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What is Competency Based Medical Education?



This on-demand teaching session is relevant to medical professionals and explores the concept of competency-based medical education (CBME). It explains how CBME focuses on patient outcomes and learning to learn, rather than on mere information gathering. Additionally, it delves into the importance of competencies to mastery and using different frameworks and levels, such as Reeves and Dreyfus, to reach the desired medical professional competence level. Lastly, the session includes references to further reading material in the description.

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Learning objectives

Learning objectives:

  1. Students will be able to explain the evolution of medical education from the 19th century to the present day.
  2. Students will become familiar with the various terms and concepts of Competency Based Medical Education (CBME).
  3. Students will be able identify and describe the different levels of competency that can be achieved in CBME.
  4. Students will gain an understanding of assessment criteria for CBME to ensure standards of competence are met.
  5. Students will be able to analyse and evaluate the efficacy of CBME in comparison to traditional medical education.
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high and whole upper arm, because in this video we're gonna talk about the most important concept off medical education merged in the last 30 years. Competency based medical education. It will be explained in a short time, and in a way that anyone can understand why it's so important. These pretty flamingos are getting ready to explain. But first, the inter 19th century medical education was carried on most by using books. One man, William Osler, appeared and said, Medical students, If you want to learn medicine, you must go to hospital wards. You should spend time with patients. Books are not enough to learn medicine. It was a good step forward for those days. Since those days, however, the traditional medical education was teacher centers. The only source off information was teacher education, mostly based on information gathering, not improving higher level skills such as clinical reasoning and learning to learn it was disciplined, based and hospital based. It had a standard program. There was apprenticeship model that students solely copy what a professor toe. It was an opportunistic education that provides some random and irregular. Perchance, he's Toller. Assessment was only at end off the education. It was normal first, but is that the past and failed decisions are up to the others to those levels. If you are in the group that consists off students who have high levels, you fail. If you are in the low level students group, you pass, even if you have the same level as you failed before the prominence. Requirement off graduation was the time. For instance, Let's say you are a resident in internal meds. If you make rotations between departments for four years, congrats, you deserve being graduated. It's not important how you spend your time eating that period or, no matter the quality off. Learning the traditional medical education had such a shape. Complete your years, be doctor. But the dark time in 19 nineties something has changed. It was a gradual change that started before nineties, but there was a rep transform in nineties. The name of the change was outcome based and competency based medical education, C B, M E in C B M E. The past failed decisions are not even according to the required amount of time. The only important thing is outcome, and this outcome should be competent. At least you cannot deserve graduation certificate. Since you just spent your years inside the borders off the medical environment, you have to show that you are competent. The competency areas and levels are certain before you enter. You know what the target is before starting your education journey until the graduation time, any medic can be used to reach competence level that you need, what art levels, for instance, raves and Dreyfus to find them in their framework. Norris Advanced Beginner, Competent, proficient expert. If you want to get MD degree, you have to reach the competent level minimum and prove that you're it's in. See BME Assessment is not normal refers it is criterion refers. What does it mean? It means that there are sort of levels that a student has to reach, regardless off the group of students level. In short, CBA me does not folks on time. It's focus is to determine whether the student is competent. What is Tom's? Fuller said once a good archer is not known by his arrows, but by his age, let me incompetent to be your A. You will achieve no matter how you can find the further reading materials in the description below, See you and others paramedical. And also don't forget the's flamingos. Yeah,