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Trauma Team Role - Leader and Scribe (Video 3)



This on-demand teaching session is relevant to medical professionals and demonstrates how they can learn to use a parallel resuscitation and team approach to dramatically improve trauma care. The session will cover the rules and protocols of the trauma team, transitioning from sequential to parallel resuscitation, and assigning roles and tasks to improve management of trauma patients. It will include a step-by-step example for a trauma scenario in which a patient arrives with multiple injuries, so that medical professionals can learn to apply their new knowledge to real-life scenarios.

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Learning objectives

Learning Objectives:

  1. Understand the importance of the trauma team in major trauma scenarios and the rules associated with it.

  2. Identify the key steps for horizontal or parallel resuscitation and how it can improve patient outcomes.

  3. Discuss the importance of pre-planning tasks during a trauma event.

  4. Employ the “up-MR” Format to document and examples when the trauma team is activated.

  5. Discern how trauma team leaders establish the team’s roles, identify potential obstructions, and document the patient’s data while resuscitating the patient.

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Computer generated transcript

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So we've looked at high on when the trauma team is activated and next we're going to look a little closer. I walked. Some of the rules and the drama team are with a particular focus on, um, horizontal or parallel resuscitation on then the drama team leader and scribe rule. We've talked about how the 100 or needs to be concise, using the up Mr Format. But we also want to stop doing some of the things that we missed or ically did in trauma. And that was the slow and sequential recess. And previously, a TLS would have talked very much that you were the sole provider off trauma on that. You would resuscitate the patient yourself, doing a then be then see then D. Then the new one person can manage a major trauma patient on. There are no superheroes and trauma, and so we need a team approach on. We need to do the results, sedation and a horizontal or parallel mountain, and so that means that we do airway. I'm breathing on circulation on your logical assessment on exposure all at the same time, but by different individuals that improves the tiniest of our management means that we can actually get the patient to CT in that 30 minute window that we're hoping for. That requires us to be pretty organized and have a team structure. When you think about all the tasks that need to be completed when a trauma patient arrives, they're really quite a loss. Um, one of the things that we've removed is the need to bleed the surgeons and the and he's just so all separately and bring them dying. TD The trauma team is activated as whole, but also all of those tasks need to be allocated to other members of the team to make sure that we all know exactly what we're doing. Because if we allocate those tasks and after the time or during the time, it just takes too long. We know what we'll need to do for most patients. So we might as well be sure of what we're doing. A very stark So, for example, if you have a trauma scenario and we'll go through with that might look like in the 60 year old meal arrives and tying from injuries 30 minutes mechanism is a full from scaffolding on the injuries seen have suspected or right rib fractures in the head injury. Possibly his vital signs are concerning with a heart rate of 120 on a BP of 100 and his GCS is 13 already. That should trigger you to activate the red drama call because his heart rate is over his systolic BP perfectly. That's a sustained finding. He's been brought in by a nice it was finally mobilization inside GI oxygen on a pelvic binder. So when this patient arrives, the trauma team leader and we'll have assembled 13 on the May already be immediate. The stage. The trauma team leader should ensure they knew what the skills are HIV use and vigil team members. So don't be alarmed if you're asked if you can contribute patients independently or if you can do your chest rain independently and the trouble to meet your needs to know what your skills are. A teammate of the pollen and do five second round and check that the patient doesn't have an immediate life threatening airway obstruction on that they have a pulse, essentially, but largely at that point in time, they need to stay behind the red line on the larger the trauma team to work with the airway breathing and circulation teams processing the patient A wants. Those sub teams will then feedback to trauma team leader so they can have an idea off. What is going on with each of those body systems? Very important rule is described. Rule and scribble. Keep time, and they often start the clock that the back wall and we'll give reminders off. Hard time is passing. During that 1st 30 minutes, make sure that the patient is identifiable on often. It's quite difficult if we have, an all new patient would have to then generate a a temporary record number for that patient. Temporary mean. It's important that we do that, because if we wait for full details of the patient, if they're in a non own style, we then delays the ability to cross much blood, for example, and so it's important to generate that temporary record number when it's needed on. Our administrative staff are very helpful in doing so, and describe will also then document who's on the team, and so they'll ask you for your name in rule, and then I'll document the key signs on the key information that needs to be taken dying literally. Maybe after the resuscitation is finished, you can then write your own note. But it's important that you rely on the described to to document things in realty. I'm and so that we don't miss anything was have said They're the patient arrives. The five second remind us has occurred. We've done the atmosphere and over in completed the white board and transparent patient over on a recorded time zero and the next 70 wasn't gonna go through what the airway breathing in circulation team will do.