Trauma - psychological safety - MJ
This on-demand teaching session is relevant to medical professionals and provides an opportunity to learn about psychological wellbeing and how to best promote well-being in the workplace. The session will discuss three core elements responsible for keeping people well, offer advice on how to re-connect to psychological needs, and create psychologically safe environments for teams. Practical and research-based tools will be offered to help attendees better manage stress and uncertainty in the workplace. Join this interactive session to gain valuable insight into how to nurture yourself and your team during these unprecedented times.
Learning objectives
Learning Objectives:
- Identify the three core elements of psychological wellbeing in the workplace.
- Utilize basic needs to reduce workplace stress.
- Recognize the importance of psychological safety within teams and work environments.
- Explain how stress can be a positive force in life and how to manage it.
- Distinguish between predictability and controllability at work and how to utilize both experiences to foster success.
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that script. Gays. Thanks for allowing me to come and talk with this today. I hope that this is of some relevance to you on day. Try not to keep this too long as well today that please do you feel free, Teo jumpin if there's any queries or if I'm missing something or if you think actually that substance off pretty clear relevance to you and your what They ask questions about it or talk about it in terms of your own experiences. Um, so maybe please, please come in. If there's anything tax job that I'm getting, you know wrong or house, um relevant street that you want to kind of slow down and think about eso from talking with with new briefly, we thought it may be useful just to think about psychological, see if they and obviously, you know, there's a lot off talk rightfully so nice about staff. Well, the end and organizes know well, being in the midst of all the pressures that has obviously become much more proof. A lift your leg because off the pandemic. But you know, there has been studies ongoing for the last 10 years and protector with any HS in terms of well being on becomes and on organizations linger sales plan real attention to that meaningful E s. Oh, it was thinking today some core questions, just the bones. You know, how much space in taint do you guys have to actually slow down on? Think about the emotional impact over work and, of course, attains. It can be helpful. Teo, just get on with it, Toso down and think too much, because when you're in the midst of salt in that you're having the post three, there may not be Taymor opportunities, or it may not be the most helpful time to actually still down and think about what is the impact of all this on me on her desk with what I've got in front of me thinking about, You know, what do we do on ongoing basis? So it's not only a one off thing looking after ourselves and being able to connect and, you know, think about things on Belong on Don't ever on uncle on longer treatment study. There's there's three core elements of wellbeing that just may have heard off. Professor make a West over in England husband role in this study for for 10 years now, I wondered if that the core elements are, you know, belonging autonomy on competence or the three core elements of what seems to keep people well, their work, when they're able to experience that was three elements of, you know, experience with each other and with her colleagues on being out there work. So hopefully that things relevant to you gaze and also just thinking about, you know, Heidi is be compassionate with your sales. One unfortunate consequences Think obtains off Tranda mileage for too much and spending multiple play. It says that actually, we end up feeling guilty about her work because we can't do everything on Dim Porton. Part of that is being able to be compassionate with their sales being able to give her cells that break, realizing that actually we're doing the absolute best that become on that we can call oral the bases all the time. Eso thinking about Hae to be monies to do that, and, um, it's of immense pressure. At times, we're not unconscious anymore. There's been lots of you know, changes is world to you are were over. I'm sure you guys a roll to your world on its thinking about total. We have that luxury to be managed to stay connected with being able to look after her shelves Macduff to each other in the midst of such unprecedented changes on on President that demand on. But in some ways there's probably saturation and take with lessening Teo the things around that on President that demand. But it is useful to put it on context and think. Actually, these are extraordinary times, and we helping trend of the extraordinary things and then stop just very briefly to put it in the context. These are some of the things that we're working on from a psychological perspective, both within a day on doctor personal health, around paying attention to different work strings that ultimately area that increasing the psychological well being of everybody in the trust. And that's it. That's a massive past, obviously with 12.5 days of employees. But it is the some ways, I think, reassure people that we are really trying to pay attention to this and trendy. Actively, something about it on Just Elect is new that certainly come back and ask us any questions. Very thought from um, a little perspective if there's any need to also recognizing that were with being on a journey with covert on with the pandemic on. You know, you guys on the front line may find your shelves a difference. Do you just obviously of this journey, as we could warn on? Of course it's there wasn't over. So it it's supposed to just curious by word, you guys make figures are all not journey. Um, so moving really from that instant response needing to be, you know, 24 7 on the ball, reacting, you know, responding to those spikes and neat. Andi, do you get any opportunities? Really to rest, reconnect with each other? Unreflective. But what this is all like, I don't know. What day did you want to comment on that all? Yes. I think I think for me. And, uh, you were just talking about I was like himself. We're probably at the kind of reconnect them stage. Well, not but and certainly a lot of stuff. I think we'll figure you have a recipe recharged either. So I just seen Yeah, of course. You can flip between different stages of lessons. Well, you know, on hopefully things like this, you know, still on doing helping study days for you guys could be together, even if it is virtually to kind of take some time to think about your your actions, your responsibilities on also to be able to, hopefully feet connected with each other and in some ways, and so it's it's one that I'm using continuously in terms of this journey that everybody's own, it is to say as well. Of course, work is good for your wellbeing. Like it. You know, there's plenty of evidence that reinforces that, being that your work gives you a sense of purpose. You know, it's got lots of benefits to your mental health on deviously, from a development personal development than connecting perspective. Work is a good thing, but we also know that when it's acute, be filled with stress and uncertainty that obviously that can can obviously help a negative impact on your health and wellbeing. So it is important to kind of think about the benefits of work on her B, strengthen these benefits within the workplace. To you, Tran reinforce that positive aspect of being at work. So this is based on Marcelo stuff so really, you know, paying attention to your basic made stand thinking about the psychological needs and then those higher needs, maybe a rain C p a. Development relationships that is help with each other on by. Ultimately, you can develop and grew within your career and within your departments. Um on if there was basic needs on their first, then they need thought. But I knew, you know, from your experience is probably over the last couple of years of times. The basic needs don't get met. So it's a natural process that sometimes that will then impact on stress levels when you're not able to get the early because you've been running the bait, you know, non stop s. So it's just slowing down and thinking about were there was basically needs may not be being mad, or even where the psychological needs may not be being met on, get thinking about them and attend that. Then what I think is a bit of a component of less. Today. You know what's slowing down and just reinforcement of these or somebody else. It's a psychological safety within your work, so the research and psychological safety really is drawn within the context of team working on. So it's up. Believe that when within your team with them work, you can take interpersonal risks so you can make mistakes, you know, reasonable the sticks. Why no finance supported that you feel like a biscuit. Be vulnerable after work with your team to be able to share ideas, questions, concerns with that fear of being punished or humiliated on. But really, it's too usable experience of times experiences of she and what's that? The workplace to be treated Men amazed when you're trying to, you know, create a psychologically safety on me and medicine. ER is a big name and psychological safety. She's got some really good YouTube clips, etcetera. If you start interested in weakening the psychological safety about more, well, not well not. That's just the definition of off stress from else. And see if the exact and it's just really to say that, you know, stress. It could be a good thing, you know. It's on that curve on. We are all born into the world. Experience and stress necessarily. So from your a B B on right up to the day that you die, Um, it is important to have stress in your life, but obviously intimate the continuum of that stress and trying to make that a Z predictable, consistent. That's possible ultimately, so you can adapt to a human being. Uh, you know, I'm guessing that the street and aspect of that husband on experience for you guys at one time or another over the last couple of years in particular, So it's just probably a part about is just about checking it. Mix yourself in terms of your own journey with stress in the workplace. And if it is always a that high end, you know what? We'll talk about some kind of resources and kind of things that you can do. You think to check in with, uh, reduce stuff, but it is ultimately is. We'll be checking. Um, so you're taking checking in with your monitors, etcetera around those experiences anonymously. That monitor of you know what is sharobel becomes more bearable, and we know that Santa Piccoli physiologically that if you're able to picture experiences into words in a CF space, then ultimately I can have a really positive impact on stress and stress reduction. It's also to say that you know predictability and controllability obviously isn't always possible. So your environment within your own department, I'm sure, isn't always highly predictable or Haley controllable, but that in some ways that is okay, because if you're able todo up to about 80 and if you're able to feel psychologically, see if with your team members able to feed the people, have your back that that you can take breaks predictably, that you're able you're able. Teo connected on disappointed by each other. Then you can ultimately set in the middle part of see if uncertainty where you faded like you can hold your competence in terms of your role in in terms of your performance and work, but ultimately that you can live with that kind of uncertainty in the workplace. So it's not saying that the workplace always has to be completely predictable because then those completely predictable places, actually, people can begin to fit, stagnant and stop. So it's actually within some on certain environments of times that create every happens that the vision happens on. It's trying to can utilize that were out there working about those become more difficult when you're stressed. Well, think about that, Rebif a sweet go forward again. Need, um, kind of picking on you. But I don't know what's been the end of a long day, so But I'm just wondering this out resident and talk with you in terms of the level of predictable there, controllability and your workplace. Yeah, I think I think so. Um, our cause it was just really thinking the contacts Kuvin as well. Just thinking, actually, within two months, innovation, health care over covered as well. And I was probably because we're going about you. I have the predictable sort of side of yet breakfast right on this model comes from family therapy and what they really saying, and and that was you know, you have to take risks, you know, risk us to be an element actually off moving forward with things on. Do you know a times calculated on See if risks if it's better, contradictory term. But actually, you know, resting can be a CF endeavor. It's done in a connected on plan. Where on just thinking about her Univision, then concerned about, um I'm sure you guys know about it faithfully. Take them. Not gonna patron agents with that, But I suppose It is just to say that from a you know, a psychological in urological perspective, it is important to think about the impact of stress and, ultimately, what that does to your decision making about that those three are capacity. Teo. Leave it off that Flake Flake dominated position, which it tames, may affect your thinking, Which of times may affect our stress levels and physiological health. Longer term. Eso well, the sleep, Um, and that's a you know, it's a bit of an oversimplified for Children, but really, what it's saying is that when we feel out, or see if this, you know we're prefrontal cortex is Elaine were able to think, communicate, relate to each other very well. When we go into that fateful a position that or begins the shot bones of the limbic system, the executive function and system or begins to shut down and really burn, Go, go, go boots on. That's times where mistakes convenient. That's times when we're less able to talk about how we're feeling weird him. It's times when we're less able to connect with each other. It's it's times when they make make decisions that actually aren't very good for us either on the room. Well, being Onda often they think about obviously not exactly a function. But when that shows stones nearly like when you're drunk, you know, you start making decisions impulsively, you may be no able to communicate as clearly is here as you made a lot, you know, previously been able to. So it's just thinking about where I'm I got in that system. I'm actually, um I spent a lot of my time and not serve Able States and hired a ultimately begin to get myself under that. So the first part of this is a big recognition. It's about checking in with yourself both in the immediate term, but also in the longer term, you know? So how they've been feeling like this for miles, then maybe I need to think about talking about it with someone in terms of some of the things that I make people to do. You just begin to come. My system don't know we but so I'm not always stuck in that on alert fears. Some of the ways we think about this to pull Gilbert, a psychologist over in London, um, begun thinking about this in terms of difference systems on both physiologically and psychologically. So you're saving system is very much about when you're feeling. See if can content your feet and protected and you're feeling connected with the others. Your drive system is very much about your need to pursue, achieve on, you know, if ain't very much within the medical professions. The psychology professor another. You know, we're not really driven because you have to be driven to be able to keep to get where you are in your career. But we also know that that shot showed of your shoes and system attained. So it's How do you balance that out on? Obviously, then the threat system is in the midst of all that certainty. Then you know those feelings of anxiety, anger, discussed, commit, lose, more difficult feelings that come out of actually being stuck in very difficult situations. So why do we think if I thought we think about that in terms Over is their ways to your tan, to your shoes in system is their ways to sweatshirt off your threat on drive system into a way of just getting your flu on being able. Teo a say regulate that but some some of that can also be like three sports or three other activities and interest where you lose yourself. That season system is very connected with that kind of warm main, full way of being on. Of course, you don't just become main full, be a practice of Maine fullness you do. You got three things that you really enjoy and where you're able to switch you off and just absolutely forget about work and forget about other stresses around you. So you know, it's it's how do you do that that many of those things do you do you have in your life of the minute. So for many of us and many heart health care professionals, that's the kind of bounce you get here, where you get a very small Sudan system component on. Actually, what ticks off most of your day is being threatened. Wouldn't be in and drive move on gets just both checking him with that I'm thinking about within your own context. Is that something I need to think about changing on, hardly a bear school weight doing that? It's not always easy, and in fact, it's really easy to make a switch in these things, but nevertheless important to think about need is up. Connect with you guys until yeah, I think so. I agree with the green box has got this one's smaller as every every possible. Yeah, And again, if if it was doing a longer sessions is today would think about this, but a little. But we don't have the time to do that today, unfortunately, but sometimes we can get recessions, even. Just arrange that in terms of thing. And we're you're up without mapping matter in terms of what other things you may try okay on. But it's just to say that when we are in those very difficult situations, you can split into one of two ways. So some of us become chaotic in the midst of the chaos, or some of us actually become very rigid in the midst of the chaos. You may join the chaos on, just gets stuck in on be in the middle of little again that may be connected with memory, um, or impulsive kind of way of being at work another way is that where you become very controlling very kind of everything has to be in order on, but the goal really is the stay flexible in the middle of that, so you kind of move in a night of the chaos and rigidity. But that could be a very chance and thing when you're fierce, mystery us time and time again, hope that's of some relevance to you and make some sense. That's a fun trick. Oh, referred from Mexico, just based in America. On Down, he wrote a book called The Body Keeps the Score, and it's very much of boats, things like secondary trauma. Thinking about Hae, really, our bodies are the signal and systems to not let us know what's going on when we are on gone three traumatizing experiences that's we'll talk about, you know, going for your traumatizing experience that the body and the brain is actually tremendously good adapting to trauma tasting experiences, but obviously of times is where we get stuck and not traumatized experience, and we need some additional support to help us move on it or not. Then we'll talk a little more about the symptoms and kind of where you go without every minute. But it's you know, what Buddy fundamentally says is that language gives us the part. So, you know, talking about things, sure and things with each other connected with each other Heart can have a massive impact on her. We basically detoxify A from experience is that we have when they're overwhelming and also that you know, Hey, we move, our body aches, you know, so engagement in sport physical activity a lot of those things that have been shown to be extremely beneficial to your health really helps us again to detoxify a some of the experiences that our body locks in when we are in high stress situations for any length of time. On the other aspect, obviously is, you know, changing the social conditions. So thinking about it, the work pressures that are almost thinking about other potential solutions that may be there in terms of workload and work through dissociated stress, but we know can be very difficult to shift it the minute when people are under such pressure. But it's not taking that away. You know, people need to be thinking of times if I try to reduce workgroup pressures. So just noticing the signs. So what is going on our body? What we notice about ourselves when we're comin out of work. When we're going into work, you know we'll be noticing on those physiological sensations on. Ultimately, how do we manage Teo on the stress when we leave in the work environment on BG? And this initial part is really just about noticing that paying attention of these things can impact on us in terms of physiological saints. So obviously they're made feel exhausted. We may be, you know, picking up immune system issues. You know, these are the kind of longer term and packs that stress can have on the body. We also know that stress can and practice weaver sand in terms of executive function on, but then impact on our capacity to think rationally, to plan to be less impulsive. Teo, think a radio off situations and problems and difficulties on. Obviously then our our activities and our behaviors may chances result off stress. So, you know, we're sleep way may devoid activities that we've been involved this and before you eat last more loss of libido or increase in other ways of transit call and again, it's just beginning to notice that. And if we had a bit more time to make think about any others that people are experiencing. A really important message is that a lot of these kind of symptoms can be just normal reactions to stressful events. They can be temporary reactions, too. Stressful events. So, you know, feeling frightened, horrified, helpless looks really difficult, you know, feelings that you may come away from after a critical incident. They're very difficult. Incident could be an absolutely normal way off. Respondent Teo. First experiences obviously you might have a neighbor is you might have ongoing upsetting thoughts about events that you're having experienced. So being able Teo threat yknow that these are normal, but also being able to have a bit of a plan around who to go to where the Xs support. If you find that these things are continuing for a lengthy period of time, when I'm talking about a lengthy period of time, I'm talking about, you know, a big amongst in the house. If you continue to have these after about a month, a month and a half, then it might be worth seeing a bit of support through your line. Monitor three Occupational Health or three. The inspire workplace kinds on something like that just to begin Teo, think about it and a bit more depth. You might also want to go to your GP. I'm just talking with them to see if there's any access, the additional support, but as to say so much of this is a normal reaction. Teo First experiences So best thing to do in the midst of those reactions to your first experiences are you know, the lane on your normal social supports. A. Say they're often times when we feel like it's the last thing we want to do is the meet up with. People are made up of family. I would encourage you to keep going, Keep keep trying to connect, keep trying to aim and tea and some sort of potter within your activities in your retains. It's that stuff that could be immensely powerful when we're going through these kind of experiences. Follow your own natural inclination to talk so you know, don't feed forced into having to talk, but also recognize that by talking to someone that you trust and you think safe with can have a massive impact on beginning the Layton alludes. Unfailing. You're not so isolated or alone with what's going on? Yeah, getting back to every day retains taking part negativity on. Be paying attention to the little things like, you know, being able to look after yourself in terms of your your food and take your exercise on. I realized that that's not easy to do when you're in the midst of a lot of different demands. You know, it's not just the big work demands. It's also weight, family and home demands except for etcetera. So we realized that, you know, often it can be the most difficult thing today to reengage, to treat things when you're when you're, you know, working towards maybe the end of a really difficult month or difficult week. But it's just to say those things, Do you modern critical incidents. Support also matters on uh, what the evidence shoes is. The pure Greek processes play on massive row in the management of post incident stress s. So it is important to connect Teo be able to talk things they both in the immediate term on In the longer term, that's well, do you want to talk to me just to be about what you have in terms of post incident support? Yes, The last kind of big M switch. My light case we have. We did, Teo. What? The brief time. And then we have a full six weeks later you're taking care of Helps us from the good. And And I will be, um, some Transamerica. I use just a process to the child. Just resemble sense for us. And we're getting support each other after commodity about such a resource. A child, for example. Book finding difficult money just for her nursing staff when the source of stress is prolonged pressure at the department. Um, I suppose this is this is I am sort of moral distress from nobody able to provide the care that way. Probably not a very fun north of supporting Tiller as best be kids 30 days and we looking at these now that's for it. I'm really glad you're doing the attention. That, and see a car you had said about that Sank or respond, react, reimagine. And I think you know, in some ways I'm hopeful with that because at least there is the reimagine. Um, at least there is. They kind of thinking about it and chance of that, but also you know, recognition about responding and reacting eyes absolutely exhausted at times on becoming extremely difficult can have feigned away out of when you're in the midst of it on those opportunities, Teo, you know, rest to be able to take breaks and have been impacted on it massively. But I hope you're getting the chance to engage and some of those other retains in connections with others that can keep you going and can continue the boy your But you go along on the hopefully find that that's sensible, long with each other. In the midst of that, these don't figures are on your own with it. And yeah, it is a high demand area code place to get important. We communicate with our staff check and regularly. Yeah, yeah, the chef bricks the recharge are still vagal on down again. And maybe in another session that it may be used for just a faint odor. But that's, you know, maybe if people want to come back and do you another session, that's it. Better to kind of slow down and think about them. We can certainly do that as well. I'm sorry. I just don't wanna leave anybody out here. You were good at supporting each other after a traumatic offend. Yeah. Yeah, really? Love to be able to get more flexible working. Same that pervaded chance to recharge, but not always possible. Yeah, and that could be immensely for shipping. When you do, you see a potential solution to be able to can't clip some of that stress off of the past. But those situations are indoor. Was there just because of working pressures on because the stuff that she's on, I think, yeah, I think keeping not on the agenda hopefully find opportunities and time to come together is a team. I don't know how often you guys get to do that. A lot of pressure and so many things that the minute you just don't get any time to come together. Um, yeah. I think a few guys that the Martha relay of the weekend was the first If I sit in the different Yeah. Yeah, and I'm sure it was so tired. I go, I wasn't there, but, uh, they all saying that I was in love life. Enjoy cash, know, But maybe not Laura. I see. I see Carly have asked me just a big operation, but I'll just go back to the very quickly Thanks for asking about. So is that really it's to the natural process when things become far too stressful that we need to succeed it, you know, suits Eliquis. And it's where thinking begins to shift to suit the level of adversity that brand eso we find ourselves. Either we can, um, in the zone of delusion can be catastrophic thinking whereby actually we begin Teo have thought passes around, you know, again threats like there or where the mean stressors are in our life or what we actually do you. But it it may, you know, even turn into you where were misinterpreting body language or facial expressions, That kind of thing. Delusion is we'll do can be helpful thing under very difficult circumstances because it'll eyes us to switch you off. It, Allies is the maybe fund assays. A bite less stressful situations at the most is the so night. Hopefully, that sort of delusion doesn't last too long because if it becomes too angry and then it's not a great thing Protectorate at that high level of stress and burn it so yeah, so it really, Really. It's Torto thinking capacity, unfeeling capacity, Actually, cause we made the comment um, date. That's another form of dilution and association. You know, where we be actually become on empathic are unable the empathize with people, or we become unfeeling because actually we need to. It's that kind of response again, where you're trying to push through where you're trying, you know, if you salute, slow down and think too much, it may actually become too distressing in the moment. So it's just to say that, you know, waste that delusional can have phenomena may be useful in the short term. It's not really a long term, and certainly if you find yourself experience and that was kind of things. Then again, it's important to check in with someone and say, Look, this is really beginning to take so forth and getting this still going to speak to someone about it. So it's really arrange thinking, stays and feeling stairs and response to your first level stress. Does that make sense? Keep his much longer, guys. It's just to say as well, you know, in terms off critical incident, the briefing in any sort of re connection after difficult experiences they're best on when we are feeling calm when we have ah, see if quiet space to be able to do that on my new again on a busy department on the busy word that could be very difficult to do. But it's just the same trade. Teo. Get asthma any of those features of a conversation as possible in terms of protected environment protected species. Where that is clad is possible that it is free from interruption on again, and I know that's that could be very difficult. Teo, get when your name It's the VA right as a work environment, But it's also really important to come big. No words that actually defeated psychologically. See if you need some very clear bone grease around that second cycle safety when someone is maybe connected with you in a way that you're still vulnerable with. So it's just to pay attention to that, and maybe we can think about that in the future. If there's ideas and ways that we might be able to support that again just to say relationships very much regular it on until it our levels of stress with your social beings. By definition, on, uh, you know, we our our safest when we are with people that we've been see if with. So it's find and predictable controlled capacity Teo connect with each other as much as possible, whether that be within work, right side of work. On this goes back the high be interpret stress. So when we interpret stress as a useful thing, a something potentially that can both be normal but also help four times within reason. So we're not wanting to be delusional here. We're not want to say that you give me all the stress of the world and scream, Scream? Of course not, but it can be very useful to normal a stress when we're experiencing it to realize that it will pass over Tane and also to connect with others if it's not possible so again, not to feel on your own with it. If you feel that the stress just isn't reducing at all these air, I forward these slights to you need. But these air some of the basic ways that we can think about how we both noticed our stress levels but also trying to attend to look after yourself again. This isn't a knees E check list to be able to fulfill everywhere under great pressure, but it can be useful, just the remainder shelter. Think about which, Which of these air going for May Which of these are actually made priorities, what they need to when I do, you have a better teammate. Think about prayer, a taste in again and that can be a difficult shift. It could be a difficult shift from being stressed on kind of what does withdraw itself a slit. So you actually, you know, pushing yourself in some respects back then to reconnect them for years. I'm not going to dwell on up again. That's just about the recent thinking stairs on thinking about A. Our perspectives can be impacted apart and realizing that self curve isn't easy. You know, we talk about self care a lot, but you know, it really doesn't need to be recognized. Self currents actually quite a challenge of times, because it can be about san No on. That could be about saying no, I'd say to work as well in terms of, you know, um, prioritizing urinates over others, so South Card could be a bit of a challenge of times. Yeah, there are some basic ways to grind ourselves. Week we do. You make from the session a couple of days a week in the trust on your vein details about that on the mother shake except, but it can be useful even momentarily, thinking about the impact on the physiologic. Go save on the psychological side, it can be useful to Can it take just a minute? Fight off your working day on? Be able just to kind of touch base with your chances on what's going on in your physiological kind of experience. Sometimes that makes a little bit weird, but sometimes what's actually really helpful is well is if you have a negativity or resource, I'd site of work that really does help you relax that it can help. Actually, the have something, and I don't know where this place even hiding ways or whatever. But sometimes it can help the actually have something physical with you that remain Gee off. That clears off the activity, and I know that made signed. You know that may just not be possible, and it may just saying about two weird, but it can be extremely powerful if you actually have something that instantly connects you to that activity and to the police were. Actually your body under Brean isn't a much slower regulated PS. Um, pan attention to those different sensory experiences that you have to try and calm them. Doing that could be, um um actually effective. It takes practice. You know, it isn't an easy thing the insulin, the implement, but it can't be immensely part fel. And again, that's something that I'd love to spend more time with us, but at some states to see, you know, does that sound ridiculous? Are actually are they're aspects of where you can check them yourself, be able to grind your cellphone, mark. That actually could really help you through the day. So that's probably part of a bigger discussion. Maybe in another time, just to say that within trust is probably do this anyway. But we do have the matter state and that has resources, activities, things that are wrong with the colleagues support pack on the I'm on er, saying as well we do. You have those mindful of stroke in sessions, and there's also the constant services that are independent from the trust Rican food nan on access kinds of support with the trusting needing to know any details. Fight that. And we also have to stop for being helpline. Storm will need a Friday and that stuff basically all achy and just another rethink and other stories that the head space up. It's still free. Actually, Friend is yes, and so that's a great state for things that made fullness and, uh, other mental health resources. Saxenda So it's a bit of a whistle stopped er today. But, you know, I hope that someone up has been off benefit two years. Honestly say often when we start these conversations, that could be a starting point for different conversations. After that, I was so much Mark, uh, Carlos, just come in here with all this is Mark. If you could pick one thing that we could should focus on to help her just for developing, what would it be? I think initially it is the check in and make yourself I because it's got to start with because it's such an individual thing, Carl. I think it's got to start with high, um, a day and in this moment, you know, s so it's very much checking in with your own levels of stress when you're going in the work, you know, register and not in terms of her. You're impacted after work as well on, then connect them with someone around it. So if there was one thing that I think you should focus on, if you know already doing is being able to connect with someone else, whether that's within work or I'd say to work around what this experience is like for you, I would definitely say that. But you know what? Sure a bulb becomes more bearable even in the most on verbal of circumstances. And so I hope that doesn't sound too fluffy, because it's really important as well to say that they talking to someone basically one down and actually rescued a bit of a conversation with someone that maybe have that conversation before it's not fulfilled All that it that could be a massive transition into thinking differently about how you're doing with these pressures. Yeah, I think sometimes you fall into the sort of drop off feeling like where Requip cause that team any D. But you sort of feel like you've got lots of people talk to buy actual, like the form. What kind of men during relations actually important? Because get them taken that dedicated time away. You have your work schedule, as you said, until like this for a private place that, you know, again, troubled. Then I have about that property brief and open up. I think that's a great example. A swell needed, to be honest with you, one that I find personally priceless have a mentor, um, on that. That has been a priceless experience. So, yeah, if there's opportunities for that man turn I said in the workplace gives a bit of space and time to really attend the people. That's, uh, yeah, absolutely priceless. Okay, so you get many more questions there that was really helpful and more offensive. Wife came behind others worrisome three and hopefully And maybe springboard into something else for us, Certainly. Yeah. Please get in touch with us. Just joining us. We can do on you. Can you send the place to go? Because there's a few we can even just print out from the bipap. Sure. The stuff we were somewhere I don't know what you think. Um, okay. Thanks. A race ticker, everyone. So you get by. Okay, guys. And so I hope that was helpful, though. That's the end of today. And so hopefully let me just going back and again for the big park is you need to get that come and you click on that link just up into the child. And I think then that will take you to the feet, like for him. But once you complete the feet by four million gas, stuff it for your, uh, your CBT Fuller. Eso been afraid to drop any meal of anything. I could do better or change on, uh, for you. Find out. All right. Okay. Thanks, guys.