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Trauma - Airway Management JK



This on-demand teaching session is specifically relevant to medical professionals and is focused on how to treat patients with airway difficulties. Through the session, the basics of intubation, choice of materials, and necessary procedures will be discussed. The audience will learn important tips and considerations for stables patients when performing intubations and airway management. Attendees can expect to gain a deeper understanding of airway stabilization and management for the most difficult cases.

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Learning objectives

Learning Objectives:

  1. Understand the different types of airway interventions and their appropriateness in certain scenarios.
  2. Gain knowledge regarding the equipment needed for airway stabilization, such as cuffs, masks, and filters.
  3. Learn the process of successfully inserting an airway for a patient.
  4. Comprehend the correct techniques for intubation and drugs administration as well as the associated risks.
  5. Improve communication skills with patients in order to better facilitate airway management.
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Computer generated transcript

The following transcript was generated automatically from the content and has not been checked or corrected manually.

good morning. This will be a change in my skills. I There are several considerations. The most important is my annual Stabilization was fine. So we're just on. Our patient has, um, isolated head and drain the snoring. But when it's like this in they most, I could have a color over the home. They don't, but you do not. You're saying it's occasional so 15 years, making sure that your breasts where I from there probably in a way, your section okay, after, like any contents in the my very direct vision don't go start in for what about has helped off. They're still small trauma patients, whether special or business, goal and grates a special or not from the eye is fine. Jill away. So we're gonna buy a job for us that's invented trying the angle of job. It's for our own job. Upwards about media. It's the snoring or five g o airway will be successful. No, I, citing for the cracked Oh, Pa is from the incisors to the idol. Well, the the upside dying. You have cancer of life. Hard palate on whether it's made. It's the soft power. Yeah, 80. Okay, patients will generally tolerate our financial away if they're coughing, sputtering, gagging on you. Okay, this is a temporizing measure. Do you get any indicated instruction when you get worried about stairway ready, all this should be gotten settle. The same kind of bored. I did it before that you had a break from the service. Let me see. I jump, which is a higher mg old mosque. Weight. They come in. Size is 345. These are generally for smaller people. Fours your stop dirt. 17 person. The sights light is off for this demonstration. Size three only. That's like a pencil. Liver gets the on you insert along the our story. See, You know, right this point? Yeah, by mask or middle. So making sure that be half a bacterial viral filter on entitled Seem to picked up to 15 years of oxygen looking down, instructed tree and the X Um, that's the off over. Well, we'll see if patient is what it is. A great sense. After a few notes, be the most difficult material off the gel. Will moves to be a non medical patients that way. So don't be surprised if the airway down just a little bit or better stated fight. But from there, if you present that the airway is for the rest of the incubation, then right internationally be performed by Onset X or by most senior and Jared department, which will be there are extra considerations to take in treating patients. Notably, they are more difficult. Injury. A shins down are starting to date. You also you more right. All of the airway, The new versus. We will resume that IV access is being tend to open longer for observations. You ate the really already. You're fairly system. You leave? Uh huh. A drugs adminstrator on. Then you need a person specifically for my new my stabilization. So this is the only part off a way to reverse wider your likes to take off. I see like Kriebel about there is someone during my mind. Civilization I ever This means that they have to be Sunday's on the inside and another talk you will be stabilization from both. I ever will be someone from the way out for Eric. Yeah, No, they do. The scripts will be used preferentially. I ever retirement home. All right. School booty. A pre selected size of 80 Truth with cough already checked. Your my assistant will on the B j ban the operator Really rude way again. It's money for you. You're about to filter under entitle. See you finish your cuff. Making trouble with the religion is not making you secure. You're cheating if you re apply. Yeah, here calling a urine concentrated contemplates and are you and you're happy about something from the back access or surgical away But that would be about okay, but