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Chelsea & Westminster Postgraduate Medical Education Presents...

Hot Topics in Global Health is a novel two-day cross-specialty international conference. It is the first of its kind in the UK covering both medical and surgical specialties.

Welcome & Introduction - The course in context

  • Dr Amrita D’Souza, Conference Co-founder & Director
  • Dr Orhan Orhan, Conference Co-founder and Director of Medical Education
  • Dr Roger Chinn, Chief Medical Officer

This amazing conference will focus on exploring the challenges and priorities of global health, particularly in low resource settings, for FY2+ level doctors of all grades and consultants in the specialties of:

  • Neonatal and child health
  • Maternal health
  • Mental health
  • Medicine (general, emergency and tropical)
  • Surgery
  • Anaesthetics
  • Intensive care
  • Sexual health
  • Refugee health
  • Non-governmental organisation (NGO) healthcare workers
  • Public health
  • Infectious diseases


  • The Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health (RCPCH)
  • The Royal College of Physicians (RCP)
  • The Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RCOG)
  • The Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene (RSTMH)
  • London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (LSHTM)
  • Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine (LSTM)
  • The David Nott Foundation
  • UK-Med

Click on www.chelwest.nhs.uk/htgh for more information

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Yes, six months. Take it down. Bye. That's got right. Um Good morning, everybody. I'm not sure that is enough that, yeah. Ok, good morning, everybody. Full name. My name is Roger Chin. I'm the Chief medical officer at Chelsea and Westminster and I just want to welcome you all in the room here. And um I think we've got listeners and viewers from around the world, which is a great thing for me to be able to say for this global health conference. Really, my job is just to start this meeting off and to kick this off and to welcome you. And why is it important that we're doing this, Chelsea and Westminster is one of the best performing trusts in the country. And those of you that work in know that uh you can look at it on any metric, you can look at it on the quality of care that we provide, you can look at it on the performances. So there are waiting list targets various different ways of looking at it from that point of view or you can look at it in terms of the way that we make the best use of unlimited resources that we get in. The what we think is important in respect to that is not just to do that, but to always be looking to see how we can learn how to do things better. And one of the most important things we can do is to share what we do with other people, but also learn from other people. At the same time. This is a perfect example of how we are going about that, that responsibility to learn is becoming more and more important as the world becomes a smaller place. And particularly as many of our junior doctors are choosing to take on careers that have got portfolio shapes rather than going through standard national training programs. Many people want to dip in and dip out, they want to have other things to do alongside their training careers. And so having the knowledge of what is going on around the world is critically important. So I'm sure that today's and tomorrow's agenda will help people to know and understand a little bit more about how they can get involved in things like that as senior doctors. But also it will bring a lot of that learning back to us as an organization, many of our departments already have formal and informal links and you'll be hearing about that from some of the people who are speaking over the next couple of days. But I'm hoping that it will actually encourage more people to establish links and to do work that spreads outside our walls, not just into the wider community of North East London, but nationally and abroad. Last thing I want to say is really to thank the post medical education team who have put this meeting together. It's a fabulous initiative and I really wish you all the very best in the next couple of days with that. I'm gonna hand over to your hand. I am, I'm a post graduate medical education fellow at Chelsea. And along with Orhan have set up this conference, Orhan will talk a little bit about the background and context of setting up the conference and why they're running it. But I have to say it's been a few first. So I want to start with a vote of thanks so to start off with, thank you to all of our speakers for being here today. And tomorrow, we've got sneakers who are both in person and virtual and they've given up their time in being here, but they're also bringing in perspectives, experience and insight that we hope that we will have a better understanding of global health from, but also that we will learn to contribute towards global health care delivery better from. Thank you to our events team. It takes a village to run a conference um and a lot of that village is made up of medical education fellows, clinical Innovation fellows, and also medical students who are here volunteering today. Um have taken on additional roles in digital. So there are are tech and our digital on the days today and tomorrow. Um catering, running co chair, there are a few special. Thank you for those who aren't here in the room and that you can't see. But Fiona Muller is the CW plus special events manager who has kept the conference timeline and planning to track. Thank you. So for those who can hear online, we're gonna use this one. We've also got George Vasopos who is the trust graphic design manager who is responsible for designing all of the programs and the banners and all of the materials that you can see. Um And we also have um iss catering and estates and facilities who have transformed the hospital into a conference venue just for these two days, all of our attendees who are here in person and also online. We have some as far as Australia who are watching the live stream and the recordings. So thank you for making this a successful initiative and fulfilling our rooms here and also digitally as well. Finally, um just a special, thank you as well to Orhan and Roger for putting up this conference at Chelsea. Um Orhan will talk about why we've done it from a Chinese perspective. Thanks emit. I'm gonna try using this mic. I don't know whether that's good for the room or not. We might just need to revert back. So please let us know, if, if, if you're not hearing us very well, I'm Orhan, I'm a prey physician and I'm delighted to welcome you all today. I should probably just start off by saying that Victoria Line did a really good job at trying to prevent me from coming to say hello. I imagine there's a lot of people still filtering in well done to some of you who have managed to reverse that challenge and will make some space for colleagues who are just for in because of that, we're just running slightly behind schedule. Really, what I want to say is apart from welcome and how nice it is to have people in a room and virtual attendance from afar is we've put this on because colleagues such as Amrita and junior doctors have identified a gap in training curricular requirements around global health. And we really wanted to bring people together into a room to have a discussion around this to try to meet those needs. And also as Roger said earlier on to learn from one another, I'm also particularly passionate about uh interspecialty learning and learning from other allied healthcare professionals and a warm welcome. Indeed, for some of you in the room who are not medics, who are very welcome and we're eager to learn from your perspective as well. Um One of our meter's passions in this course was to bring lots of different colleges together, to learn and understand what some of the challenges and priorities are. And I think some of that networking is something we really pushed with the breaks. We have an event later on this evening for those of you who can make it as well. And just that opportunity really for cross fertilization of ideas, something that was important for learning objectives that you sent back to us was around those of you who feel like you might want to go and work in low and middle income countries. Uh and the preparation and understanding that's required for volunteering perhaps with an NGO. So we tried to cover some of that uh today. So no, uh no medical education conference um uh would be complete without some learning aims and objectives. Because of time, I won't go through these in any great details. But in essence, it says, I say understand challenges and priorities at the moment, uh break down some of the silos and understand what's happening in a variety of the different colleges. But also to come to an understanding as to how we manage things perhaps in a setting like the UK and how that might differ in a low medium income country of particular interest. We, we've been putting a lot of work over the last uh several years in I MG induction in the UK as we understand the cultural difficulties um that can see when colleagues come to work from different settings in the NHS. And so actually, we also need to differentiate clinical and cultural competencies that are required to also work in low resource settings. So the converse um agenda and as I say, also to explore how to navigate uh a career in global health for those of you who are interested. So just finally, before I hand back to Amrita, um again, nothing would be complete in a med er conference without some kind of feedback. So um in in the current context of the GMC National training survey being live and the recent Mets results, I am very grateful for those of you who would complete uh post course questionnaire that will help us understand what went well and what we could do to improve er for future attendance and chiefly a certificate of attendance is attacked that so we will endeavor to get that back to you as soon as we can. Um And I'm sure you already know you have applied and we successfully granted PD points er for this which uh you don't need the scope that will be present on your certificate. So welcome. Again, I look very much, very much, look forward to networking with you in the duration of this course and I'm going back to thank you. So just some quick notes about how to clean things. So, toilets are located along the same corridor. If you follow the signs that all out, once you're in the academic, that all of the events came through the days that you can also use the name on the other side of the Education Center which is also time we got various coffee break, please. And our, our lunch time is supplied by and which are local to here. And we have a few attendees in having nut allergies. So please avoid, bring in any external like n everything that is in the um academic has like allergen list and die preferences for those who have them. There are no expected alarm with these few days. So you can hear a continuous alarm. That's true. Uh One of the fire espe we have function in the department as well. And even if you need any help, please just ask us um the purpose of this conference is also to be a platform and network and mentorship. So please speak to the speakers and be invited, ask them about the opportunities that it has and how you feel about it yourself. And finally um about these people and see these people and the questions that are asked and you in the Q and A sessions and um the from us is that we, that when you've worked hard, done well and you the opportunity, you confidence idea. But for those who have been in to speak, but the trainees and, and those who are in my not to start to and you can speak to them. This is just as you are you guys and I get up because you will have time. Um 10 minutes you present to you will have just to remind you at the end of the day, we have a reception which is at the hospital in an opportunity to meet other people.