Triaging Children - J Mehaffey
This on-demand teaching session provides medical professionals with valuable information about the Manchester Triage System and how it is employed at Urgency Departments to manage patient flow. The session includes information about how to triage children, outlines priority reducing discriminators and provides tips on communicating with parents and children to reduce distress while assessing the urgency of the patient's condition. At the end of the session, screenings, diagnosis and pain management strategies will also be discussed. Sign up now to learn more about this essential system, and how it can help to manage patient flow and improve the overall safety and care of patients.
Learning objectives
Learning Objectives:
Summarize the key components of the Manchester Triage System.
Explain the differences between the five categories of triage categories and how they are based on the initial assessment.
Identify and differentiate between life threatening discriminators for each level of priority.
List effective communication strategies to use with a distressed child and their family during triage.
Describe the Differential Diagnosis for Pediatric Triage, including the components that should be assessed and the actions that should be taken.
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Good morning. Everybody can use for me. Nine James from I just want to stay. Obviously, child brief mail them are on top of the mountain triage system. Um, so we'll just get almost there. Um, we currently on that day, we use that. That's something Platform some funny for months. Yesterday. I system. I think that that's going to be changed shortly, but at the moment, that's system here. Using, um, tree eyes is a system Metallica rest. Management is employed at all Most urgency departments to manage patient flow. See if, like when people made sixties capacity on we all know what really made the mountain on 16 capacity, um, all department to try a very busy Manchester tree of systems. A low to triage nurse to wrap it. They're saying that topical priority the patient on, um, nauseous tree eyes rolling doctors because doctor, for a plane to diagnose, Whereas we just, you know, treat as the patient take to get the munchies. Uh, that's, uh, right. Order the system. Celexa patients, then with the highest priority. First, we like to make an eye assumptions about the diagnosis process of tree eyes there for us to you value it seriousness off each patient child presented an aside priority based on the initial assessment Um, the anti suges a reduction in pathology methodology, the signs and some things that differentiate between each level of priority or sandwich life threatening discriminators must be eliminated. Priority reducing the label of chemical priority on the less the the, uh, discriminators our life threat Just level hemorrhage temperature. Ian, get this. And these are all the factors of the extra minute between three patients. So that's just that Mr The Tree s way. We really don't. We would use your colors here on the numbers. I'm number category monitor And how much is your digit? I'm your cat tree as your orange was just very urgent. I'm third as yellow, which is urgent forth as your green, which is standard and 50 is your belly, which is another large immediately, immediately that very urgent. As with, um, 10 minutes urgent. I can't remember allergic six. I don't know. Put one are us to your shall take out. All right, But that's what you have. Um, we want to welcome back tips. Oh, Children aren't every day of panels in our department and As we all know, the triage a Sanskrit of Children could be in demand and challenging in a stressful for us on the Children. Two. Children First time for us, therefore, time last aspect of the child with their second or injured is the gold triage on Also prevent a major treatment on analgesia. Necessary Children could be called for a distress. The tree as well, cause observations very difficult. The heart rate respiratory have compressed. You're the anxiety I would always mention. Three eyes. Motrin has no appetite, is very distressed on observations. Parents can also be very distressed. What, what it's gonna also out to the anxiety and actually the change. And we can always provide reassurance when their system tree I skills them good communication skills to use baking directed to change a frail about you know the change Everybody older. Explain the observations and my other dog, you have a show. The chain. That's that's problem. They put on there. Take care of on the moment at first, you know before but actually put on shirts and well basted trained on the parents. You know what? We're going to do it. But what The observations and tear on clear, concise and progesterone. The parents on the change Unless that skeletons well, you're less It's among listen to you what? Their concerns are, um, on the and just select available information by observing example. And I'm taking a relevant test, right. We would observe bit the child off relevant walking on from triage or at the change in the your primary that just to be observing interact with the child you know, as a contract with the child and as a child on track with us as the change. Right now, let me let me about more gravy on it. On any signs of obvious anything's about this. You just a little one of the afternoon, the MDs and the Manchester triage system. Um, there's some disrupted the off the charge totally with on the MST, I'm to choose from one performance, three eyes, but there's a small number designed specifically for Children on. Well, the first one is the on where you born, which is up to 28 days. They only will be away, which is 28 days to 12 months, and then the only change. I'm just a little to the 16 years That's more of your sex, your family's So I don't know. I thought we stayed in. There's more chance you can be very small coma like we would be as last of there. They have to pee and the abuse and neglect the allergy. Where's the scouts crying be in May? Here I am. Finished Your shoes Born body had an injury. Irritable change, No problems. Nothing changed. Overdosing poison. I'm sure there's a bad word. Parents. Most of these lung problem would be one of the most most form of a juice will be changed for them to change on most of these, you could find a gradual patients as well. I said the lung problems with being used more weight we should understand. Yeah, So I'm just going to touch briefly. All dries the sex chest. But Secretary don't know what's gonna be covered. Literally. Have a better a lot more. So just you're on on triage has just been aware of on and been aware of the change. Airway them the disk or a B, C, D or every as it obstructed a zone. The secretions is a foreign body. Straighter ways Just you've been aware. Yeah, for breathing. Um, changed much Breathed. Um, we're going to speed the stairs into respiratory looking for a spiritual person. A shin are excess ray muscle? Yes. On Androgel checking her early tree saturations circulation there as there. Any evidence of person You a shin on the says the color skin taking the heart rate on BRCA bp if it's an order change. And then you know anybody with your child would be concerned about checking, and we love to see if there's any warm or cool 100 ft. That's the blood of them. Um, was a challenge. Urological status. Um, says two people response to light. Now you're on a moment. Um, maybe, you know, maybe after you already CS on an exposure, um, over signs of any rashes. I know that's gonna be covered literally. Okay, on by your Russian sexes disease rush a normal lunch rush, and then we'll be looking for any any evidence of 100 or trauma bridges. And we're always thinking on accident and you're in the normal body change, and I get you to just going to call them up to bility. Tell the girl, um, thanks to have a garden issues and then usual marks. I was a child cap. Um, is there any interaction box under actually working parents regarding on tree? Actually, we're always remembered to check Children. Yeah, to decide what we want. Their vehicle. Sainz I'm just I know that we went up on the tree iced room that I look at, I I don't do all this number. So we do have one on, um, on the triage room there. We can always lance that any concerns have it in their Children. Then just just briefly on the tree, I send them to change. Um, so we will be assessment assessment off the engine area again. Watch the child coming on for, you know, commitment really know. But we haven't got something like that. Just try to change. Welcome. And certainly, um, you know, higher. The whole themselves overcomes. All right, hold himself still on the way and see under the triage. And the mechanism is making that sort of injury, then establishing what happens any same swell inversion, trauma, trauma or deformity. Any broken loves, you know, you can almost same people see develop before mother there, um, on an assessment of pan on administration of effective allergies even relevant. And we always record do it prior to an energy is in a war. Children. So they're just talking about on the PE and then the the gentle discriminators and pee. And, um, they have your severe pee and much would be asking score of 10 being tan the patient. But I said a score versus it's 10, and that would give him an orange cannery kind of a change moderate pee. And then it was a scale of 5 to 7, which would put them under category that the yellow category Cannabis Ray on that my PM recently in the brain That's one before on the sippy in school assessment that should be considered mystery cache may not be necessary After today. I know about the changes to be a pa in. You know, we don't really need to since we know that to be a panel with blood on straight away are that the child is no pain. Um, with the observable trail again, just walking on three iced could tell us, you know, But Children come on will be observant with verbal response. When you're on track with the recipe and having an injury was high that can react for language down on the shoulder area of the garden area. Um, they're still expiration. You eat with a piece of expression, you can say, Oh, well, that's coming up Happy and talking and laughing are coming on whether they pad, you know. But I think I caught on a P and I can't The changes and the basal expiration behavior changes is, well, you know where they shop on there. They they just, you know, not happy to them. Do you do the pan just having all this land in psychological changes? Um, against both strengthen them up. When the Children get distressed, the hundreds could play a way off. You know, whenever you're faking little, they're really it's just No, they just Sometimes you get them three ized Creon assessment. That is very important. A number of Children can lead a ball, have some degree a p in on the degree of piano influences there to say my parents were different, distressed of the child's and PM, you know that can cause had a good generally fanas as the release a day call the the GI the key goal being because over the agitation of admission and I can be a source is a sudden They have a lot of distress to parents, and it doesn't expectation of pee and we'll be dealt with any day. Um, parents can be anxious. Do the level choice for your room. We can just we always treat Trent new. Established any allergies they given prior to that and this will be gift. Children have a short attention attention and can get bored and frightened. I'm tired for easy. Um, Ms could cause distress and agitation because of communication. Having a couple of days. And what happens in triage. Sometimes I'm kind of change. Gets upset about subdivisions. Don't. Then whenever china ventilates treatment, you know it can cause problems Whenever the doctor goes to see them. A letter states to just ask them up it up just to be a thing of the PM scale here for the Children. You know the data there for us, is there? We have No, He's up in the triage room, but I'm all gets double on their family. A couple A triage room just in. Um, so we do. We'll gently. What? Ask about your Creon screening on a scale of 1 to 5. Um, the television actually can be quite responsible. I will do that. I didn't get up so that the pee in that scale hot combines variable on bicycle scriptures, and it's a simple pain behavior measure. It's quick you needed to use, Um, that's a that's a deductible for the smaller child is where I'm first for skills, right analgesia, then generally analgesia on giving the purple Bear past it. And when I say a baby proof, um, and was here, it's more, uh, Children went not for the yeast engineers a day Morphine will be spread open on the weekend. Your lungs. You know that the broken limbs sometimes sedation would be That's consultant on in there. I'm not going to get benefits office change. So the stress and Children atenolol lady them, um, attempts. Did a hand on those falls levels of stress to try it on the parents triage nurses role and us to recognize. I would just anticipate that's a subtype. You very sorry. I can't say that anxiety, you know, for European just appeared. Anxiety being the PML trade may have. Sometimes the Children were crying before the Commander tree eyes. They won't have to see the nurse, you know, uniform on the mask and, you know, annoyed. Um, to a president is estrogen. I left them quite often. Exaggerate the distress, stranger. Anxiety can be normal Over up on two orders. Uhh! Come on there. You don't have a clue here a year and a lot of salt in your top doing observations and all this our previous attempts STD can also highlight billions of bad in fear. J had a you know, a previous experience, you know, maybe a painful experience. Get lots of that down sometimes Just completely treat historical can, Uh, like I'd hike, I didn't learn side I'm taking also always you're the that's appropriate side sometimes, you know, commit very, very distressing. Um, I was trying Well, reassure the change and put it on the moment of this and a little bit of the most finger out that we try it previous. That just to try and calendar on the entry could also be on your legs at it. A try and you know So I was family. Also challenge that the noble, very sharp regular finger and have to do is to train. You're just exactly the same. Hello. And the magician? We just changed the stress that on the lady department of the triage room, with normal practice like we never want to separate the change from the parents destroys and show the time remains with prostituting a family matter of your respected side on the way out. You know, I would always come up with something living of all number of the Taliban have lost some You know something? I got to distract the and then, you know, obviously trying to develop a report about the change. Um, let's just developing skills to distract the Taylors to say, you know, we usually use in our database to forgive my fusions stickers up again. Um, still, we have stopping at the most tremors mafia, just everything with you just to try. And, um, we just the chance to stress on the triage we're gonna want to get even exist. They almost what the CEA don't say over present reward, You know you're favoring it. Give another stickers on that, and then we could do just to transmit the same office brand listens can, and that's me. Funnest. Thanks for your attention um I know I can talk about too quick and what I always say. Any concerns you have for any change department to stick your doctors on, But you know, if you're gonna get a summary on apartment, if you have any concerns about any changes Sick doctor, I'm putting your, um your your senior nurse in charge. That's me. Don't think if I watch and I will lose