Trauma - EZ-IO - CW
This on-demand session will cover the guidelines and practical use of Intraosseous access in medical care. Expert instruction will be given on the equipment and equipment contents in the I.O. kit, as well as on puncture sites, disposal of needles and flushing of the lines. The session will cover particular considerations for pediatric patient care, and will provide information on contraindications and general facts about I.O. access. Medical professionals will gain invaluable knowledge from this beneficial teaching session and should not miss the opportunity.
Learning objectives
Learning Objectives:
- Understand the clinical guidelines for utilizing intraosseous access in a medical setting.
- Learn the correct procedure for setting up and utilizing intraosseous access equipment.
- Identify potential sites of insertion and contraindications for intraosseous access.
- Understand the importance of flushing the line after inserting an intraosseous line.
- Be able to correctly insert a intraosseous line in an adult and pediatric patient.
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Yeah, So we're not going to talk about I access, so I will. Access is involved. Yes, access. It's often used a little cart around Saturday, and so I was increased just a lot of acid in the last few years generally, and we've been staying out in Children, a cardiac arrest. We was in the 10 by the access Feel it, and it immediately go to and then adults. The guidelines with suggest that you could have two field tests that I the access on the need to think like I owe access. So the whole principle of vial access is that as the access probably being busy and is intraosseous sweets in the middle of the boom, it has a rich asking her supply. So it's very useful in for himself off Healing's a sample that could be used to analyze everything very much similar to love and but also it's also used in with them to his minister and my seven drugs looks the only thing that can be given three and I with the chemotherapy. So in terms of your equipment and I oh, and Kit is cat and the self. It's locked away just to be social nurse to get the prior trauma. Right? So, um, it's captain a box like this, and you'll have a kit and all color pulled it. So you have to leave. You know that under oldest all the size, which is often and by weird So the rear of the passion determines the size you used and in terms of the, uh, gums is in the hip bone will come like this. And it's no needle that I opened up the pack. So in the pack, you will have your needle. You'll have a dressing, you will have the line. There will be a little balsamic medic. Boats that text the needle want you to use the access, just perceived and sharp disposals that will say this. And I would leave a little big fit remind limb whether I was attached, just that everybody knew that the, you know has been inserted. And so there are various places that I can be placed so it could be pleased in the proximal fever, or try the distal femur and in terms off the TV and and so you can do the proximal tibia or the distal tibia. That's all in the medial aspect and you can also call them. We go in the proximal humerus, a swell and generally the proximal humerus would tend to be prepared for the reason that it's closer to the heart and drugs. Some problems School street and into the SPCA and the circulation. I work pretty quickly. So you have a general control, our cardiac arrest, A airway. I'm breathing. C I r normally busy areas, so and it can also be prepared to go in the leg of the border in terms of your access. So, Heidi approach doing? I walk fast. So again, obviously you're on a septic technique, so you clean the area, you identify your area that you want to go to on you make sure you have your kit, and I want you to terms what side you want to go into. You will attach the needle, which is she's almost to the gum, and you'll then once you attach that home, if you will, um, use the sheep and you will find you're not Mark, You will, um, push you right skin with a needle and you're pushing a ban. You still on into the skin. So what We'll do this whenever you look closely, you'll see. And several black lines in the needle. Um, a common error is that whenever the I owe is inserted and the needle well, as in sort of too far. So where the plastic sheath will actually be touching the skin, which isn't what you want. You always want to see one black line above the skin, and that's to prevent friction burns that can often occurred. And you did indication of the West. So once you have a puncture, the skin on you've drilled three you've got, you can see the black line they had What you want to really is you remove the garden part and you I got this boat bit. You will twist their site that removes the needle. You will see if we dispose a flash. Yeah, And then this is the I owned and lease. And then you want to place the dressing over this. I am. So you push that little in up perfect, and then you can touch this line in and you twist at home, and then you will be able to use your syringe that understand, to draw up and any off the serious pleaded like getting used for analysis in terms of your being on, then you'll be what to do next. Man is generally you will flush the line on. We're on ceiling. See Lyme and Final cities, some local anesthetic. The reason why you want to flush the line with a little quite a bit of force. Just have you initial question is to open up the intramedullary space so that then you give your drugs in products effectively. And that's the time that the patient off next games most PM isn't so much the surgeon that I Oh, but rather it's the Flushing and Cleveland that space. I'm your man label. The people are interest that often and I inserted and usually and this will community, isn't it? Go up definitive access. Um, elsewhere you come for another. I would see, um, area on seeing them for an ANA patient. And I'm usually I would not be in any more than 24 hours. And in terms of reasons, why you where you wouldn't go on line, which, you know, insert? I know. And I think you have to think of any fracture is approximately distal to the site or going to insert. It's if there's overlying infection. Wouldn't will tell you that my, oh there And you also want to think avoid AM on Terms of a child, for example, had people with all the TV watches. All students is perfect because the bones very fragile. Unlikely? They've been told that I oh, and so they're going to me and contraindications in terms of starting.