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WPMN Welcomes - Working in New Zealand



This virtual on-demand teaching session will include an introduction by Josh, followed by Alex who will present on what it is like moving to New Zealand from the UK for medical professionals. He will discuss his experience, the healthcare system, geographic locations, job roles, and valuable cultural insights. He will also go over the job prospects of moving to New Zealand from the UK and making a smooth transition into a career. It is a great opportunity to increase knowledge and ask questions with their speaker at the end.

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Learning objectives

  1. Identify the differences between the medical systems of the United Kingdom and New Zealand
  2. Describe the structure of medical training in New Zealand
  3. Explain the application process from the UK to New Zealand
  4. Describe the geography of New Zealand, including the capital and major cities
  5. Compare the salaries and work-life balance in the UK and New Zealand
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thank you everyone for joining our monthly weapon that PM and welcome serious. I'll be hoarse until eight events before we start. It wouldn't let everyone that haven't attended are serious before. It's give you a heads up off how you want this weapon and only, well, the recording this session and for the audience by continuing to be in a meeting for consenting recorded. We would also like the audience to switch off your camera and you chew a microphone. Talk to ensure that event it's run smoothly on you. Have any questions for the speaker, you free on two of the chapel's throat talk and then our next speaker at the end. They will be a cure this session for today at the end of that, um, so today we are very excited to introduce US Week of doctor storms and to talk about this experience and moving to a working, seal it on under complete it. Leave this pre clinical studies in Cambridge, where he into college were in circulated in biological and for apologies, his final year. Your recent move to Imperial College London for three years to complete this medical school training. He didn't want to add a better for his foundation training before with scientific proof to conceive. It doesn't. 19. You work. This is a medical magistrate organ four year and have spent in the rest of his time provide medical cover for a solution. Hotels sets up. This part of using is called a response. So it was the onyx. Cool. Thanks very much. Josh. Hi, everyone. Yeah, my name's Alex on, but, um, I'm giving you a brief presentation on what it's like moving to use the land from the UK, and I'm working in a bit of the kind of Internet and stuff of the application process. Um, I'm going to use the London and Australia, Um, in particular. Uh, quite kind of popular choice is for a lot of medics of various stages in that training. Um, so here we go. So I just got off here with a little bit about myself, Just repetition. So we just heard they're really but on DS. Actually, I'm from the UK recently from work share on, but I did my, um, ethical training three years in college in Cambridge on my my clinical studies on and you're a college down in London on, then moved up the Enbrel, the two years of my condition training on before deciding to go over to New Zealand. And I think that's that's quite a common time. People decide, uh, on go abroad. But you want to meet people that decide to go to insulin that at any time in the draining and it's is that possible having to mix up This is just my experience. But if you're a medical student, you can always think about going area thought of violation, training, house, officer training. Or if you're watching the registrar of consultant or or anything, then you close it kind of across there is. Well, on day two, then just moving onto my time here in New Zealand, just a bit of a summary is s. So what I was doing over here, Um, So, yeah, I came across in December of 2019, so just before the pandemic on and started working a little more hospital, Um, which is up in Auckland? Sorry, it's not massively clear on the on the map here, but I thought I got a brief summary about a bit of the geography of museum because certainly when I was applying and coming over here, I, um I did not know anything about the geography of Disneyland or anything. Waas. So on the map here, you can see, Obviously there's the two main islands using. Then there's the North Island in the South Island on the North Island is where you'll find Wellington down at the very bottom of the North Island on That's the capital of New Zealand. Um, Auckland is about kind of three quarters of the way up to the North Island on, or convince the biggest city in New Zealand. So the population of organ is roughly about 1.5 million altogether. Um, using the population as a whole is only about five million. So you can see a big chunk of people that live in the organ region compared to rest the rest of the country on Ben. The main you've got in the South Island is about a third a half the way down on the East Coast. There is Christ Church. Um, so that's the kind of the biggest city and the the biggest one you feeling in general? Um, yeah. I've been here for about 2.5 years now on the whole time, uh, in the organ region. And so yeah, first year and the year in a bit was working as, ah medical registrar in minimal hospital. And then, with part of the stomach response and everything in New Zealand, they set up these isolation hotels for anyone that was coming into the country on I ended up moving across to, uh, help provide medical cover it there. I won't talk about that in view to detail because it's it's not gonna be really applicable for a lot of people now. But if you do have any questions about that kind of stuff, or more than happy to answer them at the end of the book ah, as well, so then not too good about myself. So we'll just we'll, um, you want to now kind of some of the reasons why people decide to work in your Zealand. And a lot of these certainly we're applicable for me and what I was thinking about going, and I think certainly New Zealand and Australia you, when you were working as a micro student or is a doctor, you do often meet people that if would have been over there and we'll talk to you about their experiences. So I really recommend if you are interested and having a chat with this kind of colleagues and people work, you may have done the same thing. Find out about their own experiences. What about when they were living in, Um, it was really useful knowledge there. Uh, some of the reasons why myself or or some of my friends decided to come over here is that it's a very similar health system and help structure to the UK And so I think that that really helps with moving across, um, similar in the training and also they said about the health system. So the medical school training is standardly. About five years. There's a medical schools in New Zealand, and and then you have a house officer training, which, when we last for two or three years on, got called and they're competing. Why years? Essentially, it's the equivalent of a foundation training on day After that, um, they would then go into, um, becoming a registrar. There's not really a smudge of ah Shogan, senior TT House officer, kind of, um, role in using lettuce. Their offer a few different specialties, but a lot of them it's you go straight from being House officer to being a registrar and rather than the kind of more we're gonna call core training kind of thing going on. But it it's a very similar set up. There's a lot of British doctors that work over here, so I think a lot of theories Ovary used, uh um, having a British doctors coming across on dot So just the structure of the house I was assaulted itself is very similar, with the way that the hospitals are set up in tpp actresses and and things. Another good point about coming to New Zealand is that there's no language barrier. So yeah, English is is the main language spoken here on. But that's not really helpful when you're going from getting with patients on. And the other main language in New Zealand would be to really marry so well on the memory population of the indigenous people of insulin on about 20% of utilities will identify us as marry um, but again, um, English would still be there. But the main language spoken and another good reason why I'm the main reason why I came over was it was an opportunity to explore the other side of the world. It was a bit hampered by the and then like and everything, but yeah, certainly, I think it's an amazing opportunity. Um uh, live and work somewhere that's similar to the UK, but also a completely different in terms of just the scenery and how much trouble you can dio. And if you do want to end up exploring kind of Australia or some of the Pacific islands as well, then you feel it is a really great based to do that and also an amazing chance to learn about different cultures. I've already touched on the marry in New Zealand, um, but as well is that I mean especially living in South opened. There's a huge ray of different ampicillin island nations that a representative South Oakland. Um, a lot of Coke Island is this is more common, doesn't opened in the round. The colon's a lot of video and Samoans yeah, really kind of diverse group in quite a big East Asian population and 18 Indian population as well. So it's just amazing kind of using it a chance to lot of our cultures that you may know, um, have been exposed to a huge amount of the UK on, but I finally got it. Now I got better pay and and better work. My balance Question marks, I think least for myself. I think before I came over, I was under the impression that definitely pay be much better and easier ones. Then it in the UK and work balance is Well, I think that depends a lot on on the job that you end up doing and where you end up working. And in my experience, on the whole I think pe probably a slightly better that if something about hey was really interesting you I think in Australia you get paid it, but more for the job you do need, um um let me get better. Where? My parents again. I think it depends a lot where you where you work. I was working in middle more, which, um, as the hospital that has the busiest any and hold it Australasia. See, they're not. And how's on installment? It is well, being being pretty busy, So yeah, I kind of certainly found that their work was actually really tough, then, um, be busy and really rewarding a same time. But if you were living in a more of a kind of rural area, I think generally the work better. But it's just something to think about when you're looking to apply and looking at where about he's like to apply in the country. So I thought I just run through a typical day that I had at the hospital on because they say I was out working as a registrar in in general medicine at Middle More. On the whole, I mean, it's it's It's very, very similar to what you would expect in the similar kind of role in the UK as well. So yeah, morning with food. It started with a big hand over from the 19 on. Did have a little different and get my teams that on. There may be kind of on and up. Eight different and Giammetti means we're together on been after handover, we'd go on the ward around, and if your prostate, which would normally happen, uh, roughly two times a week, then you have your US and Teo s and beans senior medical officer on. But it's the equivalent of a consultant in the UK. So you have estimate ward round. Otherwise, if you weren't post take, then it would be a lead would round. And certainly for me. I mean, yeah, I didn't wanna do and then come over is a wretch. That was the first time I was doing that. But that kind of stuff and having this kind of responsibilities on down in the afternoon, you're just gonna competing more jobs. Um, if you're on take, then you go down to there and look, you met you and I'll be parking. If you work as a registered rather than the house opposite, you may be tempted to have clinics as well. Um, you get it, Um, And then if you are, um, call in the evening or every night as well that you guys that carry on parking in, am you on? But if your house officer is that a little more, and then you might be buying the water ever might be hard on the research pager and then if you were working, is there the registrar? You might help the, um, our phone or the the medical referrals phone, which is giving you advice or views of 11 patients. Um, other specialties, Um, a Z Well, so you can see it. It's very similar to what? What you would expect from, ah, General Day. Any outdoor in the UK as well, Really think it makes it kind of easier to consultant into the system. Cool. And then this is a few differences on the top. Drunken had to be. You go. Having said that, they're very similar, or CRT, things that are very different. And so in terms of some of the main difference is just hiding them here. But again, I'm happy to go to in detail and stuff later on at the the question. And if you're in a section on so just in terms of things like the long days that you do so if your uncle and it's just worth noting that actually long days and it's even tend to be 14 hours and in length rather than 12 to 10 to eight AM to 10 PM on back means that you are actually after all the new for allowing me to 10 hours. But it is quite a tough structure. Think doing doing 14 hours in a day rather than 12. That was last two hours. Do you really, um, quite tough on does? Also a big difference, I found, is this whole concept of medical or surgical really based on how much you're doing and to a lot of different specialties. And as part of your runs, you'll have a chunk of time in in medical relief. Delighted did to six months runs is, ah, a registrar. One of them was just done a medicine, but one of them, the whole six months was medical relief. And basically, you're you're on the relief service. That means you're just covering different, different subspecialties within. That's a message medicine. You'd be covering either general medicine, just the internal medicine. Or you might end up covering cardiology or gastroenterology, your respiratory or or any of those medical subspecialties on you. Either cover them is a P D. Y. If you would be due I or is a Reg on but can be really difficult, I think, especially if you're covering is a red because you're kind of expected to be answering phone calls and DP's or or giving advice of the services as the referral to read two of the cardiology regimen that that's that's not your your background on Benadryl, and I mean people under understand the system and quite supportive of it. But it's It's certainly something that I buyable really where before going over, and I think it's good to You're going to know about. And it does give you a really good exposure to lots of different specialties. So, yeah, I ended up. I mean, like, a month altogether. Adrenal regine. It was really difficult, but also that meant that you got a huge amount of exposure to to be on medicine, and if you haven't had a running it before that, you can be really useful to get that. But having said that, it come that feel quite overwhelming. Not no, no. This battle D and the teams and I mean potentially. If you're on a really faster, you could end up moving around from places every day of the week. You could be know in a different department, and that kind of really, really tough Well, and the good thing about really visit, it means it's it's on the whole easier to get time off if you're requesting annually because they have this ball of relief doctors and they can cover people. It's it's much easier on the whole competitive lots of pictures in the UK and quite difficult to get annual even you want. Yeah, I talked to this earlier on. There's very few shor rolls. It's very much, um, House officer into registrars on. That was a big shock to me. So if you decide to apply as a registrar, they have basic training would be the first three years as a registrar, and then he'd be in advanced training mode. Is Dr uh uh after that? And I think, I assume is that if you were there is a basic training Reg then that would be more like a core trainee. Be the journey right, Destroying, maybe have support from a senior and destroy or something with you. But actually, the basic training Roaches in the advanced training register, all on the same roster, kind of expected to duplicate the same kind of stuff being same clinics up, holding the same reasons, pages answering the same and Nigel medical femoral side and everything again, really good exposure. And I think if you're looking to step up and it's quite well supported because they are used to having to make that quite big jump, I think between 10 to the f Y two and a registrar. But having said that, like if you're not aware of it, I think it it it can be quite quite tough to begin with. Um, a lot of people I think you end up coming over is as a PG White, a House officer, you'd be like a PT wear three if you don't have one and then two on, then want to come over here, have a few months as a PD wine may then decide to step up a Xarelto 20 kind of in that heat on getting that probably quite a good way of doing it and a few other differences. We go intensive if you want to work weekends. If you're a PT, why you're slightly different if you're a registrar, and that's just based on the they're gonna contracts and things that they have on. But generally, if you're House office having to work a weekend, then you would receive a day off in in lieu of having worked that weekend. Andrea's If you register, I've generally you don't on go if you're working, the weekend is a Reg. That often means you're working quite a few 12 days. Draft it all together. So you do five days, obviously monitor Friday, work the weekend and then just get back into the normal working week and monitor five years well on wouldn't necessarily get get the off within that time or or they're on a swell from the thing that was a bit of a shock to me as well. So yeah, again, you something to be aware of On down. Other main difference is you have just the demographics your you treating. I mean, as I said, there's a lot of different cultures in, um over here, come back to the UK and obviously with that, then that brings a different but in the disease and different possibilities and on different patch in terms of kind of cultural awareness. So the big thing, especially for Deland and the certain areas museum, but south organs, one of them on. But they do have a large amount of acidic a population and and on the whole yeah, and just the risk factors people have in their, um their disease is that people have is obviously, um, impacted on by the doctor in the background and the headaches and everything on do. Yet that's That's definitely a key difference there on the results of a a large, contentious issue, I suppose, in New Zealand about marry health outcomes being worse than, ah, you didn't European Health outcomes on. So it's something something to be aware of. I think if you're gonna come over here, but it's been spoken about what it's like a work, and I think parents have been negative in terms of, uh, doing the 12 days in a row and stuff like that. But then you have amazing kind of life outside of the hospital and just the, uh for me anyway that the Big Sun important museum and is just the scenery. I mean, it's, um, for such a small country. The variety and breakfast in rehab is just absolutely stunning on get it. Never see just amaze me how beautiful the country is and how different is like the South Island. And generally, I think, is what people think open the think, um, you DeLand on because that's where you have the Southern Alps and and it's the shots you seeing handle the rings and stuff when you and ongoing have all the snow, mountains and everything, but actually on the North Island is equally studying. And just yet, the variety of scenery is amazing. And when you do, you get time off. It'll quit accessible. You can drive low places is a lot of little flights and things if you if you want to get around a swell. So on the whole Yeah, I I really recommend coming over and And yeah, just using it a chance to to explore this beautiful country and people part of the world. That's just a bit about on what to expect If you if you were working in your Zealand and yeah, what it would be like on a few different isn't stuff on there. I thought I'd just go over, um, a bit more of the kind of actually pretty off the application process. I think I can't quite do anything on, but there's a lot of those informational what's lights, which is really useful, but it can be overwhelming. And when you first start to look into it and this is just a summary page that's taken actually from the the organ doctors website to the organ got this website and a Xopenex says is about applying to it or planned. But actually, a lot of the information that has on there is really helpful for supplying Teo Needle and in general on dot So yeah, even though this is from your contacts, I would apply for the, um, anywhere medial. And if you're if you're applying for it, so we'll keep things to kind of go over in the flow chart here, talk to you. The first thing you need to do actually submit an application on the application is a bit different than usual under compared to a lot of time in the UK So a lot of time in the UK If you're applying there, ah, training job, then it's It's a nationally organ, essentially in Iraq. What you want. Well, I kind of stuff on. Then you'll be ranked in and unethical allocated area and things you feel, and you apply it to each different district Health board area individually. So if you wanted to work in the organs region, then you would like to you going organ doctors and making application just for the organ region and just say you didn't get into Oakland that they wouldn't then get the application, uh, Wellington or question or any Morales. You have to apply to them separately as well. So if you do want to pass them that why you can end up doing have nine or 10 applications? They're all very similar and last similar things. Um, but yet county big time consuming. And with that, so, yeah, wanting applied to the region? Um, it's part of the application process is if there's a few documents that will be key to have, um, main one B C. D. Um, I think the note for the organ region is if you work, your clients opened, and your TV has to be in a specific formats on day. Have the pamphlet on the website. Yeah. You can't just have this even the way that you have it. You have to have to do the open way. No idea why, but it's just Yeah, just be aware off on debt. See these? Keep him getting brief. Um, but just have to be on that. The kind of major points, just the jobs you've done in the experience. You had that working in those jobs other time for got a job to make, end up having to write a cover letter, and it will be specified on the job on the website. If you need to or not by a few of them do. And if you are going to do a cover letter that it's it's important to make sure that you've, um, personalize it for the job that you're applying for. Um, if you're applying for again Medrol, why don't matter if you plan for And the anesthetics was not being obviously and take it towards that and good. So, yeah, other than the two main ones that you need to begin with on, then the the recruitment consultant for the reason you apply Do well then review the application just right quickly. Um, actually, you allergic below. So is in just making sure you kind of hit the box is a, um, medical three and all that other stuff on. Then, assuming you're eligible, then they would then ask for three right there references. So again, this is a slightly different. This is a slight difference compared to the UK as well. So, um, then we'll meet generally in the UK on, but you would kind of go through everything having interview except your and then one of the final stages would be getting the references, whereas in your Zealand, each individual regional want recurrences before they were leaving into the interviewing you on. But that's very difficult, because I think it certainly referees can if you're blind to nine or 10. Different places could certainly get 9 10 different emails to different places, asking for references. So and it's just good. I think they're learning the referees be aware of that and generally yawning three references. And it would be your current Pinnacle educational supervisor and then on your last two from your last two doctors. Well, um, I don't know. I think most on devices really happy to be. My preference is for people, um, who to then, assuming that the references and things or or get on down, you'll probably end up being interviewed on but most jobs on. Do you use the ones I've heard off doing to you? I think it's quite unusual they're not having interview on The interview will be done over a zoom on, but they say they they often have a lot of British doctor's appoint you in so and that they're very used to doing these these online interviews and stuff on. But it will be useful if you are given it into your slot, then just and making it very clear that you're in the UK just trying out with time differences and things just so you're going into you know, I've been Miller the night on, but they probably will be on the first thing in the morning or about the night and that, Yeah, on the inside himself. Um, that's usually going to be two consultants on the panel and then one recruitment consultant, Um, he was the one that I have reviewed the application of things to begin with and the questions they ask you Maybe like behavior or competency based questions Rather than nitty gritty medical questions, they may ask you 11 of the questions I have medical skills bit otherwise, would be more about kind of Give me examples of the time you went to the team or examples of the time you should. Leadership at work on day will also normally include at least one question on cultural awareness as well and turn it like my interview. Well, the last question they asked was Just was aware of any health on discrepancies within different populations in New Zealand on. But I think that's why it's it's useful to have a bit of reading into kind of marry and acidic health health outcomes as well. So you're gonna be working, working here with different cultures that make sense to at least have some kind of basic understanding it. What you going to going into on get that interview and then, assuming he goes, well, then you may be given an offer todo an offer. Um, then this is a thing where it counts a little bit overwhelming because until now, it's it's it's basically been you send your TV off the application and then having interview, and it's quite well, I'm going to cancel that. Similar to wait what you do in the UK, Um, I don't want you got the offer. It get to be more complicated because then you have to try and sort out your visa and your registration with medical council and all this kind of stuff. The will be fine and lot of people do all the time, but it can, I think, little bit kind of stressful. Yes, Um, adding in the evening with the stress. But on the whole, I think the recruitment consultants really helpful because they are every year they will be. You know, we have having people navigate through these these kind of issues on just intensive registration. So the equivalent of the GMC you're using is the medical council of usual. Um um, there's a few different ways that you get registration with, um that the vast majority of UK and Irish grads would qualify for something called a provisional General General registration. Um, via it's called the Constant authority pathway. But essentially, you have a bruise there. You have a medical degree and you've got restoration with GMC on. Do you get these documents verified and then send them over to the medical council? It's not a It's not that difficult application process. It just can take a very long time to do. Um, yeah, on. We have to kind of a month or so on to get to get that and started again. It's just if you are given a job offer and things that then just about getting these things done. But early on, um, Robin leaving or to the last minute. And I think if you feel it is up in the talent then and that takes one on the stress test was side of it as well. And and then a lot of the information as well that you would need from Merck accounts with is on the medical council website. I've got her side of the end that that have that as well. But that will talk you through the steps and things. And it's to that website that you would make the application on the registration A Z. Well, the fact you start off with Provisional General just means that you need to be working on there supervision, which if you're working in a hospital bassist and then then then then you will be with your own consultant. There is well, and so then the other thing to think about is yet immigration on your visa application on Teo again, all the information that you need it would be on the, uh, museum and immigration websites, which the length of the end of here is Well, um, but essentially, most people would come across here, which be coming across on essential skills, Visa and Teo being about doing count as as a school shortage on your Zealand. And so because it counted to central skill, that's kind of easy to come across on. And again. The application process isn't isn't really difficult, necessarily. It's just it can take a long time on, actually, especially with endemic in things Risperdal back. But the moment on when it comes to these applications. So again, it's just about making sure that you you get these things done early on did apply for on the immigration website a swell on. Some people do come across on a working holiday visa, Um, which means you can kind of come across the for a year or two to travel and do a bit of work on day once they're in the country. They were then changed from the Central school visa. It doesn't really matter either way with it, but when you do that essential skills, Visa could take longer to get. That's why some people come across the other piece is living with and go and then, um once you've, uh, visa and make the application medical Council and everything, Um, you then arrive in in usual under on. Do you have one final step before you get the registration, which is that you have, um, an interview with a Remember the Medical Council. It's It's a very kind of brief interview, and basically, it's just a weird checking your documents on good job you have and things like that. So it's not a a different view, but it it's not that ask questions or anything like that on. Then that's something that goes well. Then you get your registration and then you can start with a Z. I say this is a what kind of, um, on various website so that you will conduct this website. Uh, what? We'll have this on a movie tell as well and then you have a mark. Accounts of the immigration website were really helpful on a swell here. Who and I just got just sent it in device on about the process on. Then after that, we'll have lost time for the question. Is there a swell? So I think that's when it comes to go to applying. Um, it's worth considering, You know, whether you'd like to work a speedy were three that you're coming across after after or or register on. Um so I think as I said earlier on, a lot of people would actually come across a PD 13, maybe. Do you want to runs a Z p T Y three and then go up to the registrar? Which on is, um I think I've ever sent the way of doing it on that other people, I think decide, actually, they they want us to actually weigh and they want the responsibility on. But it can be really great way of yeah, going to get more exposure to a different specialties and and Yeah, I think a lot of the time people use coming to do and is as a chance to try out of strategy that they may want to train them, but they're not really sure on that was the case of me like, uh, I was driving when it's DDP training or, um, going to dental medicine. So I thought, yeah, it was useful to kind of have have the chance to disagree with would be like ti register here is well, and the other thing to mention about the difference between PT y and right distracted that the PG wire runs on density. Three months on you before three months rotations in the year and where the red is dry runs tend to be six months. You'd be due to six months there as well. And yeah, everything and just have a home was about flying Teo each region separately. And I think it is worth kind of deciding what kind of area you would like to live in. Like if you If you want to live in a big city, then, yeah, applying talkin went into your price just makes sense, but a lot of people would actually decide the big but they want this summer more rural on. There are a lot of, um, really great welcoming and rural hospitals, or just on the days each is on that have a community feel to them on, and actually quite a few that Do you have these things going to be a lot of effort doctors that will come over and work. There is well on your other things that you just mentioned again with the detainee. A couple other the, um drop your client e and then yet make sure that before you put your a supervisor down, it's right for easy. Just you just ask them that It's okay, as I say most. Then we have to be fine with it on. But you don't want to suddenly shock your, um, just like a visor with a request for a reference without, even though you haven't having asked about it. Yeah, that's what I meant two times, but I think it's really important about researching the cultural background, History museum and especially I think it's worth doing a bit of research into something called the Truth. Your white tiny treaty of white, tiny um, was essentially document that was signed between the British Empire on there. A lot of marriage. It's on back to 50 years ago on Bit's very much dizziness. They're they're kind of basis of modern New Zealand. So it's it's worth just kind of at least having heard of it. And I think you're just doing a little bit of every certain to that on. Do you have finally, just the last appear you could consider using your equipment? Agencias well, and so 11 that my friend used was this one called Met Recruit, and but there are lots of different season and locum agencies available. So essentially, if you decide to go through treatment agency, they were just kind of. And you have been more support when it comes to, um, making a patient process and and getting your references and then getting your visa and everything as well, so it kind of useful. Just have someone that's kind of people use that on a swell and here to some important dates to be aware off. This is for for the current cycle so you could see applications. Um, starting in January of 2023 have already opened on, but it's still a week or so before they close. That can throw a rush. But actually I mean, if if you were thinking actually like, I do want to apply for this the Nestle, it's time to get everything done. Um, because the application closing, you just need to make sure we'd be receiving have a letter in a new after referees. It's certainly manageable. Um, having said that, I mean, these are the the dates for the annual recruitment cycle, but actually a lot of places will have jobs available throughout the year. So it's not like if you missed it at the 13. You have to wait for a whole other year and they're better. They're kind of jobs available on day throughout the year that that you can apply for a bit later on. But yeah, if you do decide to fly or you you were already applied. Interviews tend to be in about June July, and then they would give out office in August or September to then start in the middle of January. And there was well on Easy to some of the use of websites on the top on there. Um, event a medic is actually really great summary. It's written by a couple of people that are remember, it's easier than the few years ago now, but it's just a really good summary of like bone applying. Then, like sorting out logistics of when you get here on things like, um, open up a bank account and answer like That's all right. I go. I really recommend it. Looks like that I was that how we got a lot when I came over on This is the organ doctors website. Even if you don't know if I talked and they think it's worth looking at it. It's It's a really good summary of the application process and really talk to you through it on down the medical council website and the immigration dealing with tonight there as well. And go on, get very happy to open the Florida. Any questions. And I just want to put my email address of there as well. So if you think of anything, um, over the next two weeks, so both off of questions and I'm more than happy feed 17 mile at some point. Well, thank you very much, Alex. That was really, really good. That was very interesting. Informative on. But we do have a few questions, a couple of questions that came in through the talk, so I would start from the top of the list. So the first question we have, uh, I agree which apply for specialty training in Dixieland Only work, maybe local jobs. No. So, yeah, you can take me apply for specialty training on, But, I mean, when I was working in general medicine, like if I If I wanted to carry on my, um I could have carried on training. So I was Ah, basic training year one registrar. And so, actually, generally, if you are applying, especially in the annual agreement cycle, you're applying for for a training position on on the whole on. But yeah, I mean, a few friends of mine. One of him over is as it's like psychology. Reg on by Think initially was just planning to be here for a year or two. And now she's decided t completely Carter training here, So, yeah, it's certainly feasible to come over on. Get a training. No problem. Thanks. A second question. So how is a typical training pathway exceeding for someone who had just come out of medical school is an eye mg? Um Oh, um, I don't know exactly. Um but on the whole I mean, I think if you just come out of medical school and then wanted to apply in New Zealand, then as I mean aside, long as you've and medical degree and everything, then there's no reason why you come from trader courses. As a house officer, you be a PT 11. Um, so, yeah, I think you basically supply in the same way as as everyone else on Ben. You generally then do PT Why one pt white to a lot