This on-demand teaching session offers medical professionals the opportunity to gain valuable insight into financial planning and how to maximize the benefits of their pension schemes through Wesleyan - a financial advisor that has been around for 180 years, knowledgably navigating economic lows and highs. The presentation is presented by a financial consultant, Jonathan Field, who specializes in advising hospital doctors and reveals exclusive benefits available to Wesleyan clients. Furthermore, an advisory board of preeminent members of the profession are on standby to provide personalized guidance. This is a great chance for medical professionals to plan ahead, become in charge of their destiny and gain the financial freedom to make the right choices for themselves.
Learning objectives
Learning Objectives
- Understand the history and services of Wesleyan
- Understand the advantages of having an advisor and mentor specializing in the medical profession
- Appreciate the importance of financial planning in relation to medical career development
- Identify the five steps to financial planning
- Appreciate the benefits of consulting a financial advisor early in one’s career development.
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and and so just before we break for lunch, we've We've designated a spot for Wesley. And so you may have heard of Wesley. And previously they do a lot in terms of medical school in, uh, I know from my perspective, they did a lot with them sports societies and everything like that. And they're just going to get a quick talk on you know what, who they are and what what they can do for you. And, you know, fortunately, Wesleyan our one of our former responses for today on, you know, they've kind of help us run this event. So, you know, we've got a great relationship with them and, you know, we thank them for their continue support. And we have a brief session now with with Wesleyan, and then we'll break for lunch and we'll start again at half past one. Eso pleased? Take it away. West Lynton. Okay. Thank you very much. Emily. My name is Jonathan Field. I'm a financial consultant. Working for the Wesleyan on today's presentation is a short women are just to give you introduction to the company on to give you a better understanding as to what it is that we can help you with. So, next light, please. Okay, so the West and has been around for about 100 80 years Now, if you think back over that history, you'll start to see that that means we've been through every single all of the economic highs and lows, including every financial crisis the world has ever known. During that period on, we've not only come through them unscathed, we've actually flourished is a business to become what we are today. And that is the most robust, most financially strong institution in the UK. I would suggest that if you're looking for somewhere to start investing on David, your money, that you won't find a better home than the Wesleyan. But to be fair, I would say that one of the things that makes us unique at Wesleyan is that each financial consultant specializes in one specific segment. I, for example, only work with hospital doctors. That means that I work day in, day out, advising people who share the same career path that you do on my particular skill is to understand your career path through the NHS and in particular the benefits you receive along the way, such as your pension scheme, how it works and, most importantly, how you can get the most out of it. Another unique aspect of Wesleyan is our advisory board, which is made up of preeminent members off your profession. So very senior doctors and surgeons. And it's their job to advise us on our products and services so that they are relevant and of value to you at each stage of your career. One of most important things about West is that we are, um, usual society, and that means that we don't have any shareholders. So instead of shareholders, we have members, remember, is anyone that has a policy with us and why that's why is that important? Well, instead of having to maximize our profits to keep shareholders happy, we can actually look to reinvest those profits in areas that are members value the most, such as paying out regular bonuses to clients who invested or isis, for example, or looking after those that have our insurance products on. It really does mean that we exist for your benefit, which is why we can say with confidence that we're all about you next, like please, so on this life, you could see a quick overview off the different services and products that we have. One of the things that we pride ourselves on is being your partner for life. And that means working with you each stage in your career, right from medical school, into the first steps of your career, Ladder said. Buying things like buying the first home on the mortgage you need for that. Providing a financial safety net for you and your loved ones on right the way through to saving for early retirement and beyond that, leaving a legacy few descendants. Next light, please. So I'm sure you've all heard of the phrase If you fail to plan, you plan to fail on. This is where we have financial consultants come in. So my job is a financial consultant is always to start with the blank sheet. We analyze where you are today. We look at what financial planning you've already done on. We assess that against your short, medium, long term goals in the context off your career, your lifestyle, family property on my job really is to expose any short falls that you may have and help you come up with a plan that will address them on primary. We do that through these five steps. Next light, please. So just take a moment to consider your aspirations. I'm sorry. I think you've missed a slide there. Thank you. So, yeah. Just take a moment to consider aspirations. Where do you see yourself in five years' time? Where do you see yourself in 10 years time? What would you like to actually achieve, Onda? Uh, how are you going to do it? These are all questions that your financial consultant can help you with. So I could speak from experience and say that doctors and surgeons that I speak to in their forties and fifties who are ahead off their peers in terms of their finances. And the doctors are those doctors that took financial advice in the twenties and thirties. And that's a fact. So take a look around your room. Which of your peers do you want to get a head off? Perhaps I already gone for nearly lunch. Next light, please. So you may think you don't need any financial advice of the state of your career. You may think it's something that you do later in life. But the sooner you start to think about these things, the better. Next light, please. So financial planning is all about giving yourself choices if you start planning today. Um, for most people in this room, your any chest pension isn't going to pay out until you were 68 years of age. So, firstly, do you still want to be working by time you get to 68. Secondly, when you still want to be operating on people, when you nearly 70 would you still be able to? If you speak to a professional to start planning your financial your finances today, I can guarantee that you're being able to choose whether you work or not. By the time you reach 60 you'll be in charge of your own destiny and you'll be able to choose whether you work or not. So, following this meeting, nobody should get to 55 or 60 years of age on DA on. Do think I'd like to retire now, but I can't afford to. So following this meeting, no one should be in that position of having toe have nothing to fall back on if they fall ill. But it's down to you to take the first step. Next light, please. Onda next line, actually. So Yeah, the next step is to speak to a financial consultant. Wesleyan on, uh, we're here to help you three or financial careers, And, uh so let us make the most of your pension and benefits on the associating finances. I think they go to the next light. You can see that there's a cure code which you could follow and that you are code will take you through to, I believe, a form that you can fill in if you'd like to take that next step on for us to be in contact with you on it to help you with your financial planning. So I'd like to now, thank you. First of all for, um, for listening to my presentation on really to open up the floor to any questions that you may have. Great. Great. Thanks very much. Jonathan. I'm just I've got the chest open for medal, and I currently can't see it. Sort of any specific questions in that one once just come through and say so. Hannah asked. What are the benefits of using Wesley and rather than any other financial advisor. Thank you for that question. It's a really good one. Primarily it's ah, special is, um, so no other financial conservatives, no other financial firm out there will have the same specials that we do. So go right back to the beginning. My presentation, the thing I said about me being a specialist financial consultant, working with doctors. If you think I work day in, day out with doctors and surgeons, I don't see any other type of people any other careers. So my job gives me a unique insight into each and every aspect of your career, right from medical school, all the way through your career and on into retirement on I'm trained to understand your career path. I'm trained to understand the benefits that you receive the majority effect off off clients who speak to me to begin with, for example, certain the early stages of their career. They don't understand what their pension titles into, so they'll they'll see the superannuation payments going out for your pace lip each month. But don't rehab in understanding as to what that offers you. You understand it gives you a pension, but do you understand? For example, that it gives you a whole basket of benefits of what those benefits are on. Maury. Importantly, do you understand how you can get the most out of those? So, really, the reason why you'd speak to us and come to us is because we have that special is, um, on really nobody else? Marketplace does lovely. I think so. I think you know, as I progressed into my training at as a doctor rather than a student, I realized, you know, financially, Doctor is a little bit different because our training pathway so specific and, you know, but applying for mortgages of my friends have gone well, it says my base salaries that this but actually it's so much more. When and some people you know, they go, we work with doctors, we know how it works. And actually, they don't quite understand that. And so So it's always very useful, you know, from from a personal experience, you know, having a financial team that actually understand how how actually works in terms of salary progression, everything. So yeah. Thank you. That's right. Yeah. No worries. So that thank you. Joe is in Thank you to the Wesleyan team for supporting this event today. Appreciate it. Okay. Thanks for time. Thank you. And so I think we have come to lunch a little bit earlier on, then planned, which is always good, because I'm quite hungry. I don't know about you guys, so we have, um, a break. Now it's about 40 minutes. And so feel free to, you know, come away from the screen. Stand up for a bit, because it, you know, eight hours sitting at a computer is quite a long time. I'm come back dead on half past one to start pediatric surgery. Talk on that. Thank you to you all pretending this morning. And I hope it's being useful. And so I'll see you all a half one. Thank you.