter project. I chose the border project, Um, but it's something to consider if you do want to do something for to be thinking about it. So it'll be even from may, I think get in contact with people if you want to do that. Um, so we only had Corti Ching and then I had my project Teo, to stop playing alongside. You could choose lab or library. Um, I actually chose a sort of hybrid between love and like library, and I'm going to talk a little bit on it makes up 50% in your core grade from my we didn't actually have the presentation aspect of it because we covet. We were just marked completely on the dystasia in, but I think you'll have The 12.5% will be, um, marked on your presentation off the honest project. So my project was working with Doctor Ross Jones, who's over in the afternoon department. You might know him. I would really, really recommend him. A supervisor is what's a first more on? I know that he runs this project. I think most years because they've got, like, a neb like an ever growing data set which needs analyzed. So what I was doing it with that project was gave me images off the in your muscular function in horses, humans and mice on my project was using a sort of algorithm to measure and compare. Um, all of these different your muscular junctions, and I wrote my 5000 work distaste in or not, um, on day, I was really well prep for that as well. So in terms off my advice, it would be very proactive. But when you've got your supervisor know all of them are as good as the one that I had. Make sure that you're organizing your meetings you want a meeting once a week, Once every two weeks at at the minimum. Um, when you're choosing your project as well, make sure you ask your supervisor whether they think it could be something that could be for publication because they thought something you're interested in. Um, that is something that you should be up to work towards when you sleep. Either Always ask questions. They don't expect you to know. Everything you know is your project. At the end of the day, you need to be able to make the most of it you can on what you don't want it to be like two weeks before the deadline. I'm completely unsure about anything that's going on to make sure you ask questions. Begin right in early if you can. So, for example, when you're collecting your data for the project, you can start but pointing what you're going to write for the methods, for example, maybe what? You right to the background as well. So start writing early on. Then write your introduction by abstract lost um, so, yeah, I think that is present ones yet. So prize that one of the reasons I take it is there were two electives I originally wanted to do. Surgical science is, but I was really passionate about and asked me. So what I had wanted to do was do my surgical sciences and taken and asked me. I like to have for my your group. They actually didn't let us do that. They said that you weren't allowed to take the anatomy. It was the anatomy. Electors were a prioritized for anatomy students and also for, um, the biomedical students. So make sure you you ask the program leads whether that will be an option before you take certain. Exciting is with the expectation that you have taken enough me elected because you can't always, um I really, really liked dissection. Um, I think it's brilliant. Way to learn something different. You get to you? Sort of. No. Sorry. Did you Can you hear me? Okay. Yeah, I can hear you. I'm sorry. I thought I had something. Um, so yeah, so it's practical dissection. Um, really great way to learn. Um, I think being or just at that point, So it's useful for medicine. Obviously. You're doing it from your two from your one on you too. um, you're just building on that. I'm really consulted. A tin you're learning on. You're getting involved with research as well. Face of the old medical school. Um, that's another big one. I mean, a lot off them, the basic kings or the base start brutal infirmary. Um, that it was quite nice because I live office in the medical school so I could wake up for on drop along three minutes before my like to ask you to start. Um, it's fantastic teaching. I would really recommend the teaching your with anatomist. So you've already met so severe and I'm getting water and Ross on then you also have surgeons as well who will come in on. That's sort of how we go interested in the branch surgery that I'm interested in is because of the ent surgeon. Came in, um was very passionately teaching us about, um, you know, the stuff that he deals with every day. And I just found it really interested. And I got chatting to him after, so it's quite nice way to know because Well, um, in terms of cons, core is very heavily science based. I think this is something that is very common for all of the elected. For all of the electives, all of the theater kelation xyz that you're going to be thrown in the deep end with the science basis. Um, my advice for that would be revised basic scientific principles Before you start your circulation Just over some, a brief read off. You know, transcription translation, lab techniques, things like that. It will help you a lot. So, you know, completely I would be tough. Um, the other one they called in for me in terms of a nasty in development would be that you don't get to do the dissection of the whole body because you don't get to do the both electives. Um, so I would have quite liked to explore other areas of the body wrong, then just the head neck, because it kind of feels like adjusted An integration and head neck enough to me. Um, so something to consider as well is you can have a look, uh, going elsewhere for your insulation. If another course elsewhere offers more. I actually did apply to kings for anatomy development because it wasn't entirely sure that I would get Adam response because of the sort of croton places. Um, So if you do have any questions about applying us by, you can also ask me, um But in the end, I was offered both and stayed in end of March is because is easier, but some courses offer a lot more in terms of how much does actually you got? Um, so that would be my advice Be on my ultimate way. It is something you find interesting. I love anatomy development. I don't want you all to go and do it thinking that your lover as much to me it didn't know introductory. Um, I would just cheese What? What you find interesting. So, you know, that's that's everything from May my emails. Uh, these do you get in touch if you have a question? Um, yeah, on 100. Thank you very much. Is it was again very, very great presentation. And again, very detailed assuage. Well, I think I would be very confident choosing anatomy in development after hearing representation. So thanks again for preparing yet. And, uh, now we will be jumping it again to next speaker. It's going Teo to be Magdalena. I'm not sure if she's here already. like Gilenya. Can you hear us? No. Hey. Yeah. Uh, you can see her and and the participants list you. I think my screen it keeps flagging. Ah, you're okay to take over. Be screened carrying. All right. Okay. Yeah. Could you could dental on. So whilst we're waiting for her, I could just try my screen. Okay? Okay. Um and if you could keep your eye on the chapped to see whether she appears. Yeah, and I will share my screen story for that. Guys, I don't know that's easier for you, but I can go with my section and does helps. Yeah, that would be really good. Um, I'll share your your section. Uh, whilst we're waiting for my daily now and then she can go after you. Supervise it. Delays for you guys. It's fine. Um okay. Um Oh, no. Uh huh. Can you guys see it? Well, I can see it. Well, so higher on. And diarrhea. Thank you so much for coming. Today is really good to see you, Although I can't see it, but I believe you're older. And basically what I want to talk about is applying externally. You're hearing very, very exciting speech about a Not a mean, this is something totally different because I have it management so very far away from medicine on also, I did it after injury a while. So first of all, I would like to start start talking a bit about on the application process. And the big claim is that the application process is different for every you need or some similarities. But first, most important thing is to check older deadlines and older requirements under website. So, you know, cause these things keep on changing every year, so they may be slightly different. They should not be for Enbrel because I checked for this year as well. But for other units, please always always check to be short. So, uh, there are basically two cases off the flying externally. First one was my case, so I wanted to do a different course that was not offered in Edinburgh. Uh, yes, I want to do management particularly. This is my first choice, and that's why I like to imperial. I also applied to UCL to do a course. It was, I think, something with computer interaction, something like that. But that it turned out actually of ECL. They didn't open some of the courses for external applicants because they had enough internal students to fill them in. So this is like, I think you have to keep in mind if you lie for UCLA that sometimes you can get like disqualified even before the application process starts. Because you're an external student. However, at Imperial is obviously incurables better than UCL. Uh, you have a located amount off places for for external students as well, so so you'll always be considered an application process. So what you will need is your academic transcript from your one and your two on. Basically, don't worry about your great too much as long as you're passing. Getting detained disintegrates. Not that we have to have 99% of everything to get in. Absolutely not, but just you have to get the official transcript one reference from academic member of stuff. So for me it was my personal. I know there's some changes to the personal treat your system so it could be a PDL shooter as well or any other academic member of stuff. This is Bruce, also, like not a GP on not a doctor from the hospital that someone who's like formally working at the university is an academic medical stuff. Your personal state, man. So this is a factor. You guess. Applications. Actually, this personal statement can be longer. It can be two pages long, and they're not that men for more requirements, I went. What is very important is that not only you show yourself also show your understanding off the course. So read about the course, and now why are applying to this particular one on another thing is your permission letter from the university on? This is basically just a formality thing that, uh, that the university allows you to apply externally on the 11 case that I said. It's like applying for course that is not offered algebra. And then second case is a CBC was saying, applying for a course that is in Edinburgh. But maybe this problem like you different Or maybe like you're not sure if you get a place in Edinburgh and then you have to when you talk to remember university, you have to have, like, you know, preferred list of arguments. Why I want to play externally. They usually let you not always but like that Just be preferred on my best advice is to start early. So start early looking at the application process on If you're not for talk to your targeting of breath difficulty, they'll be very happy to talk to you on but at lmbrie any If you have, like, problems with getting that like I know permission letter or you don't know how to get references. Reach out to the your free coordinator. I remember it was not Sanders know, still match, but But he or whoever is your free ordinator will know that stuff and will be very helpful. So it was like until about the formalities. Uh huh. Ask you really? Just avoid any lately drunk. Okay, we can move to the next line from Formal Aspect. And you said that these are the question electrics that I did I should do in their electives. And the management, of course. Uh, even know shoes What subjects you're doing. However, uh, it is like very well thought out between coral modules and specialist modules. So basically, Coronado or the business models that to also do with John on our studios. And so those are students from other of other disciplines, like bio match tryin or chemistry for also being the management. Of course, that's imperial on Hey, you got to do things like accounting or business strategy. So, like very, very business oriented ones, however, very interesting to both in the medicine and outside of medicine, I say on also you to specialist modules. So things like health economics are healthy for Matics uh, which are also super interesting medicine focused on Do you usually have a different eso you can. You can expect a learning. Actually, I lost a lot of stuff, some of the one more definite difficult and others, for example, socially research methods is a lot of metrics and spots. How are this is super useful if you wanted to research later on because you get really so let's find foundations for that. Others. For example, Organizational Kadir, This more eight our focus like a teamwork and have to work with people and how the companies work. So this more like interesting creative, a little off like humanity and or it's so I think like even if you don't like a single module, there's so many and it's so the worse that you like something, And then at the end, you get to do a final project. I think we can move to the next life where you talk more about the final project. And this is super unusual because usually you do your own dissertation. However, the management sports you do a group project. If you don't like projects, don't panic. It's actually super fun on it allows you to do more than you would normally. So later if you want to get a publication, I wouldn't say it may be easier because you get like, a big piece of research. And, you know, I know from groups that have already published of, like, the ones who did the Fourth, like two years ago. Really nice journal. So it's something that is important for you. I think that's a big plus. So you actually start working on the project, What, really? So in September, and then it gets dedicated time in Maine, just work on the project and this is worth 25% off your course. So you write a dissertation, which is quite long is about I was 25,000 words, so it's about like 100 pages. Whoever you have like a super long appendix. So ours was like 400 pages in total, So you produce a really massive, massive piece of research on, but what is really good? You get a lot of flexibility with the topping, so you get a topic, and then it contained it totally. And you have a supervisor important with you. It's always very helpful. So our initial topic was the vial with the big Pharma, I would say, And then we ended up writing about Morgan Health acts, so you can really change it a lot on done. You get to explore a lot of research methods because you do at least reassure you either systematic narrative. Then you do your primary research so it can be policy wanted to address on. Then you do flex us. So this is how we call the implementations of a project, for example, with it conference, which turned out on together quite a lot of attendees wrong. Wh oh, and other, like other really renowned organizations, which was I'm not saying that's like the braca about it. I'm just saying, like if you're working on a brute project, it's it's a bit easier than a lot of engagement and, like, you know, to pull everyone's networks and active produce something bigger and meaningful. So I'm saying to those who don't like for extremes, don't be afraid of that. Okay, so let's look at the pros and cons. I actually really like the course, so I would say from pros and cons. So first thing is that if you apply externally, you can explore things that are not offered in a Denver, and we're like so many interesting forces. So I was looking at the ones for distance from my understanding, some to try something different about it. Like if you explore university websites, you can find so many things that interest, you know, and you can opt to focus on the stuff that you like. It's a break from medicine. So you do something unrelated, which will mean it was a plus. My mean, some people may not like it if you want to focus on a very like medical stuff, but yeah, but here he gets into something totally different. You can write in your career options if you want to move into, like, leader, shape and management, or like moved like a different career. This, like a really get a degree in a really nice option to have another thing is not working opportunity, because if you move to different, you know you get to meet a lot of new people at Imperial. This Beastie course is actually offer that Inderal College Business School, which normally has post grad process. So there's a lot of post breast seasons from all around the world, and you get a lot of social events like online because of co bit. But so we're going to meet so many people. Wish is very nice making, engaging new societies clubs. So the cons are so this is not an easy course. Certainly eso I first thought that, like management cannot be that hard like, obviously and not be us for this medicine to it on otherwise. So Actually you have like for like a lot of work, because there's like a lot of sign lands and, like the loss of the arms, the lot of reports, so it's actually quite intense. Not going to lie on down, and a big conference like some people may be moving of time hadn't brought because it's like all the logistics with, like, fine and accommodation and leaving your friends behind that stuff. So yeah, but generally I would really recommend it on Don't if you have any. Any questions about, like, flying to manage mad or like any other courses? I think you're old. Are you girls you can leak out, Reach out to me by a lingering. And I think we, uh, the easiest option on off course I would. I will. Replying if your message me, it may be no very fast, but I will. I promise. It's a banking very much for having me on. Yeah. And I hope I hope you You learn something about external applications, and I hope you like that. Thank you much. Thank you very much. Diarrhea for preparing this amazing presentation. The course itself sounded really challenging so well done for, you know, going through this and, yeah, arriving at the other end of it. Um, yeah. And again, a very detailed presentation, I think. Yeah, if I were in trusting in management, I would definitely give it a go. And, uh, yeah, thank you very much for it again. And, uh, our speaker, who was supposed to speak before diarrhea, My Dellin. I'm not sure if she is here. My daily. Now, can you hear us? Can you give us a shout if you're here? Um, okay. It doesn't seem like it. And she's also not replying to my messages. So I think we can maybe give it two more minutes. And if she will not come, I will try to read off her slides to just maybe talk a little bit about medical sciences. There are a lot of similarities or a number of similarities. Let's say with the surgical sassy score so that I've done so Maybe maybe we can go through this lives together and see. See what she wanted Teo to convey if she wanted here within the next couple of minutes. So sort of about it again. And just just bear with us for a few more seconds. Maybe she will come. Okay, I'll pick her one more. A message. Oh, Okay. Um, it doesn't seem like Magdalena is responding. Maybe maybe something happened, and she's not able to come anymore. Um, I don't want to take, um, your time out of your evening unnecessarily, so I'll just, uh on started with her slides right. So that medical sciences degree, it's a that part of health sciences serve you if you choose health sciences. Like if you want to do how science is as your interconnection you have, you can choose between surgical science is medical sciences and primary care so they kind of old come under one umbrella. Um, these are some disclaimers from Magdalena. She integrated two years ago. So she saying there might be some changes to the course Since then, um, there might have been some changes to the courses then, and they may not be reflected in this presentation. But from what I know, there haven't been any huge changes to medical science is, at least from what I've heard from my peers, I need your modeling as obviously personal faults and experience, Of course. So there are three compulsory course is that you have to do as a part of medical sciences degrees sent to the current ear some medicine, academic medicine, research skills in health sciences and research school. Yep, that, um, last subject academic skills in health sciences. This is shared with the other two degrees that you can do as a part of health sciences. So it's a joint course between surgical science is medical sciences and primary care. So all the students from all those three courses will be doing research skills in health sciences. Uh, together and I've done discourses well. And then the emergency course that might delay needed was the emergency medicine. And that is also what I've done. And so again, a lot of overlook and the as a part of your owner's project. 30. Similarly to surgical science is you do a literature review and evaluation, sort of starting at the end of semester one and going into beginning off semester, too. And then your you do your honors project and you write a dissertation on in your semester, too. And this is how your time table will roughly look like If you are doing Reddick ulcer. I insist. Someone Semester one, it will be very much centered around different lectures doing and signed to the crunch years of medicine, course having a journal club related to it and doing the course of the research skills and health sciences courses Well, And then there is a Friday you would use you have your elective. Ah, or like class is related to your elective. And then sorry, I just received a message. I will double check if this is not from Magdalena and saying saying there was some, uh, your family family emergency and she's very sorry that she is not able to make it. Um, so I'll just continue with this and in semester, too. And the only class is that continue into semester to are their research skills in health sciences classes and all the other stuff that you do isyour honors project. And then because of that, at the end of semester, too, the only exam that you actually have to sit and right is the research skills in health sciences exams and theater assessment at the end of semester, too, is just a ah, your owner's project dissertation. Sorry. Done. Uh, your honors project presentation and submitting your dissertation. And that's again very, very similar to what we do in surgical sciences. And, well, people do in primary care as well. So this is one of the subjects that they do on medical sciences, scientific frontiers of medicine. This is mostly electric bass course, and the exemplar content would be things like experimental systems. And these models, noble biomarkers of human disease, regenerative medicine, artificial intelligence and drug development. And the assessment is sort of a dual assessment, composed of a presentation in October and a two hour exam in December, which I believe is S a based, and then the academic medicine course. Ah, the structure off the scores is that you just have journal clubs every Tuesday morning, and this is again very similar to won't be doing. Surgical science is the same course. It's just called academic surgery, and we also have a journal club every Tuesday morning like we used to have. But I'm assuming is the same this year in the Assessment off Academic Medicine course is writing three critical appraisal so off research papers in February, March in April. And then you write reflective pieces that sort of think about your learning experience at the academic medicine course, and you submit that in April. Hurriedly. Now this course that I've done research skills in health sciences, it's, um, again very much electrode best. It's the only sort, of course, start to and continues throughout both semesters, regardless of whether you're doing your dissertation or whether what are you not doing it. And and, uh, you will get lectures on things like how to design research studies in clinical trials. How? What are the sort of categories of research Always research, ethics and data protection. That's the very person, actually, And well, are the statistical methodologies and how to use SPS. That's and this how to use SVS s part of the course is with different lecturer, and it's you get a separate exam on sort of this very statistical analytical part off this course. And that exam is in February. From what I can remember and then, like a big exam on the whole content off this course is in my Yep. So I think this might be the only change dot um was made to discourse a two years ago when Montelena did it. That was just one examine May. But in my year and in your year, uh, there are two exams, one that is on this sort of analytical part of the course, and it's a really, er in semester, too, and then a big raise arm and I at the end of semester, too. And then this elective that Magdalena wanted to talk about, um, emergency medicine it She did this in pre Kobe tonsil. So she had some lectures as well as some practical sessions on Thursdays and Fridays. And they called the constant that they were covering with major trauma time critical interventions, pediatric, um, in emergency care disasters and environmental medicine and human factors in decision making, patient safety in clinical risk. And yeah, and the assessment was, um, for her. It was doing an academic poster presentation in October, and then there was a two hour exam in December. At in my year, it has already changed just a little bit. We didn't do an academic coaster presentation with We did a Power Point presentation off maximum four slides. So I guess it's very similar, but just just maybe a tiny bit different. It's not exactly a poster just four slides over parable presentation, and then again, the having an exam and essay based exam in December. This has not changed, and, uh, I'm pretty sure this will be the same for for your your guys. If you want to do emergency medicine and one more thing to say about the selective if you're doing medical sciences or if you're doing and surgical science. Is this elective Very much compliments those the court content off those two courses. So when I got my essay titles in my December exam for surgical science is a lot of things were over overlapping with emergency medicine Course. So I could sort of mix and match my knowledge from both Surgical science is an emergency medicine, of course, And use all of that to enrich my essays Say was sort of, you know, when you were learning and revising for those two subjects, you sort of revised for both of them at the same time because you could use some of the knowledge and some of the concepts interchangeably. And then, um, the owners protid that you do as a part of medical science is you do it, uh, in your own time in semester, too. So it's very much this sort of self paced you have to, man is your time on your own. And, uh, contact your supervisor on your own and basically take it into your own hands and make it happen. And and again, there are there is a wide range of projects available. There is a portal of products that is the same portal of projects that Louis was talking about. And I think maybe the portal is the same for anatomy and development as well, but I'm not entirely sure, but there is some sort of portal of projects that you can choose from, but you're also allowed Teo, organize your own out of portal project, contact a supervisor on your own and organize some some some other project in an area that really interests you. So this is something that I've done is Well, I didn't like any off the project that we're in the portal. Maybe I'm very picky, but I just contacted one of the plastic surgeons that Mr didn't rush and he was doing this radical projects on my electric limb. Prissy says, and some research around that. So, um, my project was out of portal with that supervisor, but I still had to complete all of them for more requirements. Ask for a while. The other projects. Mm. Yeah. And the assessment is, as Magdalena outlined here at 2000 word literature, evaluation and review that you have to submit in January or like by the end of January, something like that. And then at 5000 work dissertation if you're doing a lab based project and 1000 words dissertation if you're doing a qualitative project well when you submit that in May and you also have a presentation about your project in May or Adiana paper. So Mandolinist Project was investigation into the range off dart throwers motion at the wrist in daily activities. It was a surgical research project, and she did it. Supervised by Ms Philippa Rust, a consult, consultant, hand surgeon, hand and wrist sergeant at the Who pretends unit, she got some much to get some funding from RCs interconnected bachelor of science degree and surgery. A word, and this is really good point. So there are a number off institutions, like surgical colleges that will on half some funds available for students who are doing interconnected projects. And so, if you want to apply to some of those, it's really good to get your project or the the outside of your projects sorted early and apply to that funding early as well. Um, but it is not always necessary, like my project did not receive any additional funding because my supervisor had enough of his own funding to cover any expenses and then mandolin. I also was really successful in all of this. And she, um, was awarded to a words top honors project in be Mats I health sciences as well a stop stupid in beam at side sciences. And and she later on went on to give to presentations based on her project at Inspire actinic supposed you and the RC SED undergraduate research. Suppose you so in summary by stone, back to leave this presentation read by me. Uh, her, uh, experience was get mixture off clinical medicine, medical research and sergeant research as she's saying that it's possible to do a surgical honest project with multiple outputs to strengthen your CB and court surgical training application on oral. She really enjoyed medical sciences courses and was recommended. And this is my green as email. So after the event, you will be you'll get these slides and you will be able t e mailed her with any any questions that you might have about medical sciences. And right, So now is our little question and answer session time. You guys are open, right? You're welcome to on mute and speak to us. Ask your questions or you can type into the chart. Not sure if I will be able to see the chart just now that I'm, um, sharing the screen. But I will try to yes, a police place both. Please don't be shy and ask any questions that you might have. I send it to presentation or, um, about inter clicking in General Stone silence as usual at this kind of events, is it? Can you see that we received an MST just to the chat was normal and your oxygen's like would say, um, people are usually very shy We don't invite. Well, okay, this honor said, what are some less competitive options, which is still work well, with an interesting surgery? Um, I mean, that's what this one difficult because I think everything will apply to medicine and you can probably apply everything to research and surgery. You're gonna, whichever you do, you're gonna get key skills, which will be very helpful. I think my advice would be if you're really passionate about one particular interrelation, which it's related to surgery to apply to Edinburgh, but also to a place of what else? They're often not long applications. It's not too tiresome on. It just means that you're guaranteed to do an integrated degree that you will find useful and that will be relevant. You and your crew part and violent. You have anything? Yeah, I would really agree with that. I was also considering to apply to the other medical schools just because I was afraid I will know get into the course that I wanted. So the way looked in my case. My first choice was an actinine development. My second choice was surgical sciences and my third choice. We're medical sciences, I believe. And because it it's no longer married based, like this whole selection, I even though I had really good grades, I got my third choice. And I know this is really common these days, and it does feel a little bit unfair, I guess, for people who achieved higher grades. But we're not going to go into that. So basically I I got my third choice, and then I was in touch with the Year three coordinator a lot. I asked to be put on a waiting list. I first of all, I asked how many spots are there for anatomy in development in that year. How how many sports were there for anatomy in development and in my year and how many spots were forced Article sciences. And there were, I think, around 30 sports for surgical sciences and 15 spots for anatomy development. So I thought maybe I could tell them that they are, like, ask them to put me on a waiting list for surgical sciences. And I thought, If there are 30 people, maybe chances are that somebody will resign and I will be able to to get that spot. And this is what really happened for me. At some point, somebody decided that they want to do a different enter kelation on dime on it to get that spot in surgical sciences. And, uh, I was very, very happy with that. In the end. Um, I think that was probably a better choice for me rather than anatomy in development. But this is just to show you that the path to get getting that dream in circulation might be very difficult and long winded. So I would say what you said Easy Try to apply to a different medical school on it, see if you can get an inter collection there and see if you can get one at the University of Edinburgh and really do contact the year three coordinator and work with them and politely ask them. You know, can you let me know when a space will become available? Yeah, I can pay. Agree? I had a lot of the teams with the three cold nature as well. Um, and he was really helpful on someone. Has also said, Is there a list somewhere that lists how many spots? Cooptation. I'm pretty sure they're waas, um for all year anywhere doing about for you. You know, we didn't get that list, so I I wasn't even aware that there is going to be double the amount of space is for surgical sciences that as compared to two anatomy in development. So I had sort of when I was ranking my choices, I had no idea that anatomy and development is going to be so much more competitive than surgical science is. I sort of knew that it will be a little bit more competitive, but I didn't know that it will. There will be such a huge difference. Yeah. And also one thing about to say about those. So you got interrupted you. And one thing to say about this ranking thing that is that was introduced in my year is that if you choose, want interconnection as your first choice and you don't get that because it's very competitive. It's possible for you to sort of dropped down in your list of choices better quickly, because for your second enter kelation or your second choice, you will no no longer be considered us first. People who chose this intergration as their first will be considered first. So it's sort of like that's why people end up getting sometimes their fifth choices and four choices just because they didn't get their first choice. And then very quickly they dropped down in this ranking. Not sure if that makes much sense. I know exactly what you're talking about because I happen to me for 90 years old, I would say is, Well, oh, you know what? Your intake elation evening. I don't know whether that's still in person or if it's online that ask Well, the program leads how many spaces they have. Um, and how is Alligator? Do things like that? Um, someone is also also questions saying, Where can you find people to contact about starting projects? Would you like to ones of this? Yeah, I can try to, um so I think it's good t identify an area in which you are interested in. And if you're thinking about doing an out of border project, obviously there's probably some area that you were interested in already. So for me, that was plastic surgery. So what I've done is I went googling for different different plastic surgeons in Ediborah, and and I had a look at you know who who off those people are sort of more into academia and who off? Those people are doing some research. And then I was trying to contact those those people through whatever I could find on the Internet. I think on the website Ah, on our university website, there was someone like Ediborah Academic Surgery Page or somebody that and they hopefully they still have by the lot off contacts to surgeons who are doing academia, and he will probably have some research groups, uh, that they're leading. So it it would be if you're thinking about a surgical project, for example, would be a good place to start to to go to that sort of list of academic surgeons in an umbrella, and I'm assuming there will be similar pages for any other sort of, um, areas of medicine that you might be thinking of going into. Yeah, I had completely agree the research, the animal research pages that were pages already useful, but only at well, it's worth talking to people in the You're above you. They might have projects that will be continuing down the years. So, for example, Matalin's project is an extension of someone in the ER because eso definitely talk to people in the you're above and just see who they approached and how they went about it. And whether there's any scope of you to be ups, take on their projects and carry on. Yeah, that that's good advice is, Well, um, does anyone have any more questions? Well, free to speak out or just put them in the job. I can also see the chapped now busy just letting, you know, got one regression. Where can we find the recording and the slides? So they're recording. I will upload, make, perhaps not today, but maybe tomorrow or the day after I will uploaded to med. All So where you were signing up to same platform that you used to sign up to the session and the slides. And, you know, sure, if there is a way of uploading the slides to to metal a swell the power point itself. Um, I can have look into it. If not, we can always just I don't see. Yeah, I'll have a look into that as well. And if that won't be possible, I'll just simply send an email to all of you guys so that you can, um, access these slides afterwards. They were really good slides, like, Honestly, when I was looking through the slides prepared for for this session, I was really amazed how how in depth they were. And I was really hoping or like wishing that I had such a resource when I was a blind. Any more questions? It's having looked at the shot. Mm. Probably note, I guess. Yeah. I mean, if anyone has any questions, um, all emails are on the slides. Well, I think what happened to be contacted and face because when I went and stress is best ones, so yeah. Uh, yes, so I wouldn't say is well, big. Thank you, too, Violet, for organizing all of this. A little high works going. There's a lot coming. Um, yeah. Uh, like it's all right. Thank you. Um, the integration evening that I went to before applying to, uh, sorry. Before applying to my intake elations or three years ago, two years ago. Now it was really helpful. So I was really keen to sort of give back to the community and also organize it. And before people started disconnecting go to feedback form, I'm sending a link to it on the chapter. If you feel in the feedback form, you'll be able to get a certificate over tendons. And it's always a good thing to have and to keep but in cases comes handy at some point for some applications or something. So please, please leave. You feel him to feed back, and it also will help us to improve, uh, in the future. Thank you again. I'll just say, stay on for a couple of more minutes so that everybody has a chance to toe opened a link, and I can resend it. And if I will be sending that email us with the part point. Okay? I hope that was enough time for everybody to to get the link. If not, it will be again in the email. I'll stop.