Trauma - C-spine protection - NK
This teaching session on C-spine trauma is a must-attend for medical professionals. Learn how to assess, treat, and stabilize the C-spine in trauma situations, including with regards to the select populations of infants, children, elderly, lesbian, and inebriated patients. Understand the basics of cervical collar applications – the protocols and postural approaches – and the importance of manual in line stabilization. Gain advice on avoiding the dangers of disrupting spinal motion, and learn the skills needed to provide effective care in your hospital and emergency settings.
Learning objectives
Learning objectives:
- Identify when it is appropriate to use a cervical collar in trauma patients.
- Demonstrate correct placement of a cervical collar on a patient.
- Analyze the various risks when utilizing cervical spine immobilization.
- Identify proper manual in line stabilization techniques for pediatric trauma patients.
- Recognize alternative stabilization techniques for conditions such as elderly population, alcohol intoxication, or patients in shock.
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right, Everyone s or so the short on C spine. And so let's see, we were thinking about trauma. Go see a CBC. So fixing to start from house to average, which we should be looking for, is to make your eyes on their airway west, see spying protection. Okay, so lots of controversy about it. Colors of the risk using colored out. I can't stop. And I think the most important thing is that we're aware of the C spine. We think about it. Okay, so everybody sees your personal thought when it was, you know, going to try the colors, own eso. We generally advise that Trix know the colors own Children get really, really tired. Find it quickly. Anyway, For this kind of situation hospital and we've been environment, that caller just makes it worse. Plus, we generally have a kid that will do manual in line stabilization, which means that a staff member is dedicated who was a spine in line dentistry movements and sweet would not get out for the kids on the other figures. We talked about our uncovered about ALS either because and their kids are on that fence off drugs or alcohol on or frontal, two pots after injury or agitated or the PCs this stuff. They are very cooperative. Those kind of patients we generate. It's that if you trying to get into that, but the collar bone and they start writing a boat to leaving about the bad that you're like exhausted, be an injury that is, there things works better. And so for those ones, you may try and get away with just blocks. And Thiel's on it for about that. Nothing. Just leave it be, um, lastly, we think for elderly population, so elevations content to be quite playful, sick or get random for lying flat on again If you find a tick on diet, the color you made that worse. So we're not case she may just are sort of. She had just had to bring her head up and start normal position. And when you make that way but again, just blokes on tips colder, but is like things worse for you. Okay, and that's not enough to lift. And I think you might have an older person. 80 is okay, and is that over the fall? So I am a little red colored fine. Those cases, you can go ahead issue. So and for Lupus patients that you do want to color own. The first thing is, and I started on that before you put the collar on your if you think you want to look for the neck. And so if you think about when I go for the standard, that means on a fatalistic Yeah, well, before you put that song and it's also okay to take off that this is get those off before you put this on. My crazy earrings are much easier. Technology before you, the colors able buried where you're working a these olds, we have a new ones and they're generally adjustable. So in the little red dots on, that's very long the neck very, very short. The wage manager is to figure hands told her because it's a major up to the ankle of the jaw. Not a good idea. Well, on how you idea, that should be a best point inside of the color. And then you're just stuck to the right place. But you're happy with the death like that. Well, not long simply is. Okay, So what's the patient rise? You're gonna have someone ready to do your money. Like stabilizations that for us. That's normally. See, There you go. In these, first of all, is the worst 10 minutes of your cells. That number, I guess we're back. So if this is you just did the metals and I get in these make sure. Nice. Comfortable. First. Before you go any further, you're gonna be your hands alone to the sugars. Hold tight on their head. Should be between. You're here for arms, Okay? And the colors, always a fine from a left hand side all the way to the patient's demonstrates on additional Have left his hands up his head Went for this on. Sure. That's just slide on the okay. Just just about to see the Velcro outside. Bring the rest about the rest of your eye in under the chin. Cool dot All right with that And then just hold about through. Stopped so tight. I'm reading about you're not listening. Then your mother? Yes, we talked about three point Mobilisations. You're gonna be on blocks tapes. We'll just demonstrate up. You see, the folks have holes in them. That's the patient's still here. Eso they years on the teams and come across from one goes across the forehead on the books home so that if you're on a normal office, I guess that was the battle of the bad. It's your problem is they will. They will. First of the office. Try and avoid there. I usually kind of the ways to go free walks to. So I just was on the The metal frame was supposed to this. Really? It's like a woman whose artery. Okay, that's a little ization. Um, always just print out this stage and the one you're allergic. You have a couple little checks at the site just here. Amount of Europe tomorrow. So if you have a station, he can't get their Stop it with that, there's two parts of your sight of From's just for your options. Stop. Okay, You said a little in the middle. That color Really a century Kia. Okay, so that will be here. So he's fine color application, You mail in. Reverse it if I sold for color and something like a hospital, so we'll just write what they show you how? That's a little second. Okay. Okay. So the Oscars, and and better tolerated expects about it where patients most work for, the heart will work, but we'll still give you good protection s what comes. It looks like this and the the person who was on the right thing, right? Just worrying. And I get your husband in the nose spray. No, that size block about range in the front just left me just that's on. There's much more comfortable there. Last one of them. Straight Man has a pure and go. Someone did buy a place that people brain is again. So what? This program that we're going to swap over He never been talking and cause once I heard in my light see any way to do that as rather just you're earlier today is for a third person. Does the bigger arm, along with the jazz it up a little from one sec, I say. I get mom's. I told he's fine. You can go. Then your next person comes in. Come on, I'm also getting mind you both true. That's nice seeing quite 100 cc