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WEM Workshop - Human Factors in Austere Environments | Eoin Walker



This on-demand teaching session is relevant to medical professionals, focusing on human factors and how to minimize or mitigate risk in healthcare settings. We will discuss seven domains: stress fatigue, point of workload, design equipment, teams, culture, and decision-making. Through simulations and demonstrations, participants will be asked to recall what they’ve learned and use it in practice. We will also discuss simple tricks to improving performance in the workplace and how to effectively support each other in times of stress. Join us to learn how to best protect your patients and use teamwork to boost the outcome of medical practices.

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Learning objectives

Learning Objectives:

  1. Understand the importance of human factors (e.g. stress, fatigue, workloads, etc.) in medical practice.
  2. Recognize and identify the impact of human factors on clinical decision-making and outcome.
  3. Utilize strategies to effectively manage stressors in medical practice.
  4. Demonstrate increased proficiency in efficiently and accurately executing medical tasks through practice.
  5. Develop an awareness of the impact of the medical workspace on performance efficacy.
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Computer generated transcript

The following transcript was generated automatically from the content and has not been checked or corrected manually.

Okay, so welcome. Everybody on this way. So, yeah, there are just totally Okay, I, um a little permit I work with. It's probably on, but I have some of you of this of this. But what we need to do is talk about, um, fact is the posterior environment, the kids, it will affect you regardless of whether you change your mind, you know? Okay, so we may as well energy much like climate change my meds, Right. Another gel using about 58 states before it's in dangers are So you're back to definition Don't know. And so I took a liver about trust high before teens on dot Okay, so why why is human factor so important? Both in days they practice on and extradition. Okay, wait six. Yeah. Yeah, because change or well, I was thinking can do something about back trick. You know, our Procrit, itty. To make six release a fax is the very surprised having organic narrative this Discuss, discuss, ignore it to a heart problem if we don't bring that out into the open. So, you know, the fact is a problem. No problem. Your dig a little bit deeper. I just want to give you this a picture, please. Now, let's just hit. Just speak to 1000 words. Okay, so it's 7. 30 and soft spoken. Six. You asked to give this patient dexamethasone being resource for somebody for acute protection coast? Maybe. Maybe leaving. This is why we need to adopt and acknowledge fact system sometimes is no set up, Teo Us. Yeah. Okay. So Okay, so tell me a little bit about this picture. You know, a problem that way. Yeah. So then this really interesting. So the nurse is new Exactly what to do throughout a sustained 90 minute minute period of a policy, but couldn't incubate in a routine on operation, which was two instances with nasal Greenwich. Very competitively. Nurses had the equipment there. The anything tests answer on. The anti surgeons would not listen to you. Okay. So immediately, this a hierarchy there's a high walking place. Is the answer within the room. It's just not being new spot. That's the label Husband's is is responsible for the clinical human factors group. So he is what's actually it is being so those rounds on lecturing people are human factors and how to music eight in the practice is widow, and it's pretty much probably a seminal case in the human factor. Literature is they draw me. Should not. Okay, why don't you just go teeth out? Okay, So to enhance communication and the work is one reason to decrease training time and need to reach competence. Use another to minimize the need for my my minimize. Any modifications Work around in shorts is another. These give me the main reason why I said, Do you want every day and on Sunday Because you're passionate about what? Your stage, the's old. You can't patients hard on you if you go on to the oncology estimation, it's true. Is that specially nothing to do with change? Have really environment important medication that you have to win the environment for you in patient to call this at three AM and it's dark with sores on for a little scream in the shower. When it seems to be getting that stage where you're four hours waiting based happen and six hours away from the hospital, you have to mitigate that environment to try and maintain a certain level of competency patients. You have to do some cool stuff and continued improvement. Okay, So if she eats, okay. No structural persons. Yeah. Human. Absolutely. To assist in some of the system system mitigating improve systems this toe get necks. Yeah, You. You. Yes, education is part different. Visuals is task to three. Depends on the individual task. Hands were placed on these. That's really good men's of human factors, which we watch has a performance standing up to physician effective teamwork task equipment. Workplace was no. We're culture organization on human behavior abilities. So essentially, all I remember is task individual vial place mitigation strategies for each because the war seven domains. So it's stress fatigue, point of workload, design equipment, teams and culture gonna go through those. Okay, So three methadone may not wanting to remember those. Okay, so the individual ones, we all know this with all of this. Okay, Decision making it stress management. We all have to do it, you know, gets about some of the options about doing ice. If you're in Cuba, they I already sent it here. How we do that. Workload. Vigilance, situation, awareness, K situation awareness. When you're in problems with may sound three and people screaming. Surprising how well first because what we know about a mental stress is that your preclinical t teo scan the, uh, virus. Pay attention to the Y. Now, uh, now, uh, your attention. Oh, you're fine with it. Comes on you, Barry. Okay, so it's just in four months. We know it's a bell shaped curve. Lot of things in life about actually drive all pass it and maybe not so quiet place to be. Definitely not so it's the same with stress. So incremental, just tying a stress. Actually, Like I said, the game she was stress. Too much stress. And that's for what decision? Making its right. So in your Sinuses or your visual sensory millet's your visual acuity narrows. But first thing you know is your hearing You're not here your name when I shouted across the room If the airway is for the bone, it's your nasal passages for the blood on. You got people screaming. The first things go usual or three senses, then your visual acuity nose. Then your sense of time, space situation, where it's also becomes dramatic. So we have to prepare to know that are kind of static. Three back is going to be minimal. in stress and then start. Okay. So, little individual task, What I want to do Don't drop everyone. I want me to give you 10 seconds. 10 seconds to remember everything. Three everything on street. 10 seconds. Okay. And then I'm gonna go through sequentially to see if you can remember. Okay, 10 seconds. 10, 9 a 765. Food. 321. Okay, what was the first? That's okay. So see, it's and saying Clean. Nice. You can see. Okay. Yes, thank you. Way scratch again from my leg. Right stuff. 10 seconds. Starting now. 10, 98765432. War. Okay, well, first. Okay. Oh, I could have had a sense. Yeah, just Yeah, a six. Yeah. Okay. What's it tell you you're right. We're almost called away. Blesses all that is hardly so. We've got to maybe What about seven or eight in here? Okay, But here with you, if you drink information down, it's fall table short. If you chunkin information down, it's far more. It's far more. You're able to recall it in short term, so make things easy for another chunk Information. All that was that information to you know, get back in May to make sure whatever I'm giving you I know you're seeing so close your t back with my be on. Okay, So I tell my Yeah, it's that's correct. So closed loop be back on shot information. Now the perfect example of how we don't simulate I just constant stream a little junky raising better. Okay, task situation. So she ate with increased and increased error. An experience of military for melody. The task short of your time for procedures for human equipment interface on sense. You may have actually experienced a lot of these drugs straight into a situation where you do not feel ready for the situation. He's but I'm just a number for five, please. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Good. Okay. Have number once. I can't. Please excuse that. Three said before that way you on that side of the topic to be facing that side to this way. Yeah, I get to hear that. I mean, five to face itches. So two of you to graduate, So Okay, like your fingers out for me. Three things out. All those in for you. Take her. The thermostat says way. Take one step forward. this's in this very social distant. Okay, once a force. Okay? I want your fingers on the stick when all your fingers to stay on the stick or your fingers to stay on the state keep it still may still be Oh, thank you. Thing is honesty and way you have to keep. Your thing is you have to keep your famous straight. Do you have to keep it straight thing Good, good, good, good. Okay, so strange. Low six. Way, way, way, way, way. So wait, now you're saying, but cities heavier Still on what I was wanting to do for this test. Everyone else listen, everyone's gonna be compliance. Thing is so no, it's not a dominant fingers that painting finger. Okay, And it's the top of the picking, so it's not the sign. It's not rotated. It's the top. Okay, you can have one person talking. It's actually easier. This's saying task. Get my conversations on you to get your factors. One person talking about houses It wasn't super tired to see how we get back in your position. Please call. Think he's on the stick. Let one person to talk way. Someone just let me know way to go. What person Talking. Okay, so wait. So let's get back. Uh, so how much easy was that when it was the same task? Seem kind of practice, as you take it like this. Always slightly wants is variations, but the way you approach it silence and, like, competitions have clearly issue. We can still have a phone booth. Followership. Good feedback. Okay, on that. Haven't talked quickly and efficiently, but this is This is okay. And again, it's, you know, managing individual human factors. Communication. Little clear. You ship there for a ship, Captain. This name good corporations. Okay. Okay. And we see this with kids. Calendars on on expedition content is an explanation is a task human factor. So when you're on exploration, you really number of things we want to know. You get inside out, you need to know you get inside upside down. You also, the more it'll make it's you need to have the same medical expert. Really big human factor medication stretch. It is making sure if I've got to have 345 a week. So I needed, um, extremist. Get to be a driving. Now the intramuscular Germany's Okay. Excellent. with me. Any one else knows what you drink. Okay? His team's rational on your back. License pulls on it. That's a packing kids the same way. It's a massive humor about medication. Okay, workplace. So we want to do Is mitigate is much impossible. We call these later So the disease later failures within the system. Let's get the organizational, Super Super Super Vision failures. Active failures. But these later failures things. Way to capture a week. Grace matters off. Medication is half. She's a She stops off any before the Lady Althea. Non medical. Because actually, what you want to show people have open airway. Get into practice because you're really taking about black step Simple. Listen to Skip Constance. It's get people to put people recovery positions, do a line of you in teaching session, but really start maybe doing every once a week. So that's the only side people's brains. So if you make all the lights for Maria how to do it, you know, a job for us. Head Tilted already sent me stories of medication from a workspace. Okay, so So what we wanted to do. I'm kind of running out of time and just about two PM so I'm gonna forget the last task. But what I wanted to do is just talk about root cause analysis, just trying to mitigate these active phase angulated various late in conditions, winning the environment. So breaking the air a chain by clearly, let me relieve stuff differently. It's assistant to try and mitigate system. There is having a lot of medical packs, packs and same way sharing with the whole see where the adrenaline is when they That's not no other confusing, chunky information, making sure people understanding my clothes in the room. Okay, any rash number seven bupre only take seven piece patient months, too. So if you give people a reaction, what's that tape understanding? Short comments are going to short mean you can get it, so medication is communication feedback, behaviour, fellowship, patient decision making situation, situation with Elise, patients in a lease, okay, and always do open to letting other people speak into your practice. Have I missed anything? Is the most powerful question you have. So it is you are you know, this is a very focal or multi focal. Well, that's much is lots of measure person's you said no medical training, just like you. Okay? Closing communication was spoken about that. So check lists have that lack of communication I spoke about earlier and system circuit breakers, Drobot file differentiation, self awareness recognized the normal deviation, normalization, deviation and sort of deviates. So get allowed to speak to speak into your practice. If you think you're this work around that, that's me diet to PM, any questions and your feelings, you look great. Session. He thinks it's great. It's great. Don't know where he was. Six sessions people on any. It's also not to do something. We'll do the cognitive one. That's super easy to do. Just basically, we'll adjourn. You have wall seducing session. You want to do something where you can't do patients. And first one that on someone stuck yet people that people base camp's turn around and get the patient to lie down and you have to get people to rise. Coach people his grades on how you like the experiences Think you might have to go to sleep with. You can use it if you're gonna run the session turnabout. Guess once line for you have to coat the first responder. Have a great cooperative session. T get people thinking differently. How much it was? A. I think I need to just come back from the US three mean checking to the your department like you infected here and entire human factors courts for where you go away for a weekend. You do. It's a personal strengths and weaknesses. Analysis all come together and chat about something that's it's arguably the most important thing in life that you're in fact, that everywhere it's at work. It's a homes and all of your relationships. Communication is keeping everything. So thanks so much should be ago. And I'm not sure you get the Androgel, but But when you're 70 specific questions and he's cashing.