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Welcome remarks | Jonathan Patton, Vice Chair, NICON; Acting Chair, South Eastern HSC Trust



This exciting second day of the on-demand teaching session will cover the transformation of health and social care with senior representatives from the health sector, Sin Fine Ministers and DTP leaders. Led by the acting chair and vice chairman of the Southeastern Trust, this virtual event will also feature insights into system stability and society priorities, maximizing delivery in the years ahead, and critically, giving leaders headspace to reflect and plan ahead. Plus, delegates will have the opportunity to express their thoughts on police response to mental health episodes. With a talented production and audio-visual team, delegates are in for a valuable and enlightening day of learning.

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Camille Oung, Nuffield Trust has just mentioned - Re. support for unpaid carers:


Join us this October for the leading conference in Northern Ireland's health and social care calendar!

The Northern Ireland Annual Conference and Exhibition 2022 (NICON22) provides a unique opportunity for colleagues and partners from across the health and care system, as well as the private and voluntary and community sector to come together, share ideas, reflect, network, and learn.

At this year's conference, entitled 'Recognition | Ambition | Mobilisation', you can expect to hear from a wide range of local leaders, international speakers and frontline staff across over 40 sessions. Over the two days, we hope to inspire and connect you as we recognise the contribution of our workforce, explore our shared ambition for our health and social care services and agree how to mobilise to tackle waiting lists and deliver a world-class service for our citizens.

We are delighted to confirm that our speakers will include:

  • Peter May, Chief Executive of the HSC; Permanent Secretary, Department of Health
  • Sir James Mackey, Chief Executive, Northumbria Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust; National Director, Elective Recovery, NHS England
  • Alison McKenzie-Folan, Chief Executive, Wigan Council
  • Prof Kate Ardern, Director of Public Health, Wigan Council
  • Matthew Taylor, Chief Executive, NHS Confederation
  • Maria McIlgorm, Chief Nursing Officer, Department of Health
  • Prof Siobhan O'Neill, Mental Health Champion for NI


Wednesday 19th October:

09:15-09:25 | Welcome Remarks | Mark Carruthers

09:25-09:55 | Health and Care 2030 - International Perspectives | Dr Anna van Poucke, Global Head of Healthcare, KPMG International; Healthcare Senior Partner, KPMG in the Netherlands

09:55-10:15 | Ministerial Address | Robin Swann MLA, Minister of Health for NI, Department of Health NI

10:15-11:05 | Health and Care – Mobilising Around Our Shared Purpose | Peter May, Permanent Secretary, Department of Health NI, Jennifer Welsh, Chief Executive, Northern HSC Trust & Ursula Mason, Chair Elect, Royal College of GPs NI

11:05-11:30 | NETWORKING - Please go to 'Sessions' tab on the left and join a networking session

11:30-13:00 | The Annual HSCQI Awards Celebration and Showcase | Master of Ceremonies: Mark Carruthers

13:00- 15:15 | LUNCH & NETWORKING - Please go to 'Sessions' tab on the left and join a networking session

15:15-15:50 | Integrated Care Planning – Through the Mental Health Lens | Martin Daley, Service User Consultant, Belfast HSC Trust, Dr Maria O’Kane, Chief Executive, Southern HSC Trust, Dr Petra Corr, Director of Mental Health, Learning Disability and Community Wellbeing Services; Consultant Clinical Psychologist, Northern HSC Trust, Simon Byrne, Chief Constable, Police Service NI & Grainia Long, Chief Executive, NI Housing Executive

15:50-16:45 | Leading Recovery | Sir James Mackey, Chief Executive, Northumbria Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust; National Director, Elective Recovery, NHS England, Maria McIlgorm, Chief Nursing Officer, Department of Health NI & Neil Guckian, Chief Executive, Western HSC Trust

16:45-17:00 | Reflections and Close of Day One | Heather Moorhead, Director, NICON & Michael Longley CBE, Poet

Thursday 20th October

09:30-09:40 | Welcome remarks | Jonathan Patton, Vice Chair, NICON; Acting Chair, South Eastern HSC Trust

09:40-10:15 | Co-creating a Digital Future for Health | Dan West, Chief Digital Information Officer, Department of Health NI & Prof Sultan Mahmud, Director of Healthcare, BT

10:15-11:00 | What is the Wigan Deal? What could a citizen-led approach mean for Northern Ireland? | Alison McKenzie-Folan, Chief Executive, Wigan Council & Prof Kate Ardern, Director of Public Health, Wigan Council

11:00-11:30 | NETWORKING - Please go to 'Sessions' tab on the left and join a networking session

11:30-12:30 | The Future of Social Care – How do we get a Step Change? | Matthew Taylor, Chief Executive, NHS Confederation, Camille Oung, Researcher, Nuffield Trust, Sean Holland, Chief Social Work Officer, Department of Health NI & Anne O’Reilly, Chair, NISCC Leaders in Social Care Partnership

12:30-13:40 | LUNCH

13:40-14:05 | Party Leaders’ Address – Recognition | Ambition | Mobilisation | Michelle O’Neill MLA, Vice President, Sinn Féin & Sir Jeffrey Donaldson MP, Party Leader, Democratic Unionist Party

14:05-14:55 | Our Big Debate – Leadership for Ambitious Implementation | Cathy Jack, Chief Executive, Belfast HSC Trust, Cathy Harrison, Chief Pharmaceutical Officer, Department of Health NI, Roger Wilson, Chief Executive, Armagh, Banbridge & Craigavon Borough Council & Prof Mark Taylor, Northern Ireland Director, Royal College of Surgeons of England (RCSEng)

14:55-15:00 | Conference Round-up & Concluding Remarks | Michael Bloomfield, Chair, NICON; Chief Executive, NI Ambulance Service

15:00-15:30 | BREAK

15:30-17:00 | F24 The Wigan Deal Master Class | In association with the Chief Executives’ Forum, Public Sector Chairs’ Forum and SOLACE | Alison McKenzie-Folan, Chief Executive, Wigan Council & Prof Kate Ardern, Director of Public Health, Wigan Council

Learning objectives

Learning Objectives:

  1. Understand how the changing political landscape affects health and social care delivery.

  2. Appreciate the importance of system stability and the role of society in health and social care.

  3. Become aware of best practices for maximizing performance in health and social care.

  4. Recognize the need for leaders to take time for headspace even in times of uncertainty.

  5. Gain insight into how to rebuild health and social care with the same energy that it was created from.

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That's very funny. Good morning, everybody. Nice to see you all back. I packed packed whole again and I gather the dinner was very good. And I'm sure Tim McGary was very kind to the minister. Um, but anyway, I gather was a good night and interesting to hear from the minister slightly and relaxed mode and, uh, and always very entertaining to have Tim McGary around. So we have, as you would expect and, as you all know, very busy packed second day ahead of us. Just a reminder that when conference closes formally, there are still master classes. So if you haven't already and you want to, you can still sign up for those and you can do that at the conference reception outside, we will be joined later by a senior representative from sin fine and by the DTP leaders to Jeffrey Donaldson to discuss their parties priorities for the future transformation of health and social care. So that will be interesting, given what's happening on the wider political stage. No doubt they will have something to say about those uncertainties both here and at Westminster, Certainly try to get them to say something. We'll also be hearing from leaders within the sector about the changes that need to be made to maximize delivery in the years ahead. So that's towards the end of today's proceedings. But to get us underway today, let me introduce the acting chair of the Southeastern Trust and the vice chairman icon Jonathan Patton. Thank you, Mark. Good morning conference and welcome back to day two of the night on 22. I think the buzz in the room yesterday and the noise just in the corridors as we moved about was just significant. And many people have said to me just how important it was to be back in the room, to be networking, to have conversations and just to rekindle friendships that we lost over the last couple of years. So you're extremely welcome. We have some great sessions put together again for today. I just want a couple of minutes. I want to recap on some of yesterday's activities and, uh, comments from speakers. I didn't get to see all of the fringe pieces around everywhere, but the threads that I picked up from yesterday, where Michael opened conference yesterday morning with four s and that's staph system stability on society, as he reminded us, uh, what the priorities were. The BBC told us what was happening at Daisy Hill. You know, let me do a U turn on that. The minister announced that Daisy Hill, um, the next role it would hold providing care Southern Trust. Matthew Taylor stressed to us the importance of leaders getting headspace, and I think that's something that has to be taken away from any of us. Um, as we fight fires and as we race from one issue to another that you need time to think of what's coming over the horizon, The permanent secretary, um, reminded us and said, We need to maximize what we have and the efficiency and performance will be crucial. The deputy chief Constable, Mark Hamilton, challenged us in the room to say, How did you want the police to respond to someone with a mental health episode? And I think that gives us a little bit of reality touch in the room. How difficult is for them and the place that they seem to serve the community in dealing with people that have real difficulties. And yet, in the health system, we struggle also to cater for them and to provide space for them. The CN Oh, I thought was interesting and closing her peace, she said. Delivering and rebuilding health and social care will require the same challenge, courage and drive that created it. And that's something I think again, it's food for thought that all those years ago, the energy to get it off the ground, that we might need the same again to rebuild it and shape it as we go forward and we'll go back in and talk to us about rebuilding is not just for an acute hospital. It needs right across the community and across everything we do. And then we were joined by Dr Sam Armstrong. Um, we heard about his rural practice as a GP and as Michael Longley, C B. With this modulated voice and well practiced delivery left us all spellbound untouched by his words and his presence. Finally, before you get on with the day, this would not be possible. Not just with the arranging, but our audio visual team has been working extremely hard in the corner. They have been putting up video clips, keeping the sound running, roaming mix live streaming, and it's a big production to keep it all going. And things were faultless yesterday that I was listening to. So we'll just give them your appreciation, please. Um, what they've done So as day to begins, I wish you well enjoy the sessions and I hand back to Mark. Thank you.