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This on-demand teaching session is designed to be relevant to medical professionals and offers a unique experience by enabling them to learn firsthand how to use the Heart Age shared decision making tool. Participants will learn how this tool can help to address hypertension and high BP amongst people who are Black African or African Caribbean and provides resources like local solutions, diets, and helps them to positively manage their BP with community engagement. Participants will learn from cardiovascular nurse Michaela Nuttall, clinical director Joanne Horse, and community trainer and educator David A Kojo and will be using Medal as the platform. Join us to learn more about resilience, symptom myths, and community engagement.

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This series is for Healthcare Professionals from GP practices in the South East London Integrated Care System.

Please only register if you work in the London Boroughs of Bexley, Bromley, Greenwich, Lewisham, Southwark or Lambeth.

If you are interested in running similar events in your area, please email info@smarthealthsolutions.co.uk for more information.

Learning objectives

Learning Objectives:

  1. Describe the Share the Pressure initiative and associated partners
  2. Use the Heart Age platform to recognize BP symptoms and identify risk factors for cardiovascular disease
  3. Describe how shared decision making can be used to help individuals take control of their BP
  4. Recognize the importance of positive messaging associated with cardiovascular health
  5. Understand how to access the Heart Age tool and associated resources for local solutions.
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Computer generated transcript

The following transcript was generated automatically from the content and has not been checked or corrected manually.

Welcome to another of our share the pressure sessions. My name is Michaela Nuttall and I'm a cardiovascular nurse. I'm delighted that you could join us. Uh Now some of you are watching live and others I hope will be joining us at some point on demand. We will be winning this session twice. And so you get to watch myself. And I think my colleague Joanne is doing the neck next one of these understanding, heart age. But before we start, I'm going to share my slides now and well, say welcome to those people who I can see just joining the room just to let you know for those of you are watching on demand, you won't be able to ask questions, but equally, you also won't be able to look at the questions that people are going to be popping into the chat function. And I'm just going to say a quick hello to everybody now in the chat function. So where people can see that pop up and see where it is. So I'm gonna run this in two different ways today. I'm going to share my slides to start with and then I'm gonna pause share in my slides and then I'm going to share my screen because something very exciting is happening today live. So here we go. So this session is called about share the pressure. When share the pressure is a project, an initiative that's a joint initiative between the race equality foundation, smart Health Solutions, younger lives and BP UK. And we were funded by the Boudette Trust for Nursing. I must change that. I keep saying that I'm so sorry, Burdette. I know it's a podiatrist for nursing. Um um I will change that as soon as this one finishes and share the pressure. Well, this is the second of our initiatives in this area. The first one was looking at anybody anywhere who might have hypertension and share the pressure. Part two is we're doing with the bad debt is looking at how we can help to address hypertension and high BP amongst people who are black African or Africa Rib Ian and particularly in Southeast London. That's where we're looking at. Now, we're doing that by using a shared decision making tool. So this is our second in a series of four different webinars that were running and this one is about using heart age. Now, heart age is a concept that is not new to many of us. But what is quite new is it being used in a hypertensive population and heart age is the baby of younger lives. So that's the guys the organization here we do the training where from smart health solution rate equality, race, equality foundation. There are the guys that head up the whole program. They've done a lot of the focus groups and the interviews and of course BP UK need no explanation, no explaining who those guys are. That they are the know your numbers week guys and the and the charity who all they do is about BP. So at Smart Health Solutions, the training that we will be delivering will be between four of us uh before I can't even count between three of us. So that's me, Michaela Nuttall. I'm the founder here. It's not Health Solutions. I'm joined by Joanne Horse who's also were both nurses. Um She's our clinical director and we have David A Koro who's a community too, trainer and educator who I've worked with on a variety of projects for many years now. Um And the three of us together are delivering a series of different training events or whether that's podcast, webinars, um quizzes, which will be coming up scene and, and David, I are probably going to do some face to face training as well in Southeast London. Now, um we are using Medal as the platform and uh for the guys on the call today and anybody watching it, you'll be using Medal. Now, remember if you have already gone through and validated, you set yourself. Hi, Jacqueline has put a Jacqueline has put a hello in to say hi, Michaela. Um If you've already gone through and verified your email address, then you get all the functionality that's there. And I've already gone and uploaded the slides for us. So remember when you do your evaluations, which gets you your certificate and access to the slides and this version will be uploaded as well for anybody to be able to watch. Make sure this toggle is across here where it says catch up content, that's your slides. And this toggle allows you to generate your certificate. Any problems. Just give the guys here at Medal a quick tinkle. They're always around online. They've got a lovely chat function here and you can just see this fella here. That's Phil. Um He's the cardiothoracic surgeon who founded Medal at the beginning of lockdown. Uh really just about healthcare professionals having better access to education and training. So why? And I think it's really important that we always remind ourselves why we're doing this project in this area because ethnicity is a massive risk factor when it comes to cardiovascular disease in particularly high BP. Because we know it disproportionately affects black people who are African or can Caribbean descent with a much greater incidence of strokes of incidences. The chances of it caring each new time it occurs along with end stage really or failure and yet less likely for a whole multitude of reasons to come forward for screening for things like BP, screening health checks and men in particular and also less likely to have their BP controlled. So, and as if all that wasn't bad enough COVID 19 has made the situation a whole lot worse. And that's really why we are doing this project um in Southeast London, for people who are Black African or African Caribbean to be able to really help, to target the language and the messaging. And this, we know that Heart age is a concept itself does help people to understand what's going on with their BP and understand what that's going on with their risk factors. It also is a great motivator. So I'm delighted to be able to show you and the tool, the Heart Age platform is available like this is the first time people are being seeing it. It was only made ready yesterday. Now, one of the things we did is um well, I say we, this is what the racist quality foundation have been doing was having focus groups and interviews with people with or without hypertension, but predominantly with hypertension who are African or Caribbean. And from these focus groups, we had these common themes emerging and one was about taking control. This is what people wanted to say. It was about being able to take control and don't talk about aging, talk about stay years younger. So all those that much more positive message, there's a lot of symptoms, a lot of a lot of symptom myths out there. And a lot of people through the focus groups thought that you had symptoms of BP. So the tool itself goes to reinforce the message that, you know, often people don't have symptoms. And they also wanted to know at the end of the tool and I'll show you where this is where it's going to evolve, um is where to go locally and this is where we can really bed ourselves in local solutions. And to be really clear that this is totally anonymous, there is no data share ing nobody knows the information that's being put in. It's a one off hit the person, the cells will be able to see it but nothing gets stored or saved. And when it comes to making recommendations, it wasn't just about having traditional diets, having African or Caribbean diets, it was about having all different types of foods. And so that's just been adapted as well. And 10 Eula has just said hello. So I'm saying hello back to you. Great to have you on board. So this is what we've had and this is what we're going to be bringing more into the podcast that will be winning. But the guys at younger lives have adapted the tool to be able to take these messages on board, um which is really about that community engagement co design into making this into something that we hope will be a really positive message. So for using heart age. What we'd hoped is that a variety of different people can use it. So we've tried to come at a concept so that a person themselves. So, you know, somebody might come across heart age and think, you know what I'm going to see what my heart ages or it could be used by healthcare professional, maybe doing a BP, we review somewhere, a BP check. Um And so we've tried to sort of give it that way as well. So we have tried to be a one size fits all type thing or it could be used out in the community. And I talk about community as in like so many different initiatives that are going on out there now with community workers, community based BP, screening, community based BP assessments. So we're trying to see could this tool be used by a variety of different people? Hopefully all coming up with the same outcome of getting people to understand the implications of their BP a bit more and through a shared decision making tool, maybe want to make healthier choices. So I've got a couple of screenshots Festival to show you what it looks like. And then I'm going to go into the tool which is where, then I have to change what I'm change the, the view that I'm doing here now. So the way that you get two different things. So if you want to get involved with more training, you get to it through here and that's the share the pressure. So that's, that's smart health solutions, share the pressure and I'll show you that, put the web address up again later. But it's, it's, it's available um through lots of different roots and actually everyone that's booked on this training has got to it through here, Makayla, come on, think about it. Um And that's through this button, but we are adding more things through there also were developing this resources for patient's and we're trying to pull together all of the local information to. And this is where you can access the share, the pressure, share the pressure, share the pressure website, which is just simply share the pressure dot com. And when you click through there, it takes you to this um to this website and this website tells you take control of your BP and stay years younger and it talks about a two minute assessment. Um And really what we want to be able to do is get this message is that we, we heard quite clearly from the focus groups was saying often there were no symptoms and over time starts to cause damage and has an aging effect and people want to avoid that aging effect. So stay years younger and we do that by taking control of your BP and by that doing that gives you maybe more energy whatever your age is going to be So the feedback in the interaction was about positive messaging. So I'm gonna pause showing my slides for now and I am now going to hopefully share my screen and when I share my screen, I am going to the heart age home. So let me try this. Oh And I've gone to the end of it. Okay. So I'm going to go back to the beginning. Oh I showed you the end now. I can't actually see my screen with what I'm share ing but if somebody can pop this, um So I'm sharing this tap within medal. So I am all good. So I'm gonna carry on. So we take control of BP and we stay years younger and we say let's do this and I'm gonna walk us all the way through this now. So it follows the Q risk algorithm. So we know we can feel comfortable and confident that the, the logic that sits there is correct. But also um we also overcome a lot of the issues that are going on at the moment by it not being in diagnostic um uh tool in anyway, it's not counted in the same way as a device. So we go through with the simple, yes, no question. So I'm going to make up some people here and we'll see what happens though. Have you ever had any of the following conditions? So that's heart disease, kidney disease or diabetes. So I've popped down. No, I've made somebody, 60 somebody is female. Let's have a look at ethnicity. So you'll see it's the same set of drop down boxes. What we have on queue risk. And I make make this lady black Caribbean and let's say there's lady smokes but just less than 10 a day. Click the next button. So what is their height? Let's make them 5 ft three. Let's make them 15 stone. Um Now I can do this in stone pounds or kilograms. But I'm a, you know, I still remember stones very well. We'll make 51 0. Is, is not quite. And have they had a family history of an Angina or a heart attack will say no. And then it carries on. So do we know our cholesterol level? Now, um if we click, no, it says we can still estimate. But if you know your cholesterol result, it will be more accurate. So I'm going to imagine this might be somebody by themselves out there taking this and thinking, oh, you know, I don't know my cholesterol level, but it might encourage people to want to go and get it checked. Now, it wants to know. Have we ever been told that you've got high cholesterol? So we'll say no, we've not been told we've got high cholesterol. So that's either by your GP or your nurse or some other health care professional. And do I know my BP? So I'm going to say yes, I know my BP and I'm going to put a, let's put it in at 1 60 say. Now this is where we start to adapt. According to nice guidance, we know that BP at home, we've got a slightly different threshold, a slightly lower threshold of a difference of 5/5 compared to say in a medical setting or at health event. And we've tried to work out sort of the majority of places where they were. So let's say they've done that BP. Um I've got a BP machine I'm doing at home and I might not be on BP tablets and has a health care professional ever asked me about going on. So now I've never had a conversation about that yet. And here we can see it's starting to calculate my heart age and this is what I see. Now, this is my age at 60 but this is my heart age at 71 and no one wants a heart cage that's older them. Now, this is the new button. Look at this refresh button. This if I click this refresh button, what this should show us how many years I could take off my heart age. So I clicked the refresh and look at that, I could get my heart age down to my real age. That is a fantastic positive message. It said I could take up to 11 years off by making changes. So what do I want to do next. So now the BP reading that I gave gave there was raise. So it's a 1 60. And actually the messaging here is that it's really important that we get it checked at a GP practice or in a local pharmacy and that we should do that in the next couple of weeks for a routine appointment. So we're mirroring the same messaging that's out there. So that's what we want people to do. We want to find more people who might have hypertension. But now we're getting into the practical support this um decision making A's and I want you to view this bit, either somebody maybe by themselves or maybe of you as a healthcare professional. Are there certain questions in here that might be really useful for you? So, and this is imagine if you were doing this with a patient or you were doing it by yourself. It was as we're saying about motivation. So how motivated are we to make an appointment? So it might be that I said, you know, I'm not at all motivated. I just wanted to check all the way up to, I'm very motivated. And then what about keeping your weight down thinking? Well, I'm not very, but I want to eat a bit healthier. I want to exercise regularly a bit. Do I want to take medication every day? Not at all? Do I want to top smoking? Well, maybe I want to a little bit and then I click next. So, what am I going to do? And I think I have, I've done all of these. Yes, I've done them all. So, how confident am I now? So, the first one is how motivated, how confident am I, how confident that I'm going to make one? I'm a little bit confident, but I'm not very confident that I can get my weight down. I am a bit confident that I can improve what I eat though. And I'm a bit confident that I can eat regularly. And uh, sure, yeah, about that medication, maybe a bit, but I'm really not sure about that smoking. I haven't got a lot of confidence there and then it takes with it. So this is, you know, if I was by myself doing this, then it's almost me thinking, okay, I'm acknowledging where I've got more confidence and I, where I haven't got more confidence. But also if I would say this was me as an as doing it with a patient, I'd be sit looking and seeing actually, um, they've said they're quite confident, how do I move them forward? Where do I move them along too? Am I going to suggest about eating a bit healthier? Am I going to think about stopping smoking? Are we thinking more about medication? So there's different choices that you can go through in here? But ultimately, a lot of it all goes back to sign, posting back to going back to your GP practice or off to your pharmacy or to do some lifestyle and that lifestyle um is where we can sign post people to general stuff. But this is the extra bits we're hoping to try and start adding in over the next few weeks. So let's imagine. We want to say, well, I want to talk more to my health care professional about it. Well, what does that mean? So we click on this and it will tell us the different ways it goes through. Nice different questions that you might want to think about that. You might want to, you know, print off, take this with you. Also the different sort of questions that I might want to ask the healthcare professionals. Like if I'm going to take them tablets, do I need to take blood tablet tests? How regularly, how long do I have to take those tablets for, for example, or I might want to um say, well, I want to get more active. How can I get more active? Well, down here, we can do different discussion's. I remember this is all based on the diff advice that is out there about being safer, exercising and different types of exercising there and all of the different top tips. But let's imagine living Lamberth. And I think I want to know what's going on in Lambeth now at the moment these haven't been filled in, but this is where we're getting to next. So we've started the ball rolling on this knowing that it's going to be added. So I know there's masses of, um, masses of stuff going on in Lamberth around BP. So that's where we're going to be able to put all of the sign posting as well for everything that's going on in Lamberth. And although we've only got Lamberth and Bromley on here at the moment, we will be adding on all the other boroughs across South East London. Um We've got a box here that talks about frequently asked questions and we know that actually, um we talked about, you know, this is about going here from BP UK along with all the different advice that's there about, you know, the lifestyle, the medicines are about, about alternative treatments that are there. If you want to know a little bit more about share the pressure, we can go here and it takes you to the about page and this takes you back to the Race Equality Foundation because of course, the, the guys that are heading up this fantastic process for a project. We've got this, share the pressure that's here. And actually, we've already started to get publication as a result of this project. We've got a lot of interest in it because, well, it is a very exciting project I think. And it's one of the first times that we know that we've taken high BP and share the pressure and applied it quite specifically and I want to stay a small population. But I mean, geographically we've really, really try to tailor those messages locally. We haven't done it just by ourselves. We've, you know, been engaging with as many of the boys as we can with the integrated care system, with the community and we're continuing to engage there. So I'm hoping that you like what you're seeing with this, share the pressure. So, um and then if you want to do it again, you just go back through and we take it and we won't be able to play with this as much as possible because the more you play it, the more you find out how it's working and the more you can give us feedback as well by letting me know, what would you like changing? What can we add at the end? Have you got something in your area where you think, you know, this would be fantastic to add in at the end of the share, the pressure talk. So I'm going to stop sharing now. And hopefully I'm coming back to myself because I'm back to the main stage. Oh, I've got an echo. Hopefully, you haven't got to the echo that's there. Hopefully you saw all. That's when I share my slide, I couldn't see any of the chat and I'm going to go back to my slides again. Um So, and this is where we left off, we left off here saying this was this two minute assessment that goes through and if we click quite fast, it does take a couple of minutes that's there. This webinar will be, be able to be available on demand if you want to catch up with this one again. As you know, we've already done the launch session. I did one last week or two weeks ago on understanding BP. We've got some more coming up around um medication and around lifestyle and we're building on those podcasts. We've got a few up there already and we're going to be putting more and more in particularly as a result of the feedback and the updates and what we've heard from the engagement. But also with David Koro, who um really has shared a lot already about him and BP, but also j was at the Race Equality Foundation recently and um did a session with 100 black men and a fantastic organization and we're trying to find people within South East London. So whether that's healthcare professionals or patient or people or community workers to say, come and join me on a conversation, even if it's just for 10 or 15 minutes, just to see how you're getting on with BP in your area. We've got the set up to be able to turn it into a podcast. It's just like a chat and nothing to be scared about. So if anybody wants to get involved, come and do it and come and join me on a conversation and we also have the resources page. Now, we're just developing the pres is and we've got two different quizzes, one for healthcare professionals and one for patient's because who doesn't love a quiz. And we've got all of the fantastic guidance that is done by Kessel, the clinical effectiveness for Southeast London. And we can see all of the links of this are here to and each um Barra has got its own guidance hypertension. So if you haven't seen that already go and find your local guidance. So in summary, first of all, do you know your own heart age? If you don't go and check it ideally, you know your BP and if you know your BP, then you can work out your heart age. If you don't know your BP, get it checked. But if not, we'll just, it'll just use an average one. Now we know also knowing your heart age is a great motivator because nobody wants to be older than their age. In fact, people want to be at least the same age or younger. They want a heart age younger. Now, we know we've devised this tool to be used either by itself, so by a person, by the community or with a healthcare professional. So where do have a go and remember this is just one part of the whole hypertension journey. So do join us for some more of our education and training. It's now time for any questions that people might have. It's a very short one, this one and it is about us just being able to um share with you and show you what's there. I'm going to pop the feedback up for anybody that's already on the session. So the feedback will take you straight there. Now, people can provide feedback, but I'm going to pause for a moment whilst in case anybody's got any questions and just say, thank you for everybody that has joined us on the session live today. If you are watching us on catch up, then hopefully you're watching us somewhere interesting. Maybe you're just listening to us, maybe you are watching us. Um We do have more of these sessions, as I said, we've got four in total and those will be repeated live twice and they'll be totally available on catch up for many, many months. Um In fact, for as long as we can leave them on catch up, we're also developing a couple of other bespoke and quite tailored training events, but they won't be available until about May or June time. That's there. So a huge thank you to the Race Equality Foundation to Well Us, it's smart health solution to younger lives and two BP UK and to the Boudette Trust for Nursing who of course, without those guys, it wouldn't be able to have this session or these sessions. And um Yeah, the people from South East London. Now, Jacqueline said, will we be delivering a session on atrial fibrillation? Well, I will Jacqueline but not as part of this project. So Joe and I and so does David actually work on another not for profit organization called Learn with Nurses and Learn with the nurses dot org is the website and there we do short bite size training a bit like this one around atrial fibrillation and chronic kidney disease, cholesterol, um, E C G S diabetes. So, Jackley, and if you just go and look for, learn with nurses, learn with nurses dot org. I've popped it in the chat for you, then, um, you can go and book on stuff there. Now, I know we, if you, if you're anyone's going to look at that, we're just putting on the next series of training events. So you might not see the one you want now that they'll be coming up over the next couple of months. And we run those at different times of the days, days of the week evenings, things like that. But they only run live at the, at the moment. They're not available on catch up. Okay. Well, that's me done. Hopefully you've enjoyed that and that you're interested in going to go off and learn your heart age and to use it. All right, then everyone take care many thanks.