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WEM Workshop - Prevention is better than cure: the joys and realities of Expedition Medicine | Dr Emma Figures



This medical teaching session will provide an insider's look into expedition wilderness medicine and all the elements that go into being an expedition medic. From storied and experience, to what to expect and tips for managing expectations, this session will cover it all. Attendees will learn about the unique challenges of working in the field and have a chance to hear stories from experts and join in the discussion around mental health, the physical symptoms that are likely to be encountered, and trauma injuries, as well as the different types of expeditions out there and how to find a niche that aligns with their passions and interests. Don't miss out on this immersive learning experience!

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Learning objectives

Learning Objectives:

  1. Explain what expedition wilderness medicine is and its role in medical care.
  2. Explain the specific challenges and considerations of working in this field.
  3. Describe the types of expeditions and activities that you may experience as an expedition medic.
  4. Identify the health risks and environmental realities of the field.
  5. Identify strategies for effectively maintaining one’s health and wellbeing while working in this field.
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right. So, as you know, well, that's treatments in our type one. So that's very, very happy to have it on board. And you do some amazing thing to be 60 with on situation Ukraine on before a focus on expedition wilderness medicine bolted Mantiri inside of things on. We are very, very, very lucky today to, uh, of winning secretary with us on women's finest faculty on, but all fisher D e o high for coming in from the sunshine. I appreciate that. But it's good for your skin is all right, Right. Escaping. I think I've got a little bit bit coming. My lecture coming in, Coming in. Welcome. Hi. Okay, Say, um, as I said, they're just gonna have a whistle. Stop throat to a three fish medicine and it's a remission. And get my deal. Something except high that. Yeah, that way. Okay. Say, I'm gonna tell you little bit about my story of how I sort of cuts where I am not on the things I did a long way. Then we're gonna look at exhibitionist in that Get the bad, the ugly. You're not taking medicine. Some of the woods and challenges of working in that field. Um, and then some ideas that you might get your story of the legs of you like, Oh, this is so fun. Okay, Say I buy a lovely single man living in a little caravan. So quite a period of it in Wales, I said, All my time outdoors. My face was aged nine. It's a professional three picker. They conduct a horse stables down the rate. And I used to get that every morning before school on, pick up the first week and then get paid them free riding with it. But that was great, other than nine year old, so that was kind of closes. Um Then when I left school, I went to the nursing assistant for a year. I've never been on an airplane, so I would say that money and decided Thio and put around the world ticket. You still get back in those days on. But that's why I kind of fist status realizing that I love travelling and thing actors. So I actually said before I studied medicine. That's quite let's meet back in the world, do graphics if I take it in here. He is a guy for a little reward a Woods did. It was really my sores every day. Three geography had the opportunity to work up in India and she like it after the seen only one that doesn't work with organizations that there. Then I went back to the VA for the, um in the debate show, which I printed out more of a lot of health sector to me. Where to the World Health Assembly when I went in Zambia for a while and then open a jar of hospice, then decide to come back in study medicine. Did garden medicine Uh, wait. I'm born a doing my elective getting out there and then actually I Finally it was diagnosed with chronic disease, which may be kind of it evaluate. We have other things. Let's of it in terms of kind of gradually thought you don't see lots of night shifts and crazy, exciting things and realize that actually, that's think that might help. It was saying that thinking maybe do something, I say. And we went to a funeral and foundation training, then German after you did amount of medicine course out in Morocco and got more interested in combining the love of geography on medicine and doing exhibition type medicine. So it's three mg every 456. I think there's no hurry. So specializes a message, so I guess I would need to take away. I check some time out is very sexy additions, but it's an education. For a while, I tap in the Caribbean, teaching the medical school, the various expeditions and TV medicine things. And then I decided to start to pee trading, um three. That I take a little bit of time out to go with in various things that I'm Laurie, a refugee camp on, then took another out program, decided to it in clinical skills on. Then I'm finally nodding XT three, but also taking that that time, actually, other bits and bulbs here in that. So what is exhibition medicine? Essentially, you are waking as a medic. I put plus plus plus kids. Do you got some other things in that role? I'm a next addition, and you want to hopefully try and keep everybody happy, healthy and base level of the lives. If they all come pain alive, that's that's good. You're doing well. It also come home healthy, brilliant and happy. Even better. So you take me from your regular and I chest job. I don't have a contract with a company or charities. Got and people often think that's a great holiday because, you know, you get to go and they pay for your trip, which is great. But actually, it's quite stressful on you are. Oh, cool. 24 7 and we'll look a little bit about the given bend, uh, gly there. But it's a Medicare plus plus, plus your double as an extradition Med. It is not just being a medic, but you also may be there to kind of listen when people are having bit of this a bad day and just once event you. I guess that is being a doctor, actually something that you might be infected toe help, you know, with that stunk E and the donkey is that well or help with the car and took two people about, you know ago she ate something that comes all sorts of things. So essentially you kind of unhappiness deal. But if everything has an exhibition medic. Okay. Says you guys think you might see or have you seen on on expedition saves? You been on them. Anything? Yeah, definitely. Yeah. Anything else? Yeah. Brilliant thing about the floor and the corner. The things that are out there might be there to get you. Yeah. Get and injuries. Yeah, absolutely. Definitely. Altitude thing. That's absolutely yes. 100%. If you're going to like killing me or the laser is something you need to be prepared for that. Yeah, but yeah, absolutely. So if you're, like, diving or something, I've medicine Yet Did someone both stomach? Yeah, absolutely. Guess your interactions is gonna be right. That's actually people are washing the hands. So it's really important thing about prevention as well as just curing when you're on those expeditions. So some of the things you might see, depending on your environment, You know, this does rashes, insect bites, different things. People often think a trauma is gonna be the main thing, but actually, it's quite rare, like, yes, it does happen. Sometimes people are cycling and they come off their bikes. And yes, you will be dealing with tremor that actually your kind of Ms aggressive everyday stuff is gonna be more dealing with some of the rashes and bites and people not getting on and having a nasty diarrhea and stuff like that. Listen, mental health is, um, quite a big thing that I think you forget to say, focused on the physical symptoms. And actually, people might suffer with your sickness on my income, a ways try and escape from the reality at home, and actually, they become quite anxious. And on the trips. It isn't the things to be thinking about. Yeah, on defense of the Times where you can do in terms of the X addictions. That's also it's really say whatever you like doing at those other. It's hiking, biking, kayaking, in the water, on the water, under the water events. They're sort of marathon type things and TV research trips, conservation ships. There's lots of lots of opportunities out there, and so it really just depends on what you're interested in finding your niche. So it's in the good things, uh, that you get so gait, amazing places on meat, amazing people a long way on. I think through that you get a great and study with the world wildlife of the human beings, and it's a really refreshing change from your sort of daily grand that is working up in in the in the chest just tingles, discharge summaries or just saying that some of the patients or telephone calls are people coming in here still waiting for yeah, long waiting list to be seen by a specialist. And it's hot. And then it's just it's It's quite nice girl to kind of do your job in a different environment. It's really good for your age, because equipment that happens, see the patches since coming on. But lifelong friendships on memory's a little way if we're meant to stay in one place. We have recent study Pete. I like cheesy because you will see some of the bad. It's generally unpaid, so it's not gonna basically liquid of specialty. It's thing that you would kind of do alongside your main job. Um, your uncle's much 24 7, I say you might have people waking up in your tents at three in the morning and then again at five in the morning, and it's a lot of responsibility talking about any medic out, I think the Avonex and he was on a study that I mean, it's a lot of actually have about your team around you and 70. Just didn't think about making sure that you are indemnified to work in that situation. Tricky participants, For example, if they don't despair anything on the medical decorations and then actually realize they got lots of issues going on that you were aware of kind of quite tricky in that setting. Talented, whether you have to be the Central Maggie one. So, yes, you can go there and have fun. But actually, you have to. The one being like we'll have you put yourself you want. Have you checked your feet? Have you had a shower today? You know, just being you know, feature is that you need to make sure people are eating something that stuff beating when they're at their comfort zone or at the mountain. Just being that person, it can put strain on relationships at home. So if you're away, Look, um, it can certainly put pressure on that. And and she has This is a leader to you. Don't catch a medical doctor. A shins on the ugly so things can get rolling on the federal mountains. So this is I thought it was a point to you. Is that waking way? See, is there he was given extra mention to you briefly share history. Lovely guy. He did commentary. Um, but he also has, like a stinger. A listen have a 67. It's a mass, but with you to approach it done two weeks after his attempt to defense of urinary and he was guaranteeing it and reading money for breaking a refill it. But actually masses in the brain skull. Obviously, you know, fixed space doesn't go quickly. Well, with a 70 altitude and sleep well, edema on it was a terrifying seems that will involve, but he didn't survive serious looking happy. But yeah, I would. I think it's just really hassles that manages your expectations, expectations of your Lantus in terms of what may or may not be that useful about the whole liver story. That Southwest. That's one thing we were, you, er, in a very remote a situation to train with them. You can take it telling me, you know, helps. I've ended up hospitalized twice after very districts. I think that's something because of the immunosuppression. Couldn't train cities they don't that some people didn't have to yourself is off, obviously has been looking at and that's really the health of the environment. It can also have a huge impact on that. If you're taking flex, you go on these trips. Think about your carbon footprint. It will say Lift it. I think it's really important to try and just be proactive when you are on the strips to make sure that you're picking units away with you don't want to leave the taste. Weston. You find it on duration things like that in the past that you're taking. So it's things that you need to be thinking about taking roomies. Another cheesy like feet. So you, Harry. Nothing resting. Similar, I guess, in a way. But it's a different. You're kind of waking again in a different nothing on often doing quiet but very different things. So the aim communitarian medicine is to buy a day suffering consequences of work, natural disasters, epidemic and damage seizures or displace them again. As we've heard, someone is being massively spaces. But crime, a change population great on increasingly scarce resource is this isn't gonna go and read. This is just a speak increasing thing, fluids. I'm a human, probably that comes to say that they put in humanitarian settings. But where you guys been? Okay. Amazing. What was what were using that? Um, anyone else? Yeah, just a little bit, but And fish a cardiac surgery in various random countries. That a conference. So wow, amazing. Okay, I was just I don't know, I you know, it's amazing. And so they kind of things that you might see in a minute to drink very much on your skills, obviously on sort of setting that you're in. So again, it might be sort of trouble if you're in a conflict setting of mental health in a refugee camp type setting or in a lot of the settings on depression, PTSD, women's house. A lot of the time, it's something that comes up because I've been with my weight once a present health professionals or, well, leave it on the mountain subjects in various the issues in terms of gender based violence. It you'll see that look in your clinic setting so lots of babies can't. The refugee camp ended that gave you presently in a refugee camps. So again, be aware of that coming with those sorts of things yourself on small intestine, infectious disease is and of course that chronic conditions is all. I think you forget about that because we're so lucky. But you know what? Able to manage things like diabetes and these chronic conditions in a second, but actually not so that they are the requirements of people have simply Oh, they don't have access to those and say things just just did it happen? Say, back in 10 to 20. And I was that more a refugee camp which have any blurry refugees, have been some more erect. Yeah, really? You have? Yeah. You were happy Family. Okay. Oh, nice. Very lots of different organizations out there on with her family. Katrina. So I've got a few deep relations, but lots of different organizations are waking out there. So essentially get there was a site put put. 3020. She's living men. So huge problems with a crowded place sanitation, disease, transmission, a lot of crime here and say, since see, as of during the times I was there, they were quite violent protests And where they were very right wing protesters coming in and smashing up and use cars and lighting fires. The situation was just generally pretty horrendous. On been K, But obviously people have very little access. Teo Space in terms of thinking about social distancing, very passive to clean. What state? So this is very well to say, you know, especially distance. What your hands that that's not obviously possible. It will have environments, um, and then fire, say, press that point. It just makes them feel here in 2020 and there was a few fires essentially decimated. Moria. Count on the left. It's 70 people without shelves. That and then people go meet the other temperatures that some people go with me. So mainland Europe. But anyway, well, and that's to be a mist. There's some of the challenges I saved for thinking about working in a humanitarian setting on bend any labor. It's affecting the the end so much that you can actually do in terms of work on treatments, you have to offer a follow up he can offer, and sometimes I think has to eat. Kathlyn. Check this up. Think by the ethics of the full like what's a D complex of you? So what's going on? Because we think that we can kind of make a different we actually just getting and pacing. I am. I didn't cultural beauties on other people. It actually there. If I actually it's different in a sort of crisis fasting on. But just, um, it's it. They remind if you are getting into that environment and follow up, you know, it's a very well. We can kind of help him treat somebody in an initial phase, but actually it isn't full record. Their meeting over. We're meeting. Where does that leave patients against me to think. But your attention quite high risk situation. If you're in a conflict saying and again things about family homes on disease, it says, Outbreak, something that you might say end up for coming in. Well, um, and then after math. So I think you need to and whatever area you're working like the tough with you guys a day, every day in the any chest pain, what everybody is seeing patients in it. Student um hum impact on me because you're seeing people who are going through a really difficult times emotionally physically and say I think you have to definitely aware of how that's going to impact on you as well and find a couple strategies or friends or family ways that you can kind of deal with. That's a moral injury or that assault on yourself, like him, like crying for TV when I came back and they just stopped. I think you have to look after yourself further on. Then I guess. Just think about what you're leaving behind. It's it's all very well, sort of go in for a month of it and then come back. Actually, we can only we have the freedom to come and go Another current with Maybe that situation there so has again. It's a fit on this morning. Thinking that you get with climate change is having a huge impact on people needing see on move you from where they're living and look becoming on displaced. Say this is you know this isn't gonna go away. This situation is any games get both, um, this'll work paper was just back in February. A zit can see here they said, Well, people against I each year from heat waves, diseases, extreme weather, evolution and starvation because of labor blooming. And the report says just how many people died from some how much he talking gas from the burning of Cold Island natural gas sets get speed of set And how the world the deaths from ever and well, actually, I'm feeling I think about it. Okay, say, why did it when it looks like Okay, there's a lot of things that are going wrong, and it it isn't will raise the white legend. I think you are in a very privileged production. We are a little bit position that we have trained and got skills that we actually have it make a difference. So I think we always have a DC, said two huge place I could see I would with this lovely things at the back. Welcome way You can build lasting, protect the relationship and bones through this kind of quick and you get to work with amazing like routines, say three translators. I'm gaining huge head leaning and experiences helps to break down. Barry is an increase in help with your understanding of others A Z I said. I think they have a CT to help with the something because otherwise, what's the point in taking these years? Do you think on because you better perspective in appreciation, sort of this sort of political? The label cultural, environmental awareness. Lucky things. Eso I really like this quote. It says this is for the climate scientist Catherine. Hey, hey of the Nature Conservancy, she said. It is really bad and there's a good chance that it will get with. But if we do everything we can that will make a difference. Actions will make the difference. That's what it is. I don't want a sucker go away from here feeling Take Li like in despair because actually, we can make it even if it's a little different. So we have we can make it if it's connected, you need to hold on to some kind of like So lastly, who would think? Well, you can tell rushing through it. Okay, If they have, because you create your age story, I mean, a little figuring out, like beginning part, just a few close. I guess that one is, you know, So you're you're doing if you're trapped in the doctor in a situation that you're not happy and you're never going to have not compelled, like feel that didn't spread that other people. So I think you need to kind of make choices that gonna make you happy and follow your heart, whatever that might be. Keep learning and take action. So in terms of sort of how you can keep planning on coming to compensate like this, they came out. It's conference, the real extreme medicine conferences in the suddenly building for Adam Bread in Okay, let's remember the number of this year. It looks like, See, that's I think that sounds down, said on the Web. Stand on there, saying that there's like a 10% discount if you enter Ikea medics. Okay, you could go to Tennessee. And if you have a statin, does stand in the sun and he's giving out free T shirts. I'm free sex. If you have a free step, it's restrictions. The free PSA Go get that from doctors says. You have to find it. It's free, free, free Life is great and a 303 times a day. And the tea, you know, we can learn so much from the rest of the team, whether that's unless paramedics, they put such a wealth of experience and knowledge that they can teach you something from them. From them. Going courses get that little get involved. There's various fortifications that you can do. This is some of them. He wants to go learn more about public and catastrophe medicine and says, Well, so it's out there. So I did the global help with the appetite. Medicine close and excess is a 10 month online course, and you can do the favorites of your medicine. At the end of it's just a different way of doing a different medicine, but lots of lots of things out there that you can get a little more, um, opportunities again. This is not existed left that also out there lots of different ideas and that you can work within a set of humanitarian sexy on this is GI more of us of extradition on medicine areas. If you wanted to look at different organizations, so I think she did was just email infections. And like the next three, Yeah, it said, This is where I'm at with the company. But let's see, Do you have any opportunities on that? Uh, looks a lot of opportunities out there. Say, oh, in summary. Oh, I feel like I have a with going too fast, but that's okay. Maybe you guys been tested it well. I have a breather essentially that there are a lot of different teas out there. Think about what? Your priority, you know, like issue by his precious. They try and figure that out. I still have a bigger than that. I don't think any of us necessarily have. But trying to take time to re infest days, the air is useful. I feel like, um, preaching to the condition, you know that it's a beautiful, it is precious and it's vulnerable, just like we're a swell. So look after the world, look after yourself and, yeah, make good choices, I think is my my little summary say any question, but especially thing that's giving you insight into the very colorful career doctor figures.