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Um don't worry if people aren't coming to your room. If no one comes by 6 45 you're more than welcome to leave and you'll still get a certificate, but for the sake of the recording, can I get you to answer this question, I've just stuck in the chap, yeah sure one sec, can't see the chat okay. I can so honestly my favorite thing about the b. S. C. Is, it's got to be the cost, leads they kind of make the year for you and Duncan and Louise, who lead module one together, make it probably one of the most enjoyable experiences and it's nice when you kind of interact with a new group of people in your four, and you want to actually enjoy your b. S. E. And kind of meet new friends and be social, so they're definitely they definitely encourage that and they encourage the best from you. Hey, hello, how are you doing how are you very good. Do you have any questions about risk, have you managed to meet anyone from recipe yet. No yeah so it's quite a chill cause Rest, it's actually quite a fun cause. It's one of the ones that kind of um people do say it's an easier bsc you still have to work, but I'd say it's kind of one that you actually get to have a bit of a life balance with that and farm or the usual um do you want what do you want to know more about. I guess like what kind of projects are available um like what was the b. S. C. Yeah, so the projects um they kind of ask at the start of the year to get a good idea. If you want kind of lab based or clinical and a lot of them, they managed to get quite a lot of clinical projects this year um That can involve, I think kind of one of the most popular projects this year was there are quite a lot of kind of CT readings and they were kind of the popular ones like changes on ct and how a I can help with that. Um Quite a few students have ended up with lab projects, but they kind of they must have put it as their first choice and I think everyone got in their top five for the allocation process, which is kind of nice um I kind of picked my favorite part about the bsc. It's got to be the course leads, so the people that run across you, guys will have Duncan for farm right Duncan, Rogers, so he's much one of the module one leads, and he just kind of like you kind of get quite close with the cost leads, and the really nice people and the people that tend to do rest like especially this year. It's a really nice like cohort of people, so it's really enjoyable and I feel like I kind of have time to do other things that I want and also my the biggest selling point about rest is probably the fleece is have you seen so like we're the only bsc that have fleece is because we organize them as a group. I think mine's in the wash, but it has like um the arrest logo that was made by someone in the previous year and that everyone's name and I think kind of almost everyone on the course has one so that's one of the big selling points as well was the chance of like getting a publication so from what I've heard it. Obviously, it really depends on the project and who you get so my project that I'm doing right now is kind of I'm doing a data analysis project, and I put it quite high because I thought it sounded like it would get publication and we started the project two weeks ago and my like phd like day to day supervisor, said like that's probably going to be our m and it probably is very likely to get published, and I've heard that people have like people get other parts of their projects, published, so like the lit reviews from previous years, so the literature review that you do in january, I think a few people have went on to create something from that, but it depends on who's who's in your group, but a lot of the final projects did sound quite relevant so my projects to do with air pollution. I know it's quite topical for like my final project, so I feel like I'm hoping it will get published that's why I picked up okay, thank you cool, oh, sorry I didn't see that, um so actually that's a very good question basically with rest what you get to do is you get to go to the british thoracic Society conference, so we went there in I think it was november, and when we were there, we actually saw students from the previous year presenting one of their posters at the event, so I think it was like two or three students like had a big poster at this british thoracic Society conference, so that that was definitely a big thing and it was really nice to see so this was somewhere in Westminster and we went to walk around and see their post is it was really quite nice and bts is obviously a big deal. Um I guess obviously every kind of specialty well every bsc, has their main thing, so my my twin sister did endocrinology last year and she did e. N. T. Endocrine for her project, and she presented a the it's called like ent, the ent, surgeons, whatever so she presented at their thing, so it just it really it really depends, but the b. T. S things kind of, I'd say that's a huge deal like you either kind of copd and asthma, you must be looking at like the nice guidelines or b. T. S. So might be probably some cardio, but it's many rest stuff from there. Um I've said this quite a lot, but it's the cost leads honestly. It honestly is like the two people that lead the first module are really are honestly really great, so they kind of bring the best out of you and they kind of they do let you, they do let you do your work on your own, but they will be there to guide you, for example, for the third, I see a, which is kind of end of november start of december, it's a lab project and then you do kind of data analysis in the right up, they kind of really help guide you and like they're quite readily available for questions and they're not gonna kind of leave you hanging, which is really which is really nice, so reas, got a question, um So in terms of academic interest, I didn't really know much about research before I went into the bsc, but I've actually found kind of reading the papers and kind of reviewing like really favorite thing and like actually critically like the whole critical analysis of purpose is actually something that I now really enjoy so kind of what's potentially wrong with the methods and I feel like I could be equipped to write letters to the edit, er in future kind of by myself or with friends. I feel like that's helped me do that and I'm interested in what my project is so about air pollution and how that affects how that affects asthmatics and specifically what genes, certain cells express, So I feel like that's something I'd quite like and if you like to pursue in the future as well, um so I'm not I'm not directly with the supervisor, I'm not complete, I'm not completely sure about that, but in rest, they always kind of send emails about phds with the so, it's rest is held at the like Nhl I, the National Heart and lung Institute, which is like the Royal brompton, and they always kind of send out emails about doing masters and like phd opportunities and like they send them out just medical students as well, so that's something I feel like, I feel like if you actively get involved with any supervisor or show interest, they'll always be quite willing to kind of have you there in the future, and I know that's the case with many bsc, So if you kind of get on with your supervisor well, If they enjoy the work that you've done, you could ask them to help out in future. If they maybe need you well, they don't really have much time to write or to read around things that's the big thing about kind of my main supervisor. He's called IAN Adcock, and he's like so incredibly busy that he doesn't have time to do these things, so maybe maybe that's something I could offer to help out with in the future, honestly, no worries, have a nice night, yeah, okay, hi, feel free to um you or just put any questions in the chat, so that's always everyone's favorite question when it comes to rest, so I feel like in comparison to other bs cs, I feel like the work is not that bad like if I'm going to be honest. I did choose rest up as the fact that it was one of the bs cs, that kind of med and other people said in there, like unofficial guidelines that it it wasn't as heavy, and it definitely is doable like this year. I've been able to do kind of other things like outside academics that I like I kind of wanted to put you as well, so I took it as like a nice break before fifth year like don't get me wrong. It still is work and the work does pay off when you do it, but it's not extremely intense and it starts off quite nice so for rest. Bsc, the way that it works is you have well every Bse you have three weeks, then, three weeks of like lectures, talks, then one week of consolidation to do an i. C. A. And in rest up your first, I see a you get one week longer than everyone else, so you kind of like have a delayed introduction. They like kind of want you to settle in and learn a bit more before which was kind of a nice start to the year When everyone was coming back to uni, it was a nice way to start and I hope that other really good things that you probably heard about respites, we have fleece is we're one of the only bs used to have them. I organized them for this year because they had them last year and we got the same designs and they're actually really cool. I was going to wear it, but it's in the wash yeah. It's a restaurant farm that people think of the less heavy ones and ender no worries. Thanks. Hey, if no one comes into this breakout room by like 6 45 you're more than welcome to excuse yourself and leave thank you so much, this is genuine. I've had a few, which is fine, which is nice to answer, yeah it sounds like a really nice bsc actually from people I've been talking to actually is that people are so nice, which is like the best thing oh I've been selling it on the fleece is because we've seen the rest places everyone loves them, know oh my god, we have fleeces, I find in the wash, we order our own places, damn it I should have, I knew, I should have just put rest as my top choice and I would uh what do you do rio, I do a surgical design tech, and you pick you pick the hard one, it's the one where like at the bsc fair like they're just like um yeah. If you want to first don't choose this bsc, honestly, they're all right, it's them an anesthetic that are like any mark that you get they just bring it down. Yeah, I mean is that what people are telling you I feel like yeah people are saying it's hard in anaesthetics to get high marks too in anaesthetics as well, I mean, I was like catching up with people on circle line um and I feel like I got like a very honest perspective because everyone was drinking yeah We're saying about an aesthetic, so I think you're absolutely right definitely yeah my goodness you're from Durham aren't you MiddleSbrough Middlesbrough This is the thing you know, It makes me sad because I hear your accent. I realize how much my jordi accent has faded because I spent lockdown with like posh people, no lines never going to leave. I don't think it can it's too nice literally don't lose it because like I'm sure people think you're friendly immediately when they meet you because you're sometimes or in london. It's the case of not understanding oh that's mean they should learn to understand you know exactly what your job to change oh my god well, thank you so much, it's genuinely so lovely to have all of your help and I know um it is really nice as well to like talk or have around, depending on which bsc breakout review about your uh well, I'll be sending the certificates tonight um like immediately and if I get any special feedback for you, I will just send it in your in an email and say oh someone said that this was really nice that you get a little bit but personalized feedback, but yeah if if no one comes in by quarter to seven, you can just head off evening. Thank you have a nice recipe evening. Ah Thanks, bye, I feel free to mute or just put anything in the chat. No worries honestly, I feel like most people I feel like most people do enjoy rest and I actually I actually love it I've really been enjoying my uh The workload is kind of average for a bsc um that's kind of what people ask for. I don't find it too intense. It's like a really enjoyable year and you hear about some really like really cool things and honestly, I'm so glad that I picked this bsc, and I'm getting quite a lot out of it, I feel like skills wise, and I'm learning things that are interesting and getting to do things like we got to attend the british Society conference like rest paid for it. We went to see like our lecturers give talks about their research. We saw previous bsc students present kind of posters in in the big like conference players, It was really cool, so there's lots of opportunity um good well. I I feel like we learn about such a wide variety of respiratory conditions. It feels kind of kind of crazy, So the first term you have like lectures integrated with the kind of project integrated with like the I see s, that you do so. We've kind of looked at kind of really niche things such as like so they test using something called a lung on a chip, now so like organ on a chip technology is a way to replace animal models, so we got shown them, and we got shown kind of the research behind that we got to hold one which was kind of interesting rather than doing kind of testing on like just a single type of cell. It gives you the whole experience of what the lung environment should be like, um not about pollution, cystic fibrosis is, came up a lot, especially kind of the new treatments and how personalized medicine and kind of genetic alterations can go with that and kind of the classics, lots of asthma and copd, and more than I ever thought, we've kind of looked so much at macrophages and things in those conditions that I kind of never thought we would look into um my favorite part is, It's definitely got to be the course leads, and in the first home, we have kind of group quizzes every week, but it's kind of a big deal and rest, so like you win a cup at the end of the kind of each three weeks. If like if your team's one, it's very, very competitive but in, like in like in a fun way or you win, like if you come last you get a wooden spoon, it's just kind of chaotic and it's really very social before christmas. The course leads like had like brought in prosecco and snacks and stuff, was all now last day of module one. Um So there are elements of each, so, the first to the first three, I see is, in fact independent, but you're in the, in the module one, you're with people all the time and you're kind of in your lectures together in group teachings together, it's like it's still very social and because for module for the i c a one, you're analyzing kind of the same paper, where you write a letter to the edit, er like you can you can still speak to friends about it, and for I see a three, you do like a lab experiment and then you do the right up and data analysis, and everyone did the same one, so you're still able to kind of talk and ask each other things about it, but you could still end up with different products. Um This, a for every bsc, that's kind of science's best in january, it was very, I found it like it was challenging, but it was like very it's a mixture because you don't really have much guidance from the faculty, you kind of just got to get on with it, so with the lit, review your in groups and that's the same for every bsc and it's still very independent, driven, and it depends who's in your group, you've kind of got to push yourself to do it, and alongside that you've got an independent project, it's a lot, it's a lot to kind of handle it once in january, but and you're not in lecture, So you kind of you miss out a little bit on the social aspect, the, but the rest people are usually quite nice, so where at the royal brompton were in the guy starting building, so it's literally like a five minute walk from South kind station, so it's really close to prep, um the cohort this year is, I think 26 so it's a lot bigger than it used to be, but it's still quite nice and they've still managed to kind of maintain that really friendly bsc environment like it still feels like a small group and everyone is quite close, and we all have rest foodies, so I don't know if you've ever seen anyone encompass with them, but we all have rest buddies like the rest look on our names. It's kind of cute um the classic, I chose rest because I honestly thought it is actually really cute. Um I chose rest because this sounds bad because it was one with the least least workload according to things that I had heard and to be honest, that's working out quite well for me because I'm able to do things alongside, and I don't feel I don't feel too pressured like obviously like to work yet, you still have to work to get a good mark and like that's something you need to have like having your head like it's not like rest holiday, but other like I'm still able to do what I like, so. It's a nice break from clinical. When third year was quite intense, I wanted a little bit of a rest before starting like the final two years of med and kind of the final strip. Yeah they're really nice so the course leads are amazing Duncan, who teaches farm to you guys and louise they're just so nice and the kind of admin, rachel, They're really quite, it's it's like really quite close as a group and they kind of really help guide you, which is really nice with kind of topics like they don't spoon feed you, but they'll guide you and then they're always kind of, they're really ready to help and that's the nicest thing and like Duncan's always smiling, so like he's the main course leads, and the lecture is generally really nice as well and you kind of see some really great people. For example, we got a lecture of someone called peter barnes, and I think he's one of the most cited almost published people like ever like he's he's kind of crazy uh maybe even beyond the rest world, but really great guy. He's retired, he's like he's might have been these eighties, and he did a lecture for us and did some work for us, but yeah people are really nice, so we're at the royal brompton, which is literally just below south ken, which is pretty convenient right next to South ken station, so literally five minute walk near prep, near south ken itself, It's a small building cool, no worries, thanks.