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OK, so hopefully you can hear me now. Does that work for you guys? OK. Awesome. Thank you for the response. So I'm gonna make a start. Um Hi guys, I'm Nixon. I'm Aerio Medic from Imperial and I'm also one of the academic officers for AMSA. So it's nice to see you guys here today. I hope you've enjoyed your first few weeks and the fresher events going on too. Um Now I appreciate that you've probably already had two or three similar talks from faculty in the Student Union. So I'll try to avoid boring you guys with the same stuff by focusing today more on the important things regarding like the tips and tricks that faculty don't necessarily tell you. Now, I put on the event info that this last from 3 to 4, but realistically it'll probably a bit shorter. I've just written it like that. So we have a bit of time for the Q and A at the end. Um Oh and before we begin, if you haven't already, here's the QR code to join the AM S A group chat. It really is probably the best way to stay in contact with us. And we'll keep you updated on there. We have all sorts of academic events and social events run in the future, including the Games night that's coming up next Saturday. Uh But that's my uh Seamus fog over. So let's get on to talk. Here's what we're covering today. I've tried to map it. So it's chronological of how your first year runs. I should also add the caveat that the exam session is a little more tailored towards the imperial students, but everything else is applicable for both Imperial and king students. Um So firstly teaching content again, not too much detail about the this, but I'll talk about how to get the most out of it, then the studying techniques afterwards, which includes some useful ways to learn the lecture content without forgetting, which is, as you can imagine, fairly important, then we've got exams, it's a little early but I think it's always a bit useful if we just spend a bit of time going through this. So you know what to expect from the start and finally some useful resources that you might find helpful first. Yeah, er particularly as er ex exam season approaches. Now, if you have any questions at any point, feel free to write them in the chat. I've tried to answer them as I go but chances are I won't see them. Um Otherwise you do have the Q and A at the end so you could save it for them. Afterwards too. As far as teaching is concerned, the first year, your teaching will primarily be delivered through one of these four formats. So lectures your traditional face to face or online lessons where someone talks to you for an hour, maybe more depending on how the lecturer feels. You also have tutorials. These are the more interactive group based sessions where you usually complete tasks to consolidate stuff you learn in lectures. That's lots of TB L there and lots of fun anatomy and clinical lab skills. So these are a bit weirder you, these are when you're on back to back, either in a dissection room or the cas labs um doing the appropriate task there. And then you've got the guided online earnings uh which are the online incense lectures that you do at or 10 timetable to do in your own time. Um So faculty has probably gone through a bit in too much detail for this. So I it's not too important to cover what each delivery method involves. What is important to cover is how you can be efficient with each of these delivery methods. So, what I've done is I've included like the top tips I would recommend for each of the different teaching methods based on the last slide. So firstly, for lectures in the top left, not every lecture is useful. Now, I'm not telling you to skip your lectures. Otherwise I'll be in a lot of trouble with faculty. But use your judgment to find out which lectures are worth your time. Generally, you should try to attend lectures. If one, you know attendance is monitored, that's really important. Um especially with imperial students. Now, um two, if you focus best at face to face three, if the lecturer is really good and you can ask questions or four if you want to meet new people, which is pretty important when you're starting out the year. Anyways, most of the time these lectures are recorded on Opto, which lets you do review of lecture content, way more flexible in your own time or things like pausing, rewinding and then going at two times speed. If you miss something in face to face, there's no option to be to, to rewind. So, you know, um Opto is really useful if you don't end up going to like a lecture or something. Now, secondly, for tutorials on the top, right? Unlike lectures, most tutorials won't be recorded on Opto because they're in group tasks. So do your best, attend them and get any of the content for the answers and questions that come up in the tutorial. If you really can't attend them, please try and get notes from a friend. Um Because the only reason I'm putting so much emphasis on this is that if you miss them, you end up having to really annoyingly chase answers when you're inviting for exams later in the year. So it just saves so much time to do things right now. Plus they're way more fun inducing the lectures. They normally happen. Like the time passes really quickly in tutorials for the clinical skills and anay on the bottom left. So I'll treat them with two different things for anatomy. Please do your pre reading. Otherwise you're standing in a dissection room without a clear of what's going on, which to be honest was probably me for most of first year. And it's a really big waste of time saying that the pre reading for clinical skills isn't too important to complete, try and do it, but it's usually way too much to go through in like your one hour slot for the goal. Um, and they cover it in the lesson anyway. So it's not as important as the dr pre reading if you have to focus on one, go for the dr pre reading first. Um, and the last bit for, for clin skills and anatomy is, it goes without saying, but ask lots of questions, um, especially if you have Lydia, which is the head of anatomy. She's really, really good at teaching and she has lots of ways of remembering, er, teaching you how to remember any monos. My tip for that is if you find Lydia, she's the one doing the anatomy exam questions. So, things that she talks about a lot probably are coming up in the exam when we nudge, nudge. Um, so, yeah, that's what I'll say for the anatomy bit and then for the bottom, right, with the goals, um, to be honest, goals are like your best friend, realistically, you can do them anytime you want and it doesn't have to be the timetable, er, which lets you be really flexible, but please do actually, um, get around to doing them within a reasonable time. Firstly, because often they form part, like a part one to like a part two store later on and if you don't do it, you'd be completely clueless. Um The second reason why it's really important to eventually do your goals is because it's really, really easy to like build up a backlog of your um your online learning if you don't get around to doing it. Um So I always recommend, you know, you can be flexible but be responsible with it right next, some things to avoid. Now, um mistakes are gonna happen, you know, it's first year. If there is a time to make mistakes, it is now. So don't, don't feel bad if you make mistakes of things. Um But here are things that I'd say are good to try and avoid. So firstly, spending too much time on the small details and now might actually be a good time to induce the concepts of high yield and low yield, which you may have heard me throwing around. So high youd content is essentially the really big important details that you really should be learning for exams. For example, the free general reactions from the different of prue um comparatively low yield content is a really, really small details such as the exact delta H per mole of those three reactions for the different FHA of ate. I'm using this example because I think you guys had like cell biology one. on now, admittedly both high yield and low yield things will come up in your exam. But since there's so much content cover throughout the year, it's generally way more efficient of your time to be studying the high yield content rather than the low yield content. Medicine is really the course where it is better to have a ve very wide breadth of knowledge rather than a very specialized depth knowledge. So please please please don't get caught up learning all the tiny details in pom. It will drive you insane. Um Secondly, falling behind on work. Now, the first thing I want to get across about this point is that it is very, very difficult to stay on top of everything to a perfect degree. And at one point or another, you'll probably feel like you're behind the content. That's OK. It's normal. It happens for most people and you have to do your best to play catch up. But the only thing I want to warn of this is that it's very, very easy for backlogs of work to build up quickly if you're not careful. So just make sure you keep an eye on what you've got to cover so you don't fall too far behind, it's very much a balancing act and what you'll hopefully find is that as the year progresses you get better at it and finally, er, try not try to avoid, not studying Effe Effe effectively or efficiently. Um, it's a bit of a blunt tip but what I mean by that is there's going to be lots of content to cover in a limited amount of time. So try to find ways or advised that one don't take too long and two help you remember the content properly, for example, doing notes for absolutely anything and everything in your lectures will take far too long and then you forget most of it by the time you get to exams. So you're probably wondering what can you do instead of notes? Well, this rather convenient leads to our next section which is about studying techniques. Um So there's lots of different study of techniques in the world. And I've picked three that are relatively easy to implement and also really effective at helping you revise. You've probably seen that P is really, really big on the evidence based stuff. So in the spirit of that, I've tried to pick ones that have a pretty good research backing them. Um those are active recall space repetition and it's leaving. But yeah, let's go through them in a bit more detail. So firstly, active recall to begin. It's best if I explain the difference between passive learning and active learning. So passive learning is when you consume information from just reading or listening to things such as when you read back on your notes and comparatively active learning is when you engage information for discussion or retrieval practice, such as when you answer practice questions or you do flashcards, generally active forms of studying lead you to remember the information way better than if you're doing passive forms of studying. And what this means is that you should try and incorporate as much retrieval practice as you can into your revision by using things like flashcards and practice questions. I know a lot of people prefer notes and it's probably worked for like a lot of a level and GCC stuff, but I promise you remembering things becomes so much easier when you're constantly testing yourself to see if you remember it uh with like these flash cards and practice questions. Now, now I think faculty is really really on it and providing lots of opportunities for treatment, practice on incentive. They give you like lots of practice questions and like a path exam questions. So that's useful to have a look at er for active recall. Um Space repetition is next. What does this involve? Well, I put on the slides rather confusing. Lots of repetition, lots of spacing. Um First, there's lots of repetition. As the name suggests, you only start to remove things in your longterm memory, if you start to review them over and over again to make it stick from your short term memory. But there is a pretty important note about this, which is the second point spacing. You will be the main judge of how frequently you review your own content. But the hope is that the more times you review something, the better you remember it and therefore the longer the time inter before you have to review it again. For example, let's say you learn something about soma metabolism last Wednesday, you might review it in a week at first to make it stick. And the next time you review it, you have to review in a month to solidify it. What you can hopefully see is that the more you review it, the longer the time intervals get until your next review. And in practicality, what this means is that when you're in exam season don't spend hours and hours reviewing content, reviewing content you've done from week one, balance it out. So you spend more time on the more recent content you've just learned and that will help you kind of spread out your er longterm memory across the ex er the content spec way better. Another important part about space repetition is paying attention to which concepts you remember? Well, and which ones you don't remember? Well, the things you remember, well, you should review less frequently and the things that you don't remember as well. You should review more frequently. The main goal of this is just balancing ti amount of time you spend on between each of you so that you get it just right for you. Um It's way better to like kind of be proactive for your, your um spacing because blanket covering everything in a set amount of interval times is just not effective. It's not efficient use of your time. Um, especially if you already know stuff, there's no point going over it again and again, again, when you could spend a time with stuff, you don't know. But that's based repetition for the last one. Interleaving. Um I'm not personally fond of this method, but it does have quite a lot of evidence supporting it. So I feel obliged to talk about it. Um Essentially what interleaving involves, it means integrating your individual topic blocks together so that you cover a wide range of topics in a mixed topic block. Um when you're revising them in a session. So you can see at the top, I've got blocking which is four different topics. And then in the bottom, I've got interleaving where I've got one top one block but all four topics in it. Um What this results in is it means you're regularly sw switching topics which is meant to help you form links between different topics. You do and that helps you remember things better. For example, pretend that topic 123 and four are your molecular biology hemo hematology, immunology and genetics respectfully inter leaving them together results in a pass and more akin to what you see at the bottom of the page where you're constantly bouncing between them. If you can really get around this repeat, switching, it actually really does help you remember things in more general context, which is how they will be assessed in exams, especially in like PM and BRS your written exams. So that's where interleaving is really useful. Um But those are the main free studying techniques I wanted to kind of rattle through, try and give them a go and see how you find them. I will pre phase this with that. Generally speaking, if you're trying these techniques for the first time, it probably feel really awkward or even frustrating, you'll want to do what you normally do. But if you can get around, they're difficulty at the start. I promise you they're really, really effective. Um If you can imagine if you can manage to use even some of them in your revision, you'll also probably have noticed that I've included an image of this app on the cycle. A key on the right here in each of these slides. That's because this kind of does all three of these studying techniques for you automatically. Um But I'll talk more about this later on when we talk about resources. It's just something that's really, really useful um um to include um by far, the most important thing I would say from this slide is what I've included at the bottom. Please use what works for you. You'll probably hear stories of people in your cohort using X or using Y to study and you might be like, maybe I should use it too. But as long as you're using a method that you are comfortable with, you will usually be just fine. Don't get too caught up trying to force something that doesn't really work for you. Uh When you have something that you've been using for like the past 10 years and it does work for you. Um That's what I'll say for studying techniques now, for exams. Um again, I will just drop the caveat. This is more applicable for imperial students than king students. Um So can students you can listen in this is more of a general um take it as more like a general feedback kind of session. So, um I should reassure you guys, exams are really, really, really long time away and I've only included this section. So you know what to expect when you eventually do re reach exam season. So please don't stress about them. Now, you got free written adding here, you've got free written exams which you do at the end of the year and you've got free non written exams which will be scattered throughout the year. And pretty much all of these exams will be set on your ipad in some sort of online platform, like either Lambs or Pratique and you'll be given plenty of notice about each one. So, don't, don't worry, you won't get caught up about them. Uh Let's, let's start with a non written exam just because they're a bit easier to go through. So, for the non written ones you've got first, the C SI TB O which is based on the, those group TB O cases that you will be doing throughout the entire year. So I think you've got like case one freshness flu, either this week or next week, it's essentially a memory test which will involve you doing a set of questions by yourself in the Ira Ts and then doing those exact same questions. But in your small group to get the T rat and then occasionally you'll also have big group tasks called TS together as well. So my advice for C SI TB LS is please like get along with your small group. Well, um you guys are doing a lot of it together and by the time you get to third year, actually, all of the C SI S score is based on your um group work. So get along with your, your small group. Well, the other thing is that um please don't stress out about your C SI S obviously do prepare for them, but the questions aren't designed to be exceedingly difficult. And at the end of everything, this case based learning stuff is actually pretty fun way of learning things too. So, you know, it's a nice way of learning. Um, secondly, I've got the l that podcast. So this is something you'll probably do the last term. Basically, you'll get assigned a random group and a random topic and then you have to try and design a short podcast for it. Again, don't stress out too much about this. You'll get plenty of time and the podcasts you make are really short. So you don't have to spend too much time uh preparing for it and you find placement, sign offs. Now, this isn't actually an exam per se, but basically, while you're on placement, you'll be expected to do tasks like taking histories or talking to patients. And then you'll need to ask a senior member of the healthcare team, you're on to sign the form to prove that you've done it. The only thing I have to say about sign offs is they're quite simple to do, just try and do them as early as possible. So you don't end up having to chase people for, to sign your forms at the end of the place. But, um and that's what I'll say, like uh sign up. Yeah, you don't have too many to do. So you don't like timetable when you want to do them and, and be very clear with your, your healthcare team. Like, can you sign this on XYZ date? That's it for non written exams. We'll talk a bit more about the written exams. Now, these written exams aren't actually written exams in the sense that they're on pen and paper and Imperial, you'll be doing them on your ipads at the end of the year. But like in the silenced exam hall setting. So they're your main end of year exams. If you like, you'll have one for PM, one for BRS and one for anatomy. So, for anatomy, it's technically AOTA exam. So you'll be given lots of photos of cadaver dissections and then you'll be asked any, anything either on or related to the image for PM and BRS, it'll just be pure knowledge exam questions that will have been completely based on the content you've covered in your lectures. The questions are a bit more varied. So let's now move on to some of the questions types you can get in these palm and BRS exams um on the next slide. Yeah. So in your poem MBR, this is quite a bit slide, but in your poem, MBRS exam. So you have three main question types. So start on the left here. Number one single best answer questions. So these are your typical multiple choice questions worth one. Mark. My advice for these questions, don't spend too much time on them. And if you can, if you get stuck, try to use the process of elimination to narrow down the options for you um to help you get the answer. And actually the program you use when taking the exams will actually let you cross out answers that you think are wrong. So it's very much designed to facilitate you using process elimination. Often. Um For example, if I'm answering this question, what is the target of statins? I might have no clue, but I remember that it has something to do with MG CO A. So I would cross out BC and E leaving behind A um A and D. Um It's not perfect, but hopefully you see that 50% chance by doing some elimination is way better than a 20% chance I'm guessing. Um And that's SB A keys. Your single best answer questions. Number two, we've got very short answer questions or vsaqs, these are like Spaqs, but they don't give you options. You've just got up to four words to explain what you think the answer is. Um That bit I've highlighted in bold and in capitals because it's really, really important. If you write more than four words, you'll instantly get the question wrong even if you write the answer correctly. So please please double check. Just emphasize this in my cohort when we were doing the pom mock for the first year, like two years ago, we got told off by doctor P because we had around 40% of the year writing more than four words on a single question. Um And that was a relatively simple genetics question. He was very disappointed in this. But that aside, the only other thing I would say is that if you find yourself blank on these questions, don't be afraid to just leave them. Come back later. Often times the poem br exams are so long that you can often get the answer for like a vsaq from the question stem of another question later on. So, you know, come leave them blank, come back later on and you can actually get marks like that. It does happen more commonly than you think. Uh But obviously don't rely on that as your way of answering questions. And finally number free short answer questions. So rather contrary to the name, I suppose these will be your longest questions and they are often group intersections on the same topic. So you get like three or four group essay, Qs on cholesterol, for example, there's no word limit on these. So feel free to knock yourself out with writing as much as you want to say in order to try and get like max marks. But again, the only thing I would say is just be responsible of your time because while you can write like a perfect essay to get free marks on the Statins question, you've got a lot of other essay es to do too. So you know, be responsible of your time, don't write too much. And while there's no negative marking in Imperial, if you write something that contradicts what would have awarded you marks or contradicts your understanding of it. You can lose marks that you would have gained if that makes sense. So, just be careful with what you're writing, don't like waffle too much. It, it's the only thing I'd say. Uh And the exam distribution is usually 25%. Sbaqs, 25% vsaq and 50 saqs that's very, very approximate. But that was what we have for poet and br um, and finally, you know, I've gone through a lot of questions, some for some top tips on how to approach the exam. Um I'm going to be honest with you guys, most of this is quote unquote common sense. Um, but uh we'll go through some useful points on here too. One manage your time carefully. So this kind of goes without saying, but since the exams are so long, they're like two or three hours, you don't want to get bogged down er, at the start of the exam by like the sp a keys, the multiple choice questions, the programming you do the exam on gives you a visible time of ticking down. So please use that as like a reference for how well you're doing for time. But a word of caution is that they like to stick all the Saqs and Vsaqs at the start and all the SAQS at the end. So don't be fooled by the number of questions you have remaining, you could be on like question 40 out of 80 but you've only covered like 30% of the marks, for example. So you know, be careful. Uh then secondly, a note about flagging. So this might bring back some flashbacks to the UCAT exam not so long ago, but your exam in imperial lets you flag any questions you are unsure about. So you can remember to come back to them after please, please please make use of this because it will be the number one way you manage your time effectively in a long exam. If you're stuck on a question for a while, flag it move on and come back later. If you have time again, it's a long exam. So do your best not to get bogged down early on and use this flagging to help you kind of um know where um to avoid kind of getting bogged down. Oh, again, afterwards for the third point I put here again, 6 to 4 limit for vsqs. I've already labored the point quite a lot in the last fight. So I won't, I won't talk about it any further for the fourth point. Learn to type quickly. Um What I mean by that is learn to type quickly on your ipads. So this is a really, really niche tip. But since you're doing your exam on the ipad, I found that getting used to typing on it comfortably and quickly is actually really useful for the exams, especially when it comes to answering the short answer questions. Since there is no word limit for those, you're only really limited by your time and your typing speed. So there's a thought there to kind of, you know, get used to typing quickly on an ipad. I've seen some people type incredibly quickly, it's almost kind of scary. Um And oh, I should probably mention at this point that accessories like apple pens and Bluetooth keyboards are not allowed an example. So if you're using those right now, just get comfortable with using like this vanilla ipad. Um When you're doing like um your exams, you'll see and C SI as well. Same thing there. Um Right. And number five for anatomy, I put be specific what I mean by that is be specific with your naming of right and left. Um and maybe media on lateral later on. But if they show you an image of the right clavicle, for example, then please don't just put down clavicle, put down right? Clavicle, not being specific is a really, really silly way to lose marks. And Doctor Stross you'll meet later on said that Auro cohort now lost a lot of marks when we were first to the anatomy spotter just because we forgot to put down um right or left even after they specified, be specific. So yeah, just make sure you write on left, make, make that out of habit now. So you don't have to worry about it in second year uh when it gets a lot more um important. Um and finally mock exams. So I'm not sure if you guys have been told that you have a big mock formative exam for POM in January and BRS in March. My advice is please be prepared for them. You don't have to go 100 and 10% trying to get full mock exam. In fact, I would recommend you don't do that. Um And then you enjoy your holidays instead, it's going to be your best opportunity to see what the real exam is like. So try and learn what it's like to do the exam from them. Moreover, once you get your scores and feedback back, it kind of helps you highlight which modules you're doing well in and which ones you're not doing not as well in and therefore where you should be distributing your time, this kind of goes back to like the space repetition stuff. Um For example, I in my mock, I did terribly in dermatology. So I was like, I need to spend more time on that. Whereas E endo I did quite well on. So I didn't spend as much time on that. Um So yeah, be, be flexible how you use a mock. You'll also have lots of E fa S throughout the weeks. I would say it's good to prepare for them, but please don't lose any sleep over them. They're really, really not that significant. Your tutor might ask to talk about them. But in the grand scheme of things, it's not worth losing sleep over them. Um And as exam season approaches, what I will say is that you get lots and lots and lots of mock exams created by students circulating. Um So what happens is there on your group chat? Hopefully the academics from I CS MS U will post them if not just email us and then we'll, we'll give you like the mocks that we have thing. I've made a few anatomy mocks that I'm planning to release later when I do like a Q and A. So, um, look out for those. Um But yeah, that's it for top tips as far as exams are concerned. Um I'm going to move straight on to the use of resources. So this is the last section which is hopefully good news for you. Um Now there's absolutely loads of useful resources out there and this is by no means an exhaustive list whatsoever, but I've included the ones that I think will help you get started for the year, the six here notion and key osmosis, the note bank, teach me anatomy and ros anatomy, all of which I'll go through in more detail on the following slides. And again, what resources you do use and end up using is completely down to your preference. You could use all of them, you could use none of them as long as you're comfortable with how you're studying, you'll be absolutely fine. So first, um I've got what I call personal tools which you can use to organize your notes or even revise from directly. First, with the notion app on the left here, it's very much a massive catalog or bank of all your written notes. And that's very useful for staying organized. But it's also a very, very good revision tool because you can add these drop-down boxes. I'm trying to highlight it on here. These dropdown boxes, they create questions that test your knowledge for active recall. For example, in this notion here, you can see there's a question asking what are the six types of reactions that define metabolism um which you could try to answer and then to check, you just click the dropdown box on the left here and it will show you the correct answers um for it. So this by far is the most useful way to revise the notion. It kind of serves like B tech flash cards in a way. Um Plus, with notion, you can customize it with all sorts of images and charts and make it look really, really pretty, which is always nice. Um Second on the right, we have a key. So this is what I was referring to earlier. Ankie is a really, really useful app that lets you make your own flash cards that you can test yourself with. Um And I've got an example flash card here which enzymes cathe for averse reactions. And here the answers down here. Um The best part about ki the one reason why a lot of people are using it is that when you're doing each card, the app automatically adjusts how frequently you see the card based on how difficult you found it. So for example, this question here, um asking for what the enzymes that catalyze the free irreversible reactions of glycolysis are. Let's say I found this really hard to answer which I would um I would click on the hard button and the Ankie app will make it. So I see the card more frequently. Conversely, if I found the question really, really easy answer, I'll click easy and the AC app will make it. So the card less frequently in this way AKI automatically does the active recall and space repetition aspect of studying for you, which is really, really useful because some things are just easier than others and don't need to review um so frequently. So with a key you can um kind of it kind of does all the studying techniques I was talking about earlier for you, but the default settings are a bit weird to play with. Um That's a different topic to talk about. Also Ankie, you can do all sorts of weird and wonderful things with customizable add-ons, including things like fill in the gap flashcards and labeling a blank diagram, flash cards too. Um as well as ways to make your ankle look prettier. I've not included any demonstrations on this slide here, but I'm happy to show you guys how I use my Anky after the Q and A um as like a demonstration if anyone's interested. Uh But yeah, that's lotion. That's ake really useful. Next, we have our content revision tools which are really just tools you have notes on that you can use as like an alternate source of learning lecture content as well as to revise your own knowledge. So firstly, on the left here is osmosis. It's an online platform that has lots of very useful vi videos explaining all sorts of concepts in medicine. Um And it does this with like lots of diagrams and quiz questions and videos. Um I found that it's really, really useful if you don't quite understand something from a lecture and you wanted like someone else to ex a different explanation for it to make sense of it just because they do explain everything really well on there. Um And if you're like trying to find out what Xyz works in POM, it's much better to look on osmosis than to look on youtube for like a random tutorial at three in the morning. Um Now, as far as I'm aware, you get a free subscription for osmosis. If you sign up with the li the Imperial or Kings Library services, which essentially means that it's free to use. The only word I've caution I'd say is that don't get too sidetracked with the osmosis lessons because while they're good, your exams will still be based primarily on lecture content from and lecture slides from incense. So that should be your main focus. Er, and secondly, on the right, we have the I CS MS U note back now. This is amazing. I think the student union has already told you about this, but you can access the note back using this password up here. Phoenix 1997 as I've put on the top, right. And this will give you access to lots and lots and lots of notes that have been uploaded by your predecessors when they were first here. Generally speaking, the people that have uploaded the notes on there are people who have done really quite well in the exam. So they're definitely like really high quality notes, but do have a look anyway, as you can imagine, it's really useful and saves you a lot of time in making your own notes. And it also really doubles up as a nice vision resource and you're kind of just double checking things. I think there are actually people who uploaded the Notion pages and Ankie on there too. So if you use anky notion, feel free to make use of those two when you're revising, it's just like lots and lots of stuff on there, um which I hope student unit has told you about um in their introduction talk. And finally the last things I talk about the anatomy tools which I help you prepare for your anatomy spotter and just anatomy in general. On the left. First thing is teach me anatomy. This is a website that color does what it says so to speak. It's a really, really great way of learning and ask me outside of incendiary or whatever course Kings has because it contains really, really clear explanations, diagrams and quiz questions and what this, what's really good about this website is it breaks stuff down really, really well. So you really complex stuff like head and neck and spine, it breaks it down to really understandable chunks um and helps to make it less confusing if you like, the website itself is also really well organized and you'll probably even find it useful for when you're revising for your um bio, bio regulatory systems, your BRS stuff. And that's like your MS K your neuro stuff too in term two. So, you know, teach anatomy great for anatomy, but also good for other things too. Um But you know, don't lose sleep every minor detail on here. Now, second is Ro's Anatomy Atlas. Again, this is something that's more important for imperial students, but for King students, it's also a nice one to have as well. Um So it's a physical Anatomy Atlas which you can also get online for free if you look hard enough. Um This book is full of photos of ca cadaver dissections for every part of that body you can see like I've included part of one here. Um The reason why this book is so useful to learn anatomy form for imperial students is because your imperial anatomy spot for exam, we use images from this book for some of its questions. OK. So for its past few years and I think for your year too, you will continue to use pictures, some pictures from Romans and ask me cadaver dissections in its exam questions. So, you know, it's really useful to, to, to learn anatomy from this book because when you see the cadaver dissections in the exam, you'll be more familiar with it. And trust me, when it comes to learning an ask from diagrams, it's very, very different from learning it with cadavers. Some things just don't look the same. So, you know, whilst diagrams are really good like in teach anatomy, make sure you are having like a cadaveric dissections too. Um And yeah, again, you know, this is quite expensive to get in person. I think the library has very, very few copies. Your best bet is probably trying to find an online copy yourself. But I think that rounds it off for resources and brings us to the end. So my last bit of advice for and arguably the most important bit of advice is to please enjoy your first year. Um I know it's super cliche of me to say this, but it may be your first time at uni it may be your first time living out. So do try new things. Do join new clubs and do remember that there's more to med school than just studying for exams. Plus, if I'm being honest, you know, take it from me. It only gets harder from first year. So now is the best time to do the things you enjoy. But, but you know, saying that don't neglect your studies too much. Um And yeah, that's everything. Thanks again for listening guys. I appreciate you coming on a Saturday afternoon too. Hopefully that wasn't too long of a talk and I'm going to be sticking around for a few more minutes to answer questions that pop up. Um And oh, there's another QR code on the screen there. I know you're probably sick of QR Codes after the Fresh is fair. But if there's any particular tutorial or events you want us to run for first here, feel free to let us know by scanning on that form. I can't promise we'll be able to run it, but we'll definitely try our best to. Um ok, so that's everything I'm gonna end the recording there, but I'm gonna have a look at some questions in the chat. Oh, sorry, there's a lot of questions here. I didn't, I didn't see um So first one to load your stuff tiny like delta G of reactions come up in exams. How often? Um Oh, ok. So I think Leo's kind of answered that. But yeah, just kind of rea what, what, what Leo said they do come up. It's not like they don't come at all and like it would be a light to say low self doesn't come back at all. But the reason is low yield is because for the a given amount of time, if you study Lowy yourself, you'll get like one or two marks out of it. Whereas if you spend the same amount of time studying high yield stuff, you tend to get like 6789, 10 marks out of it. And that's just like a few, a thought experiment. But where low yield does come up, it does suck not knowing it, but knowing getting the information or knowing other stuff like high yield instead of knowing that it's definitely more worth it. If that makes sense, I've explained that terribly, but I hope Leo's answers kind of made it clear. You'll see it more when you get second year and third year as well. But they do use that phrase, common things are common and that is what comes up in exams. Um As a general rule of thumb, I would say pay attention to what like the head lecturers talk about. Like for example, Lydia does the anatomy exam. So she is um she's probably the, the thing she talk about will probably come to the exam. Um Doctor Charles does the, the BRS exam. So pit what he says for that. Um and so on. But I hope that answers that question. How did you fini how did you find finishing porn module full term? And then having to do exams in Easter, any tips on retaining all contents by getting new content? The RS. Um It's a really good question. So how did you find finishing the POM module in full term? Um I think it was a good, it was a, it was, it was ok co it having it kind of sectioned off by term. So Pom for a fall and then the Rs for Spring is actually kind of works in your favor. Um With the lecture time tabling. Now, as far as finishing it, I think it's kind of nice to have it kind of like all done rather than trying to do both POM and BRS at the same time. It's much more better for your revision if you're going through all the POM stuff at once and then doing all the BRS stuff afterwards. As for tips in retaining old content, my advice would be kind of to start now I start reviewing stuff now, which means and by the time you get to like term two, you won't have to review the content for Pump as much because you probably would have retained most of it. So what I was saying earlier about the length of your reviews getting longer, you might start having review stuff every week now. But by the time you get to two, it's probably monthly reviews. Um, there's no way to kind of avoid not looking at your pump stuff again. Um, and actually what I'll say is that having the, the pom mock in January is probably really, really useful because it forces you to revise, um, and retain that content. But, you know, it's, it's a case of balancing it. Um I think, and as you get throughout the year, as you go throughout the year, you'll get better at that balance. Um Another question, what's the difference between Anky and Quiz Lit? So I think they're both flashcard stuff. Um They're both useful if you're using quiz lit already, you by all means, keep using it. I think a but quiz lit doesn't do the same um automatic adjustment of space intervals for you that ay does, let me explain that a bit better. So Ankie, what I mentioned about Ankie was that basically Ankie will automatically adjust how frequently you see cards, depending on how easy or hard you found them. If I found like a card really easy, I'm not gonna see that as often. Um However, I found a card really difficult. I'm gonna see that more frequently as far as I'm aware, quiz lit, regardless of how difficult I find a card, I'm going to see that in the same frequency. So it's not as um it's not as efficient or specialized in terms of like trying to make your, your, your studying efficient and revision efficient. Um, so I would say a key is generally better if you're using quiz lit. Currently, I believe, um, I can't confirm this but I believe there is an app or a, a tool online that lets you convert quiz lit flash cards to Ankie flash cards. Um, I had a friend in my cohort now that did that for some of his, a er for some of his quis cards. So that's something that might be useful. And another question is all information in lecture content. I am pure on osmosis. Is it therefore to no or is it not as detailed to do like that? Ok. So that's a really good question. Um My thought about that is that usually osmosis goes in more detail than you need to know for um BRS and not as much detail as you need and, and not enough detail in pom. So don't when it comes to revising, don't use osmosis like a, this is what I need to know for exams. Use your lecture slides as a, this is what I need to know exams and then use your osmosis as like a supplementary thing if you don't understand something. So let's say you're doing cell metabolism again, I'm using this example because I think you had it on Wednesday, you're doing cell metabolism, you get it fine, you learn all the slides, that's your number one job, learn the slides and then you don't particularly understand how beat oxidation works. I would go on osmosis. Look for a video about beat oxidation and kind of see how that works just to get the, the, the, the gist of what's happening there. Um But generally speaking, it'll, it, it'll be, it'll specifically speaking, it'll be on a case by case basis. Generally speaking, the pom videos on osmosis aren't as that much detail. And then the BRS ones are in a bit more detail, more detail than you need to know. Just because the BRS ones or the ones equivalent to BRS are more aimed towards clinical years, like third year, fifth year and sixth year. So, um yeah, please don't lose sleep learning all the stuff on osmosis. You really, really, really don't need to know that much detail. Um One thing that's worth talking about there, I guess is like, what do you need to know? Um It's very difficult so that you've probably heard that, that he talk about Sophia. Um And so I think is actually quite good for in terms of like reviewing what kind of broad topics you need to know, but in terms of what you need to know for your exams, what I found is that pretty much if it comes up on a lecture slide, it can come up on the exam. And that's very, very literal in that for our second year exams, we had like a lecture. We had a lecture slide on like intracranial hemorrhages. And I remember the exact picture from the slides being brought up um in the exam. Now that's not pro probably not gonna happen. In fact, I don't think it will happen. But, um, anything that comes in your lecture slides, all your lectures can come up in an exam, that's all fair game. It's ge generally don't assess you outside of that. Um So don't, don't lose sleep over time to like fill in gaps that you don't need to if that makes sense. Um Now, good question here. Do you need to know the structure of molecules? Eg and cell metabolism? OK. So, Pom is a bit weird. So, Pom for cell metabolism, I would say it's important to learn this, the structure of the important molecules and the important molecules are the ones that you want ask James PS for. He'll probably give you the answer that they test concepts, not um facts uh as he did for all year, but in some metabolism, learn the ones that come up a lot. Um Cholesterol is one that comes a lot. Pyruvate is one that comes a lot creatinine, one that comes up a lot. If it's a really, really obscure thing, chances are you do need to know it. But AAA general rule of thumb is that the more times you see something, the more likely that's going to be in your exam and therefore the more high yield. It will be you get a whole lecture on cholesterol. So please learn the structure of cholesterol. You get like a very, very small um tiny, tiny bit of a slide on like apoprotein free fa which is in cholesterol too. But that's not necessary to learn in terms of learning the structure of molecules. I don't think they can ask you to like draw out a cholesterol molecule or they ask you to draw out anything but you will need to be able to recognize like um the chemical formula or the the expanded formula of that cholesterol molecule, let's say um in cell metabolism, like one of the questions we I saw on like an exam paper was they gave you like five different things, five different diagrams of which one of these is compound XYZ. And that's a case where I would pay to know um the structure of molecules. Um Pomp, pomp in particular is really hard to find out what you're being assessed on because when you ask the the lecturers for like what, what do we need to know about this? They give you like a really nonspecific answer but that, that, that's fine. Um They don't lie like they, they were testing concepts. Um And like, especially when you get to genetics, you'll see, you don't have to learn specific examples, you learn more general rules of thumb. Um A lot of slides brush over concepts like beta oxidation should we be going in this concept in detail to really understand it or should we keep a surface overview? Keep a surface overview is my short answer to that. Um You've got a lot of lectures to cover. So um if you try and go in too much detail for every single thing, um you'll find yourself getting bogged down way too early on. So I think as a general thumb for most things try and keep a surface overview of it. Um especially things like be oxidation. Keep a surface overview of it. That's my short answer. Now, the long answer is if you have the time, it can be worth trying to understand it because usually you may have heard this phrase if you understand something, you don't need to remember it or rather if you understand something, it's easier to remember. So if you understand why beat oxidation happens, you will probably remember it much better than if you didn't. So for some cases, you know, stuff like be oxidation, I had no clue what it was when I was doing in pom, someone explained it to me. And then after that, I didn't have to try and force myself to remember it. Once you kind of understand how it works, you all the details kind of fall in place. So for 90% of times, you know, keep a surface level overview in a 10% of times where things repeat a lot, try and understand it in more detail just because it will help you remember it for exams. But again, um, it's like a personal balance thing. You'll see like things that you will personally try and learn more effectively than others. Um For POM in particular is one where you want to be learning surface level over views. And BRS is one where you really want to be going into more detail because everything is really, really well linked in BRS. Um The hope is that or the general thing is that more people enjoy BRS than POM because all the body systems are really nicely linked and there's also of repeating stuff. So everything is learned in context and in detail. So, you know, you understand it instead of trying to force yourself to learn like small facts in pom. Um But that's a really good question. I hope I answered that without offering too much. Um But yeah, any other questions about anything and everything at all in the first year? No. So it looks like that's all I think we'll probably leave it there. Then what I'll say is um if any questions do pop up, feel free to pop them in the AMSA chat. Um And then we'll try and like what someone from the committee will try and respond to it in a reason amount of time um For now. Um Thanks again for coming along. Um all the best with the first year, try and enjoy it. And don't er, stress out too much about it. Do you have the slides somewhere? Yes. So hopefully, w after this event, um this will be the, a recording of this and the slides will be uploaded automatically on metal. So if you just click on the metal page from this event, you should be able to get a copy of the slides um, on the, if not get in contact, I'll email you a copy of the slides as well. Um Was there something in particular in the slides you wanted to see? Um, that I can like cop to now. If not, don't worry. Yep. If not, I'll just leave it there. Thanks for coming on guys. Um Hope you have a fantastic weekend is all I can really say now. Um, and I'll just end the recording. No worries. No worries. Thanks for coming along guys.